Misfit In Love

Frankie-boy to the rescue!

"Don't tell Mom,"

Those where the first words out my mouth when I got out of Gee's car.

"Sorry sis, but who do you think sent me out to get you,"

He sounded nervous and just a little scared.
Then I remembered the pain, as soon as I thought about it I almost collapsed. Luckily Tomo caught me.

"Clara, what's wrong?"

"Got beaten up, again,"

He helped me inside being the good little brother he is.
Mom looked angry, I don’t know why but I’m not exactly allowed to have any boyfriends. Maybe it’s ‘cause she can’t even get one herself. Yeah I know I’m a cheeky bitch, so what?

An hour later I’m in my room after taking 2 painkillers. Mom screamed at me for being with Gerard and for getting beaten up and then for swearing at her and then finally for listening to music while she was shouting.
She won’t even take me to the fucking hospital to get my ribs looked at. Bitch.
I’ve had enough of her; she is another thing making my life pure hell. One day I’m gonna snap. And she is definitely gonna come out of it worse.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I parked my car outside my house and glanced back at Clara’s house.
I walked into my house. I hated this place. My parents did too much drugs and they didn’t care if me and Mikey died. The only person in my family I love is my little brother. He is the greatest person in the world.

My parents hate me ‘cause I’m “a fucking emo faggot,” (my dad’s words)
Thing is I’m not gay and I’m not an emo. I hate how they treat me; I just wish I could take Mikey and run away.
I know the reason why want me to stay, I cook for them and clean for them and do all that kinda shit.

I go over and sit beside Mikey, who’s sitting staring at the blank TV screen, with his mouth open, drooling. He does it a lot. I search in my bag for my sketchbook and I quickly do a sketch of him like that. When I was finished I giggled, that brought him out of his zombie state.

“What the hell are you laughing at?”

I show him the sketch; he give’s me a death glare but starts giggling himself. God, we are such retards!

Then I hear the back door open, we both run down to my room (it’s the closest place). I live in the basement. It must be the safest place in the whole house.
I listen at the door; it’s my dad who has come home. If we had stayed upstairs he would probably have beaten us up (well, me ‘cause I wouldn’t have let him hurt Mikey).

I wish I was with Clara right now, I haven’t known her for a long time, well, actually I’ve been crushing on her for so long, but she never noticed me.
She’s probably getting shouted at, she told me her mom is evil (not using the words she used exactly).

Mom’s gonna be back very soon, we can’t be here.

I know exactly where to go. It’s the only safe place for us.
Frank’s house.

An hour later

“Thanks again, man,”

“I’m just glad that I can help my two best mates,”

We were sitting watching some cheap horror movie. Mikey’s fast asleep on the couch.


I turned to look at Frank.

“I think you should get outta that house as fast as you can. It’s not fucking safe. I have a friend that’ll be happy to help. She’s a good person and I think she might know Clara,”

“Is this friend a little more than just a friend?”

“NO! She’s a friend and just a friend,”

I thought for a moment.
“What’s her name, then?”

♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a filler chapter. This leads to much more and something dramatic is coming soon ^___^