Breaking the Heartbreaker

Your Secret's Safe


Last week, I went with the guys to band practice. That was the single most funniest thing I have ever witnessed. For one, they took two hours to even get started. For two, their bass player, whom I assumed was Zack, kept having trouble with his bass. He was out of tune for most of the songs they played, and his strings kept breaking. Every time they broke, he said random cuss words and matched them with the weirdest things. For three, Jack decided to say "That's what she said" jokes the whole time and to guitar-fuck Alex every once in a while. For four, whenever Alex went to get anything to eat, he kept on tripping on his way over there. When he tripped though, were the funniest. He really exaggerated it when he tripped. His arms flailed and he made sure to land on his stomach every time. And lastly, Alex's mom walked down and heard Alex singing about sex. We all got the talk that night. Whether we liked it or not.

"Miss Richardson!"

I lifted my head off of the desk and looked at my English teacher menacingly before replying. "What?"

"If you do not mind, I would like to tell the class of our class debate." And with that, she turned around and walked to the front of the room, where she proceeded to talk about our class debate, which "just so happens" to be over Romeo and Juliet.

In the debate, we have to decide whether Romeo and Juliet is exaggerated with the whole secret love thing and dying for the one you love, even though your lover wakes up and dies over you. Personally, I think it's just a load of hoopla. No normal girl would fall in love at the age of fourteen, to a boy who is just a player and a sweet talker who is seventeen years old. And the whole secret love thing. I mean really? Sure it's sweet and all, but it's kind of overrated.

I stand up to say my views, because contrary to what some people think, not all girls think Romeo and Juliet is the perfect love story. "Personally, I think it's really overrated. No two people fall in love after seeing glimpses of each other and then kill themselves when their lover dies. Who would do that... honestly."

I sat back down, but not before noticing that a lot of people were looking at me like I'd lost my mind. You know, not everybody, or shall I say not every girl thinks that it's just a beautiful love story. I have to admit that it's pretty cute, and it's put together great... but people have to know that there won't be some one out there who would die for you or be a creeper and listen to what you're saying about them while you're alone, and end up having the most breathtaking experience because of it. There's really nothing in this story that people can relate to.


Alex kidnapped me... again. This time, with saying that I'll have nothing better to do and going anywhere with him should fulfill any future fantasies I may have about him. I may love the kid to death, but he is so damn full of himself it's not even funny. It's really quite amusing how he knows he's hot and and other girls know he's hot, but he just brushes it off as nothing. He doesn't use it to his advantage like Jack does. And, I think that's really how I can actually tolerate to be around him so much.

I look up to Alex and I notice he has a weird looking grin on his face that almost looks evil. That look tells me he has something planned, and I intend to find out what it is. "So my wonderful captor, what do you have planned for this evening?"

Alex just looks down at me, smiles an extremely creepy Alex smile, and looks straight ahead. "First, we're going to your house and you're going to dress up. Then, you're going to a lovely park."

I look at him weird. Me dress up? Man, that kid has been smoking some serious crack. I roll my eyes. "Not even in your dreams Gaskarth."

Alex twists his face to look at me and then laughs. "It's not going to be for me, my prisoner."

I'm confused. He's making me dress up for someone? But who? And why? Hmmm.... I wonder the endless possibilities of people until we get to my house. Alex steals my key from my pocket and unlocks my door, then pushes me up to my room. How he knows which one is mine... is kinda creepy. But, I followed him up the stairs anyways. I was curious to who he set me up with.

When I got up the stairs, I found Alex digging through my closet and making a mess of my room in the process. "Alex, why are you throwing my clothes all over my room?"

He turned around for a split second to look at me, then turned his attention to my closet. "You are going to look pretty tonight whether you like it or- holy shit I just found you the perfect date outfit!"

And that's when 'my perfect date outfit' got thrown at me. My perfect date outfit consisted of a pair of white skinny jeans I never knew I had, a sky blue top with kinda thin little straps, my favorite Pac Man belt and a pair of sky blue converse to match the top. I gotta say, for a guy, Alex has amazing taste. You know, I'm starting to think he's a closet gay.


Me and Alex are currently on our way to the park, where I will meet my date for the evening. He's briefing me on tonight's events and apparently 'date etiquette'. I don't know why he's telling me the obvious. It's not like I'll kill the poor guy. Well... I might... if it's some jerk or something, or the date ends up being as terrible as foot odor... then yeah I just might kill the kid.

Alex grabs my shoulders and swings me around to face him. "Remember, don't runaway when you find out who it is 'cause I don't feel like chasing you." I look at him weird but his face holds all seriousness. "And secondly, don't kill the kid. I don't wanna pick up the remains of some guy who just wanted to date you. Clear?"

I laughed and saluted Sergeant dumbass. "Sir yes sir!"

Alex laughed and pushed me towards the swings. There was another body there, so I supposed that was my date. But when I turned around to ask Alex about it, he just ran home like a little freak. I shrugged. I'll find out soon anyways.

I turned back around to act like I was gonna say something, but as soon as I did, I noticed that familiar shadow of skunk hair. It couldn't be Jack could it? There has to be some other people with freakishly weird hair in this weird world. This could be the only time I'd find out who he was before I decided to walk away. So, being the immature person I was, I poked him until he turned around to face me. That's when his face came into full view. That's when I noticed that it was Jack. That's when I knew I was gonna kill Alex later for setting me up with this douche-wad.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaack! :)
Sorry guys I had a bit of a writers block....
But it's all better now!

Ahaha she's on a date with Jack :)
Wonder how that's gonna go...

And on a final note... I love all my subbers and those who comment.
I'll give you caaandy!

Title Credit: Can You Keep A Secret? by The Cab