Misfit In Love

Love, Love, Love, Love,Love, Love

...the nurse came through the door.
She looked at us, ent red and ran out, slamming the door as she went, which woke up Gerard.
He looked round and saw Ollie.

"Who's she?" he said a little rudely.

"This is Ollie, she's a volunteer, she's gonna help Clara when she wake up, and stuff," I didn't really understand what I was saying.

I was angry at thet stupid nurse, I had almost kissed the hottest girl ever and some thicko bitch walks in a ruins it. Thank you very much!

I think I started to look like I was angry because Gerard asked me what was wrong.
I didn't tell him because I would probably start shouting.
Ollie was acting very shy again. But as few times we would catch each others eye and start giggling, Gerard sat and just looked at us as though we were idiots.

We sat and watched Clara for a while, but then I realised that I will be in major shit now, It's now like 5:30am. I'm going to be in trouble but as I start to tell Gerard that I'm going to go home, Clara starts to move.
She opened her eyes and looked round the small white room.
She looked at Gerard.

"What the fuck am I doing here?"

Such wonderful words that come out of that mouth of hers.

"Where the fuck am I, anyway?"

"You're in the hospital Clara, you're mom beat you up with a wooden bat,"

"Oh...Who are you?" she asked Ollie

"Um...I'm Ollie, I'm a volunteer, I'm gonna be, like, hanging out with you till you get better, It's a thing the hospital's set up,"

"Hi Ollie, It's nice to meet you,"

Clara was being so nice to Ollie. Some people think that Clara is the scary druggie kid that like's rock music and drinking blood, but she's actually a nice person. She's always nice to strangers.
I spent another hour at the hospital, all we did was talk about the music and stuff. We all like the same kind of music.
Like The Misfits and Sex Pistols.

"Ollie? Would you like a ride home?" We where outside, leaving for our homes.
Gerard is staying the night with Clara, he really loves her.


We got into my brother's battered car.
We drove in silence. It was a little awkward to tell you the truth.
She made me stop the car after about 20 minutes.

She lives round the corner from me.
Note To Self: Must remember to come round here and see her.

"So...Frank, I know it's only been a few hours since I first met you but...I really like you, a lot,"
She looked at me and waited for an answer.

"I think I feel the same way, Ollie,"

She smiled and I think my heart melted.
I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers.
After a while the innocent little kiss started to get heated, I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, but she didn't let me in, we broke for air.

"Fucking tease,"

She smirked and cupped my face in her hands pulling my face closer to her. We kissed again and this time she let me in.
Our tongues fought for dominenceI let her win, but then I felt her hands slide down form my face to my belt. I pulled away, Ollie looked hurt.

"This isn't the right place, and I'm not ready,Please don't be hurt,"

She tried to leave. I grabbed her arm.

"Please don't be hurt,"

"I'm not, It's just my Dad is up there signalling at me to get in," she said with a smile.
I thought for a moment then asked her.

"Would you like you be my girlfriend?"

Her smile, if possible, got even bigger.


Her smile is contagious. I smiled back, then pulled her into a little kiss.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow if you want, we can go to the hospital together,But I won't have the car. It's my brothers,"

"I'd like that, Pick me up round..." she thought for a moment. "9am,ok?"

I nodded before watching her go into the house, I drove off feeling the happiest I've felt in a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Something will happen in the next few chapters. Something bad.
Please keep on commenting.
I love you all, you're all such awesome readers.<3333

btw. song title from "Hate (I Really Don't Like You)' by Plain White T's