Status: On hiatus.

People Always Leave

Time Is The Longest Distance Between Two Places

I hadn't realized how fast time flew by or how I had gotten my hopes up that Sid would begin to trust me just so they would be torn down by the distance he continued to create between us. He made a little progress after New Years but he still seemed cold hearted & broken. I was eager to break down his wall, & that is what I intended to do.

"So what are your plans for tonight?" I asked Sid as we made our way across the parking lot towards the doors to the Mellon Arena.

"What do you mean?" He questioned not bothering to look at me. The typical Sidney move, don't make eye contact.

"It's Valentines day." I stated hoping for him to open up just a little bit.

"So?" He asked sending me a quick glance before quickly heading through the door. Who was I kidding he didn't have plans, this was an optional morning skate. I sat & watched all four boys who actually showed up to skate. The whole time I sat & pondered if they were all single, if not I was curious as to why they were here instead of with their significant other. After practice the boys headed back towards the locker room, I waited a few minutes to make sure they'd be decent before heading back myself. Entering the room I sat down on a the empty bench waiting for Sid so we could head over to the press conference that was being held a cross the street at the Marriott. I looked around the room at the four who had showed up, Jordan Staal, Kristopher Letang, Maxime Talbot, & Sidney.

"They're taken." I heard Max say as I felt him sit down next to me as I stared in the direction of Jordan & Kris.

"Huh?" I asked a bit confused.

"I see you eyeing them up." He said as a smile crept across his face. "Me on the other hand, I'm single." He explained bumping his arm gently against mine.

"I was just wondering why everyone decided on coming to the optional skate, Dan's not even here." I explained myself.

"My girlfriend is in Philly." Kris chimed in causing me to look at him.

"My girlfriend is with his." Jordan spat out pointing toward Kris.

"Wait so they'd rather be in Philly with the cryers then with there boyfriends on Valentines day?" I asked being a little bit of a neb nose as Sidney got up & headed towards the changing room.

"Their girls are sisters & they took their cousin to a concert for her birthday or something. I'm sure they'd rather be with them but.." Max continued to talk before being cut off.

"We couldn't be in Philly because of the early game tomorrow." Jordan said as he slid his helmet on to the top shelf of his locker.

"But we skyped them this morning & made sure they woke up to flowers." Kris stated so I didn't get the impression that they were bad boyfriends.

"Awe how sweet." I said as I looked towards max "& your just here cause your single?"

"Yepp, unless you want to change that."He said with a wink before I could come up with a witty reply Sidney walked in to the locker room.

"You ready?" He asked as I nodded & stood up heading towards him. Max gave me a quick smile which I returned generously before I walked out of room with Sid quickly falling into the same stride.


"So..." Sidney began to speak hesitantly "You're not, uhm doing anything tonight?" He asked scratching the back of his head as we headed towards the parking lot after the press conference.

"No.." I said slowly, I was about to ask why when Max ran out of the doors behind us.

"Amanda!" He screamed "Amanda, you forgot your planner." He stated as he handed me my brown leather planner.

"Oh, I hadn't even realized I forgot it. Thank you so much Max" I thanked him with a smile.

"You can repay me by dinner, tonight.... 8 o'clock sharp." He stated with a mischievous grin playing at the corners of his mouth before he headed back towards the door.

"But" I tried to get out of it but he cut me off before I could protest.

"But nothing.. I'll see you later." He stated & he was through the doors before I could say another word.

"Well he's pushy" I said jokingly to Sid whom had an annoyed look on his face. "Something wrong?" I asked curiously.

"No, I just need you to work tonight." He stated as we got to his range rover, there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"Okay, what do you need me to.." I began to ask but was quickly cut off by Sid.

"Just send a dozen red roses to each of these addresses." He stated as he handed me a slip of paper before climbing into his SUV & taking off as fast as possible. Leaning against the side of my vehicle I neatly unfolded the piece of paper revealing the names of 7 girls. I began to think maybe Sid isn't the man that everyone makes him out to be, maybe he needs more help than I could ever possibly give.
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I apologize to anyone whom I have entered a contest & did not turn something in. I have been dealing with a lot. From ending a friendship with two people, one of which I don't even know why I was friends with in the first place, to finishing up my school work.

I felt like I was neglecting my readers, so I'm ready to update :D

Comment for more!