Misfit In Love

The Best Night Ever

That night went so quickly.I didn't want it to stop.I couldn't take my eye's off Gerard.He was a really nice guy not to mention really cute.
After the concert he offered to walk me home (so sweet!).

"Well,here we are outside my hell hole,"I said not wanting to go in.

"That's really funny,I live across the street!"

What!?!This hot guy had been living on the other side of the street and I've never seen him till now.I knew that Mikey (he lives across the street too) had a brother but I'd never seen him ever!

"Wow! So you want to maybe hang out tomorrow ,maybe?" My words were stumbling over them selves as they came out.

"Sure...so see you tommorrow Clara," He walked across the road waving as he went.

After a good half an hour trying to climb the tree in the backyard I got into my bedroom window. I looked at the clock it was about 2am.No point going to sleep then,I thought.
I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing the figure of a person.Suddenly Gerard was looking up at me from the peice of paper.it was a pretty good drawing, I'd learned everything I know about drawing from my Aunt Lily,who'd noticed that I was actually good at something.
Smiling I put the book down and laid back on my bed,before I knew it I was fast asleep,yet again sleep had won.

"Get up,lazy ass!"

"Fuck you,'

"Mom! Clara is still swearing!"

"Go away Tomo,let me sleep!"

"No,we have to go to church,"

"I shall never got to that place for as long as I live,anyway they don't want me there,they all think I worship Satun or something," Well it was true they dodn't want me there.

I'm Catholic.But unlike my Mom im not really that religious,
I got up and almost fell down the stairs,
"Mom,I'm gonna be hanging out with a friend today,please don't make me got to the freakin' church,I'll just embarrass you,"

I tried,pulling my best puppy-dog pout.

"Fine,stay at home,just no booze,drugs or parties!"
"I don't do any of that,Mom," I told her,lying through my teeth.I did a few drugs and i drink a little but but i don't go crazy,I'm not hooked or anything...I think.

"Just remember to take you meds,"


I was on Prozac,along with Welbutrin for depression (school).

"Well,we're going now,Tre,Crystal,Tomo! Get down here right now!"

Three sets of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

"If Clara get's to stay home,then I get to stay home!"Tre shouted down the stairs."It's not fucking fair!"

"Tre William Lloyd Thompson,where did you learn that word?"

He glanced over at me, I sent him a death glare Mom didn't see though.


Then suddenly they were gone,I heard the car start and then there was quiet.
I looked down at myself and realised that I was still wearing last nights clothes.
Gerard was coming over and I seriously needed a shower and a clean change of clothes.