True Friends, True Lovers


I was downstairs on the couch. I noticed something felt empty in the house. It was quite and alone. Jellybean as been quite for a long time. By now she will be barking for food. I walked over to her food bowl, empty.

"Maybe she ate it all"

I sat back down. Usually Jellybean sits with me on e couch. She loved sitting on the couch. Especially sitting with me and watching cartoons.

"JELLYBEAN!!!!" I called out.

I waited just in case she was coming down. I waited. It was a long time. I looked in the kitchen, not there. In the basement, not there. I called her name just in case she was stuck somewhere and i will hear her cry. I ran upstairs. I checked in my room, she wasn't there. I checked in my moms room, no. I checked the bathroom, no. I checked Rana's old room. I haven't been in here for a long time. I looked around. It was empty except for Rana's doll. It was still on the bookshelf. I smiled. Remembering all the good times.

I walked back downstairs. Checked in the backyard. She wasn't there. Then it clicked me. Like my heart dropped. Really fast. I left Jellybean in the park. I couldn't believe that. I put on my shoes and ran to the park.

"JELLYBEAN!!!" i screamed out of breathe.

If I didn't find her, I would die. She was my only one. The one that loved me back no matter what, the one that was there for me when i was little. The one that i know that will never forget about me. But now i lost her. I forgot about her. All because of that stupid text.

I searched and searched for her. It was getting dark now. I went back home. I knew Jellybean would find her way home, and when i get to the front door i will see her sitting there. Waiting.

Once i was at the front door, she wasn't there. I called mom.



"Jellybean is lost".

It was dead silent on the line.

'Alice? Did you look for her? And how did you loose her?".

"I searched for for her in the park for like um about 3 hours. I was at the park with her. And i forgot about her."

"You never forget about her."

"This time i did. Something happened. And i forgot i had her with me and now she is gone."

'I will be home in 10 minutes."


Jellybean is missing,gone,lost. This poor dog outside in the dark,by herself. Scared,cold, and hungry. Hopefully somebody has here and is taking good care of her for now. I went upstairs. Looked at the little dog bed beside my bed. Jellybean never uses that. She sleeps with me. I had tears in my eyes.

"its OK Jellybean.Mommy will find you."