Misfit In Love

He'll never hurt you, ever again.

This place is full of evil, it smells evil too. I just want to go home. Even if it's dangerous. I want to be back with Clara, Tre and Cry but I can't get out. There's no way out. And I can hear THEM coming. They're going to hurt me again. They're going to kill me.
There's no where to hide.

I'm shaking. I can see them. They're getting closer and closer.
Please, God, save me! Save me!

He's there, right in the middle of them, cackling evilly at me. The other four have bat's in their hands.
They beat me, the pains real. This is not a dream. This can't be. You can't feel pain in a dream.

I can't move. I'm curled up on the ground, whimpering. He's enjoying my pain.
I can see something shiny in his hand...a knife.
Then in a flash, he brings it down on me. Pain shoots up my body. I can take it anymore I scream...

And I wake up, still screaming. I feel arms around me.

“Don't worry, it was just a dream,” I know the voice and it calms me. I look at them.

“Clara! You're alive!” I yell and put my arms round her. But the pain from all the bruises makes it hard.

“I know and so are you, I'm gonna keep you safe and he is never going to hurt you ever again. I promise, Tomo, I promise,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little filler for you all.
More tomorrow or if your lucky I might do another little chapter today.
oh and that bad thing that's going to happen...it's not happened yet. All this stuff that's happened so far isn't the thing I was talking about. I don't think that made any sense at all.

Yes, I know, another dream. But I thought this was the best way to start this chapter.