Status: Incomplete

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Sometimes you'll never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.

"It's 9 o'clock already!" I exclaimed hitting the snooze button on my alarm. I really didn't want to get out of bed, I had been up late last night studying for my big exam today. I was going to school for sports management, this was my last exam. All I had to do was pass this and I was a College graduate. I jumped out of bed and got a nice hot shower.When I was finished I quickly got dressed and ran down the steps to the kitchen. My mom was cooking omelets and my sister was sitting at the bar eating a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning guys!" I exclaimed in a pretty good mood, I was really confident that I had this final exam in the bag. I was happy again, the past years have been hard on me. It took awhile but I realized I needed to live life to the fullest.

"I see your quite happy this morning." My mom said setting the omelet she made me in front of me on the bar, where I was sitting.

"Yeah, today is the day I pass my final exam." I picked up the fork to my right and took a big bite of my omelet.

"Oh yeah good luck with that, I'll see you at the rink after right?" My sister Brittany asked slurping up the leftover milk in her cereal bowl, as she looked over at me.

"Yeah, do you really think I would miss it?" I said laughing and taking a few gulps of my orange juice before standing up and taking my plate to the sink.

"Well I better get going, I don't want to be late." I gave my mom a hug and a kiss and gave my sister a huge hug to. I had one more stop before leaving the house. I ran up the stairs and down the hall way. Stopping at a door that had the name Carter on it, and the Pittsburgh Penguins emblem. I slowly opened the door walking into the Pittsburgh Penguins decorated room. I tip toed over to the bed and leaned down giving the 5 year old boy, with brown hair and brown eyes a kiss.

"I'll see you later bud." I whispered before tip toeing back out of the room and shutting the door quietly. I quickly made my way down stairs, grabbing my backpack and purse on my way out the door. I got into my car searching for my keys in my purse, I found them but also found a picture of me and my ex boyfriend Kris Letang we looked so happy. That Picture of us in the limo on our way to prom took me back.


"Jessica, Kris, look here, I'm taking a picture." My long time friend Joyce said picking up my digital camera.

"Oh okay" I said grabbing Kris' hand and interlacing our fingers. Kris looked at me and smiled with his crooked smile that I loved so much.

"You two are the cutest couple ever." Joyce's boyfriend and Kris' best friend Luc said pouring himself a drink from the bar in the limo.

"Let's get a picture of Kris kissing Jess on the cheek" My sister Britt said stealing the camera from Joyce and getting all up in our faces.

"Really?" Kris laughed at Britt, she was really giddy and probably feeling the three shots of Raspberry Absolute she downed before the Limo arrived.

I leaned over close to Kris' neck and whispered in his ear " Just do it, or she won't leave us alone." We both giggled a little bit. Kris leaned down and kissed me on my cheek.

"Are you happy now?" I said rubbing the top of Kris' hand with my finger.

"Get it!" Brittany's date and our good friend and neighbor Garrett said covering his eyes as best as he could. We disconnected our lips giving each other one last peck as we looked into each other's eyes.

"We're here!" Britt screamed trying to make her way to the door, but being the already clumsy girl she is and adding in the shots she tripped over her dress.

"I'm okay, I'm good." She said her cheeks blushed as she quickly picked her self up off the limo floor and exited the limo, with everyone but me and Kris following her. I turned face Kris thinking of what I wanted to say. He could see that I wanted to say something.

"What is it Jess?" Kris asked pushing a piece of my hair out of my face and looking me in the eyes.

"Sometimes, my thoughts get all jumbled." I was really happy to be here with him.

"What do you want to say, maybe I can help you." Kris said grabbing my other hand and interlacing our fingers.

"I don't know, How I feel about you." I shyly stated looking down at our hands.

"Tell me how you feel now." Kris pulled away one of his hands lifting my chin up so that I was looking him in his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I feel like there are tiny fireworks about to go off." I said cracking a smile that in effect made him smile.

"I like fireworks." Kris continued to smile as he got closer to my face, I could feel his breath on my skin.

"But what about my jumbled thoughts" I quickly said before he put his finger on my lips meaning to shush.

"The sparks will untangle them, trust me." Kris said leaning in further and kissing me, there it was again the sparks I felt every time we kissed.

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New Story i just thought of, I think it's one of my favorite ideas i've had. Hope you like it and tell me what you think & subscribe :)

More soon!