Status: Complete

Only Human

Another night, another party.
Sounds good, right?
But what if I don't belong?
What if I have a secret that sets me apart from the rest?
What if I'm meant for more?

What if I meet you?

Author's note:

This story is written in first person, through the eyes of the central character. However, you, the reader, are the secondary character's mind if you will. I know this sounds weird, but when you read it, it will (or should) make sense. The main character addresses the secondary character (the boy) as 'you', so you take on the persona of the boy.

The paragraphs which are indented are the main character talking directly to the boy (or you). It is narrated within the main character's mind, hence no speech marks. This is kind of an experiment, so I am interested in any feedback.

Some of the language is current young adult English slang, whether local, or regional, so bare that in mind. The way I have written the narration of the story is (very loosely) based on the way English youth speak, hence varied sentence length, etc.

I own the plotline- inspired by: two days of no electricity, a friend's flatparty last year, a lad, my little brother, the story in the news of the child who recently had a transplant from his sibling, Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'- hence references to characters and the novel (I own none of those), my Spiderman poster, my university lifestyle plus my uni friends, and Hadouken!'s new album (kept my brain from falling asleep)

I own all characters (minus Stoker's ones aforementioned), and if this plot is similar to yours or any you may have read, I am sorry, but there are thousands of stories on this site. This is entirely my own work.

I also do not promote any of the illegal/bad things I mention in the story- alcohol is not good when consumed regularly, or in large quantities, nor is weed, or lots of casual sex. As a uni student (and therefore a responsible adult) I do not recommend these. Trust me.

All of that being said (and my own back covered).....please read, and enjoy. Any feedback, critical or complementary, is greatly appreciated.