All Just a Lie

Sparkling Angel

I looked around. I was alone. I rubbed my head. I was confused and slightly lost. I tried to remember back to what had happened not long before. My head hurt and I was so tired, I wanted to just not bother, but something was flitting just beyond the grasp of my memory. I had to know what that mystery was. I had been hitchhiking. A dumb move I well knew, but when you're running away from home, you don't really get to be picky about the mode of transportation you get. I could vaguely remember a car, a kind face and smile. Then my head started pounding. Remembering was hurting too much.

I groaned softly as I squinted and looked around again, trying to actually see where I was. It was so dark and it felt as if the world was closing in around me. I reached out, but my hand thumped painfully against a thin soft lining over something. My heart leaped into my throat. What was going on? Where was I? I felt around me, my panic growing with every second. I finally reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. Thank God, I still had my phone. I flipped it open and the dim light illuminated silken black material all around me. My breathing quickened and it felt as if my heart was pounding so hard that it hurt.

I was in a coffin.

I searched back in my memory trying to figure out how I had gotten there. Isaac, his name came to me in a moment. I could see him. He had been an older man, probably my father's age. I hadn't even given it a thought not to trust him as he had let me into his car. How long ago had that been? I wasn't sure. He had been so kind and gentle, giving me almost anything I asked for that he had in his little house. I had felt safe there with him. I had felt at home. What had gone wrong?

"Someone?" I barely recognized the cracked voice as my own. "Someone help me?" I begged softly. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout, to yell, to bang against the walls around me, but I couldn't. I felt too weak and helpless. How could I have trusted someone so much only to have been betrayed? Maybe my father was right. Maybe I was just too young to know. Maybe I was just a stupid kid after all. Hadn't he tried his best? And what did he get for it? A stupid girl who was about to die on him.

Something banged on top of my coffin and I cried out jerking. My arms hit the coffin lid in an attempt to cover my face. I started to cry. I was going to die. I was going to be buried alive. I heard shouting above me and for a moment I felt something like hope. Then there was rustling, rattling. What was it? Was it the dirt falling ontop of my coffin or was it perhaps...could it be someone coming to save me. "Help me!" I finally found the voice to scream and gave it everything I had.

The coffin lid cam back and light fell on my face blinding me. This time when I threw my arms up, nothing was in the way. Hands grasped my forearms. "Ella Weyland? Ella? Are you Ella Weyland?"

I heard my name through a mass of voices and I looked up at the man talking to me. "Are you the Angel of Death?" I asked softly, my voice full of fear.

The man smiled and laughed. "No Miss Weyland. I'm Agent Parker. We're here to take you back home to your daddy young lady." I stared at him in shock a moment longer before I collapsed against this new stranger, crying. This could be a lie, but I would think about that later. For one moment, I didn't want anything to be a lie. I just wanted to go home.