Breaking the Heartbreaker

So You Don't Hurt So Much

As soon as I got to the lunch table the next day, I got bombarded with questions. Questions that centered around me and Jack. Like if we were dating or not. And, if we were dating, if we were doing it secretly. We even got asked if we were fuck buddies. I almost choked on my milk when I heard that one.

Jack, on the other hand, didn't seem to be bothered by the questions. He just grinned most of the time and laughed when his perverted mind went elsewhere. He didn't get asked the strange questions though. I did. So, maybe that's why he wasn't bothered by it. Well, who knows. Jack's a very strange creature, who may or may not have escaped from the insane asylum when he got sent here from Mars.

Alex interrupted my thoughts by poking the side of my head with a fork. I turned to him, and noticed the fork he was poking my head with, he was eating from it. "Alex," he turned to look at me with his mouth full, "you're not a normal human."

Jack, surprised me, by laughing at my comment. "Everyone knows Alex isn't a normal human."

I turned to Jack, and said the same thing that I said to Alex, to him. Alex proceeded to laugh while Jack pouted like a five year old and muttered something about 'evil polka dotted pandas taking over the world'. I turned to Alex, and we both laughed like hyenas while Jack, Rian, and Kara looked as us weird. Hey, it's not mine and Alex's fault for having a strange sense of humor... well actually, yeah I guess it kinda is. But, it' not like we can help it.

Kara turned to me while the boys were in a heated discussion over who was the better band, Blink-182, or New Found Glory. Odd, but alright. "So, where are you two going for your date?"

I blinked. I honestly had no idea. "Honestly, I have no clue."

She looked puzzled. "He always tells his dates where they're going."

I was confused. I kind of wondered where he took girls when they went out. "Does he take his dates to nice places?"

She nodded. "Usually. But, it sort of depends on whether he wants to keep the girl he's with," At this I got worried. I think she saw my worried expression, and smiled. "Don't worry. I think he wants to keep you around for awhile."

I smiled. "Lets hope."


After school, Alex and Jack had decided they were jointly kidnapping me. Alex picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, and Jack took my backpack, and ran like an idiot to Alex's car. They were both excited as Alex tossed me in his backseat, and both of them jumped up front.

"So, my wonderful captors," both of them turned to look at me, "does this plan involve my car getting back home?"

Alex looked puzzled while Jack already had an idea. "We drive you to school tomorrow morning, and you take your car home after school," he swatted the air like it was nothing and turned around in his seat. "Easy as pie."

Alex rolled his eyes and turned back to the front before starting his car. I don't think he would be moving until we put our seat belts on, so we did and he turned out of the parking lot, on his way to the destination that I had no clue about. I stared out the window and saw familiar houses come into view. I turned to Alex, "Are we going to my house?"

He and Jack laughed. "No. Of course not silly goose," He smiled goofilly into the rear view mirror. "We're going to Jack's house."

I was suddenly confused. I lived here a month and I had no idea I lived near Jack? Man I'm an idiot. Jack turned around for a quick second, "I live at the very end of this street," He pointed to a pretty blue and white home. "In the pretty house." He grinned and then turned around in his seat.


We stepped inside Jack's house, and I was overwhelmed by the scent of cinnamon and chocolate chip cookies. It was a great smell to walk into. I smiled and glanced around quickly, examining his house. As beautiful as his house was on the outside, It was even more magnificent on the inside.

There were pictures lining the staircase of children that looked alot like Jack. I'm guessing they were his siblings. I walked over to his living room, and saw a spacious looking couch, an entertainment center with a large television, and blue walls, with even more pictures lined up.

Jack must have caught me staring, because he pulled me away and led me to his basement, after yelling something incoherent to his mom. "So," he looked at me and Alex. "What do you guys want to do?"

I shrugged, "Guitar Hero?"

Jack and Alex grinned like madmen and set the game up. The first couple of times, it was Alex and Jack. They were both pretty good, so they came neck-in-neck. Neither was loosing until Jack finally won with star power and left Alex to pout.

Jack looked at me, offered me Alex's guitar, and we went to battle. He chose some song I didn't know, so I took a chance. I chose expert and the song started. I was doing pretty well, but Jack was fumbling his fingers and messing up pretty badly. It's safe to say that I won, so I handed him my guitar with a smirk and sat down.

I looked at my phone and noticed i had a new text message.

One New Text Message

From: Emily

When are you going to finish this?

It took me a second to figure out what she was talking about, but once I got it, I stared horrified at my phone. I had no idea I had a time limit. I had no idea how I was going to finish this. It all started a little over a month ago, and there was roughly two months left of school. I had no idea how to complete this in little over two months. I'm pretty sure graduation is the deadline, but she wants it done soon. Like soon, soon. I looked at Jack an realized I couldn't do this anymore. But, I'm afraid she won't let me back out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whooo this one took awhile.
I was just in the mood to update and stuff, so BOOM!
Hmmm... Emily's back... and planning something...
Any ideas of what's going to happen next?

Peace, love, and rockets! :)

I love all my commenters and subscribers... just sayin'

Title Credit: Break Myself by Something Corporate