Status: finshed :D

Breakout to Find Peace


Breakout to Find Peace
By: Jordan Brown
The bell just rang signaling that class was over and it was time to depart from East point high school. I said goodbye to my friend Amy and left out of Writers’ workshop. I was meeting my boyfriend Jayme at his car, so I had to hurry. I opened the door leaving the school, it was windy out outside and the wind blew my hair, which was black with blue tint, around my face covering my line of sight. I giggled as I pulled out a hair band and tied my hair into a ponytail and pulled two strands to hug the sides of my face. I quickly made my way to the student parking lot and found my Jayme lending against the car. I made my way over to him and saw that his eyes were closed. I smiled at what I was about to do. I moved in front of him and kissed his nose. The wind was playing with his dirty blonde hair and making it look messy, but cute. His eyes shot open in surprised, his body stiffened. His deep green eyes relaxed when he saw that it was me who kissed him.

“You scared me Ravi!” He said. My name is actually Rayne but he calls me Ravi because “it’s cuter.”

“Jayme!” I whined “Why do you call me that!”
“I call you that because you are my boyfriend and that's your little pet name!” Jayme said in a matter-of-factually tone.
“Since you are my boyfriend, I'm entitled to do this.” I said as I jumped on him and planted a kiss on his cheeks.
I look back at him to see he has is patent smirk/smile that I love so much. He wraps my legs around his waist and kisses me softly.

“Get a room fags!” Some passing students yell.
We paid no mine to that comment because we were in a word of our world fueled by all those feelings you feel when you really like someone.
Jayme pulls back and says “We should take you home,you remember what today is?”

After those words left his mouth my mood went into nervous mode. I jumped off Jayme and made my way to the passenger side of the car. I entered the car and waited for Jayme to get in.
He had to remind that today was the day that I come out to my parents and if every thing goes good then I will call Jayme,who will be down the street. I didn't want to tell Jayme that I was scared to tell my parents about me. They are excepting about everything in the world besides homosexuality. Jayme was the kind of person to think on the bright side if things until the dark side came and slapped them in the face.

“Did I make you sad Ravi?” Jayme said as he got into the car.

“No. I just really feel nervous about doing this.” I said as I twirled one of my hair strands, a habit I picked up whenever I am nervous.
Jayme moves the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and wrapped it around my waist. Somehow that gesture started making me feel better. Jayme can do that at times just do a simple gesture and it makes everything better. I moved into his embrace and sighed happily.

“Someones feeling better?” He chimed as we pulled into a stop sign.

“Yes,i think your part wizard or something.”
“Because whenever I am down or depressed, you do something simple like what you just did and I instantly start to feel better and whatever made me sad goes away. “
“Thats good, I don't like it when you are sad and I'm glad I'm able to make it better.”
I giggled and look outside the window at the passing scenery.

“Wont that outfit already tip them off to your gayness?” Jayme said laughing.
I look down at my outfit and see what he is talking about. I'm wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt, but the sleeves are attached to the arms by a button strap, white skinny jeans and light blue Aussie dog boots and my grandma's blue with purple tint star necklace she gave me after she died. She was the only relative that knew of my true self and she embraced it fully, she didn't judge based off sexuality and between you and me she always wanted to have a gay grandchild. That made me laugh out loud in the car earning a confused glance from Jayme but he quickly dismissed that once he realized who he was dealing with.

The car stops and I look outside to see that we are down the street from my house.
“Good luck Ravi baby.” Jayme said. His eyes clearly told me that he was worried about me and didn't want anything bad happen.
I move over to his seat and press my lips to his,ensuring him that I'll be ok. He wraps his arms around me tightly, a sign saying he doesn't want me to go anymore.
“ have to let me go and do this.” I said trying to get out of his grip.
Curse him and his buff self.
“No you don't, you can just come home with me and play video games.” He put on his fake out to try and get his way.
I kissed his forehead and whispered “I'll be fine trust me and besides you'll be here if something goes wrong.”
He smiles and gestures for me to get out and walk to my house. I get out and start the walk up the street to my house.
I reach my doorstep and look up at my house, taking visual snapshots of my four-story house that looks like a small mansion, forever printing them in my brain in case this is my last time looking at my house. Now that I might not see this house again let my eyes look at the beauty of this house. The house had a pale peachy color that was close to pink with white and pale red boarding. My mom is an artist so our house is colorful but its classy. At the top of the house is the chimney that has a star painted on the side to signify that everyone has a star burning inside them waiting to be unleashed to make big things happen in the world. I take a deep breath and calm my nerves and pull my key out my back pocket and turn the lock.
My fate is resting on these next few minutes.
I walk into the house and taking snapshots of the white walls with reddish pink swirls that decorate the walls. The furniture was really simple just a reddish white sofa against the wall, a love seat next to that at a 45 degree angle, and a coffee table with mats where you sat at in front of the fireplace. The plasma TV hung above the fireplace and a miniature couch was in behind the table.
“Mom.....Dad I'm home!!”
“We are in the kitchen! Come on in!” My dad replies.
I start walking towards the kitchen when the aroma of pasta sauce hit my nose.
I'm really going to miss my parents cooking.
I enter the kitchen to see my mom cutting up spices to add to the sauce and my dad watching the TV on the counter.
“Where were you today? You are normally home earlier then this?” My mom said stirring the sauce.”
“Jayme and I were hanging out after school for little bit. Sorry.”
My dad looks at me,those soft blue eyes that I inherited from him were glaring at me like I just stole gold from the President.
“What have we told you about hanging out with Jayme?” He said.
“Not to due to his sexuality.” I muttered.
“I didn't hear you Ray.”
My parents aren't the ones that named me when I was born. MY mom gave naming right to my grandma who named me Rayne. My parents strongly dislikes the naming choice but the nurse already wrote my name down before they could stop her. So they call me Ray.
“You said to not hang out with him because he is gay and my name is not Ray its Rayne”
“So why do you go against us after we said not to and no in this house your name is Ray.” My mom said as she turned around. I'd inherited her black with blue tinted hair but not her aqua eyes.
I took a breath, this is going to be it. I'm about to say it out loud.
“Answer us!” They said in unison.
“Because he is my boyfriend! Thats why I hang out with him.”
Before I could even register their emotions before a pain exploded on my cheek. My father just hit me! My father never laid a hand on me! I my hand on my cheek and it stings.
“WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?” my dad yelled.
“I said that he is my BOYFRIEND! I'm GAY” I yelled pissed off that he slapped me.
My dad's foot connects to my side and I fall over on the floor.
“My son is not gay!” my mom screams shaking her head.
“Sorry but he is.”
Another kick connects and I scream. They kept coming kick after kick. They were like daggers being thrown at my heart taking off a piece with every kick. After the kicks stopped I stumbled up. My eyes were blazing with furry and at the time I didn't care that I was in pain I just wanted to get back at my dad. I charged at him and in one swift spinning crescent kick to the stomach he was knocked out cold.
“I'm taking this as a 'get out of our house' so I will leave.” I said to my mom who was glaring at me like she didn't even know me.
I walked upstairs still fueled by my anger and threw all my clothes into my bag and I took my cash I hid under my bed after allowances, birthday, etc. I had a total of $.5,000. I dragged the bag downstairs and saw my mother caring for my dad's wound to his side.
I reached for the door handle and turned around.
“I really hoped that you would have taken this different, but I see now that I was sadly wrong. I have the wounds to prove it.” I closed the door and walked down the drive way. I was thankful I took mental snapshots so I can remember this house before I left it.
As I made my way to Jayme's car the anger started to go away leaving me in a painful state. I let my mind slip from my grasp and into a place where I wasn't in pain just...there.
I knocked on the door and my body must have went numb because I didn't feel anything,all I felt was a tingly sensation go through my hand when I touched the door.
Jayme was asleep and when he heard the knock he jolted up and looked at me. His eyes grew in shocked and he opened the door fast and let me slide in slowly.
“Oh my god! What did they do to you?!”
“Dad.....kicks......stomach....hard.” My voice came out soft and weak.
He pulled me into his arms and held onto me tightly yet soft. He treated me like I was about to break into millions of pieces.
“I'm so sorry Ravi. I should have been protect you. I never thought they would do all this because you are gay!”
He continued saying soft words that slowly very slowly lifted the pieces of my shattered heart back together.
“I know this isn't the time to say this but I can't wait any longer.”
He pulls me away and looks at me.
“Rayne Ozera..I love you. My heart started thumping abnormally fast. My insides were smiling even thought I could reflect it on the outside. Those words were like a million tiny workers putting my heart back together again.
“Jayme Taylor Smith. I love you too.” I said .my voice was gaining its tone.
Jayme face lit up like a firework and he crushed his lips to mine. The feelings that we in that kiss was intense! I kissed him back feeling myself coming out of my corner where nothing mattered. All that mattered was Jayme. He was always there for me he helped me through everything I have been through and he was here now when I had no one else. He was my world.
We pulled back when we needed air. He rested his forehead on mind.
“I seriously think your a wizard.” I whispered.
“Its a good thing isn't because you seem better you color returned to your face meaning your better.” He grinned and kissed me again.
“Can we go to your house now I need to soak.” I said snuggling into Jayme and his naturally warm body.
“Correction our house your living with me Ravi.” I grinned up at him.
“ I love you. Forever and always Ravi.”
“Love you too..Forever and always.”
Jayme drove off from the spot where the car was and out of my old life and into my new life..with Jayme.