Breaking the Heartbreaker

You're Driving Me So Crazy

In this town, there's a couple things I've learned. One: don't stay home on a Friday night. Two: never rely on someone who you really don't trust. And three: don't get caught up in plans where you really won't commit to it in the first place. I never should've gotten caught up in that plan anyways. All of Jack's friends trust me (including Jack which is kinda weird) and I'm pretty sure Emily only asked me to do this for her own selfish game of getting back at him, when she's not even on the line in the first place. I am. I'm the one who's basically lying to everybody by not making my ulterior motives with Jack unknown.

Everybody thinks I just want to get to know Jack, when really I have to tear his heart into pieces. Nobody knows what I'm doing. Nobody knows what I've committed to. Even I really don't know. I agreed so Emily would shut up on my first day here. The only thing I did when I agreed to this stupid thing was get myself in over my head. This really isn't for anyone else's gain but hers. No one else really cared after everything had been over and done with. But, of course, she's the one to hold a grudge and make a new kid commit to something for her own twisted sense of accomplishment.

It was Monday and I couldn't care less. Monday's have always sucked anyways. It was the worst day to start a week on because that's the most hated day. Everyone's always so sluggish and lazy. Everyone except Jack, who's optimistic and bright on this particular day which I had found out on this fateful day when I had opened the doors to Dulaney.

"Brooke!" Yelled a very bright looking Jack from beside my locker. I found this extremely odd considering he had no idea where it was.

"Jack?" Asked a very confused me once I got to my locker and to Jack.

"The one and only!" He only grinned at me. God, I hate happy people in the mornings.

I looked at him weird and shoved him so I could get to my locker. As you might have figured out,I'm grumpy in the mornings. Especially Monday mornings.

"Geez! Someone's grumpy this morning." He looked down at me and grinned his signature smile which I really wanted to slap off of his face right now. People should know not to mess with me on Monday mornings.

I finally looked at him for the first time this morning. "Shut the fuck up Jack."

He just laughed at my grouchiness before I sent him a glare and slamming my locker shut.
"Don't you have some place to be?" This was said rather rudely (by me) before I turned and tried to walk into our Calculus class.

Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Wait.I wanted to ask you something." He looked at me rather cutely and looked like a little kid for a second.

I sighed. "No Jack I will not go out with you. I thought we went over this before." I looked back at him and saw his face fall a little bit but he regained it in a couple of seconds.

"I actually wanted to see if you would come see my band play tonight." He looked at me with a hopeful look in his eyes. Damn. I can't say no.

I sighed once again. "Where's it at?"

"Alex's basement." He exclaimed rather proudly. I giggled before nodding.

He jumped up and down and did this weird dance at the same time. This kid is a complete dork and so full of energy. "If you ever do that again, I swear I never knew you." He stopped and nodded like a little kid and followed me into our class.


Once I stepped foot in the cafeteria, Alex bombarded me and dragged me to go sit with him once again. I don't think he knows that I'm seeing his band play in his basement today. I'm glad though because he'll start screaming like a girl. And everyone in the cafeteria will look at us weird, as they do everyday.

I sat down and Alex started screaming. Typical. Jack must've told him. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him once he stopped screaming. "You're coming to see us play tonight?! You do know it's in my basement right?"

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Jack asked me this morning."

This was when Jack decided to sit down in front of me and butt in. "She's a real grouch on Mondays."

Alex and Jack laughed while I sat and pouted, and two unidentified friends sat down across from Alex and the girl pushed Jack over so she sat across from me. This time, Jack pouted while the girl laughed. Wow. They must be really good friends. But, who are they?

The girl looked at me. "I'm Kara. I'm dating the doofus next to me." She points to the guy next to her.

"What's the doofus' name?" I say with a grin. I hope he took it as a joke. He did and he laughed. Well at least he has a sense of humor.

"My name is Rian by the way." He says before returning his attention to Kara.

"Ok so how many of you is there in your band?" I turned and asked Alex while Jack was texting and Kara and Rian were doing some lovey dovey stuff.

Alex looked at his hands and counted to four and looked up at me with the cutest smile I've ever seen him make. "Four. Our bassist, Zack goes to Townson."

I looked at him confused. "Where's that at?"

Alex shrugged. "Fuck if I know. I just know he goes there."

I laughed at him and returned to my lunch. How could he not know where the school was where his band mate goes? I'm pretty sure Alex is retarded, but I'm not making assumptions yet. I mean, if they're all in a band with Alex, then they all must be pretty stupid and kinda weird in their own ways.

"Hey guys! What are you guys doing this weekend?" Jack asks us a little too over-excitedly.

"Your mom." I say without thinking. I looked at them and they looked at me and they all started laughing.

I grinned in response and high-fived Alex, who looked at Jack, who stared at me as if I had a third head. I didn't see the problem in it but maybe Jack isn't accustomed to hearing someone other than the guys making peverted jokes. I thought it was pretty funny and so did everyone else. If he can't take it then he shouldn't set himself up for stuff like that. It was the perfect moment!

In an instance like this one, I would say Jack's being a little over-dramatic. It was just one joke that he clearly set himself up for. He was probably gonna say it but I beat him to it. You know, it's also times like these when I wonder if Jack really is a guy. Maybe he's a transvestite who's pms-ing. Yeah, I know he's a guy but sometimes I wonder...
♠ ♠ ♠
ok this chapter was a little weird.
i just needed an update but it's gonna get better promise! :)
oh and i love those who take the time to comment on my story :)
it makes me happy.

Title Credit: Harder Than You Know by Escape the Fate