True Friends, True Lovers



I was walking trough the hall ways going to my next class until i saw my best friend Lauren finally talking to Peter. I decided to spy. Once they were done talking she was pale in the face.

"O la la you were talking to Peter and why are so pale?" I said.

"He asked me out and I said yes"

I was so happy i wanted to scream but I couldn't. I told Lauren that I would talk to her later or i will be late for class.

I sat in my seat. In shock. I couldn't believe that he finally asked her out. She waited for 3 months. But then i was scared i would lose her. Cause she might always be with him and forget about me. But i couldn't think about that. All i had to think about was how happy i am for her.

*** 3 hours later***

I was in my room on the laptop until i heard my phone ringing. It was Lauren and when i picked up we both started screaming for joy.

" O my god i can believe that he finally asked me out!!!"

"I know! I am so happy".

"He wants to go to the movies Friday. What should i say?.

"Um say yes!"

"OK i am doing it right now"

"OK good"

"I finally have my first boyfriend and it was all you! Thank you!"

"Your welcome"

"well i have to go my mom is calling me"

"OK bye Lauren"

"Bye Alice"

I hanged up. But then i remembered that Friday we had to hang out but i was OK with it cause this is her first boyfriend. She will be so happy and probably faint when i tell her something else about him.