Status: Incomplete

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

It is said that the present is pregnant with the future

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where i found Britt and my mom sitting. They noticed that I was very hyper.

"You will never believe who just called me." I said sitting down at the bar in the kitchen and grabbing an apple out of the bowl.

"Who?" Britt dropped her phone focusing on me instead.

"Someone from the Pittsburgh Penguins organization, they have a job for me, and want me there as soon as possible." I was overjoyed by this whole situation, It was amazing. I just graduated college and already had a job with a very good NHL team.

"No fucking way!" Britt said highfiving me as she picked up her cell phone, she was probably tweeting or texting our friends to let them know the good news.

"I gotta start packing our stuff, they have a place for us to stay until we get our own place in Pittsburgh." I said eating my apple.

"Joyce will be here in a few to help, and she has something she wants to tell us, not sure what though." Brit said standing and making her way out of the kitchen.

"What do you think mom?" I asked, she was very quiet the whole time me and Britt talked about our plans for moving to Pittsburgh for my job.

"It's not my decision, it's a good opportunity, I just want you to do what's right for you and Carter." My mom said taking a sip of her warm coffee.

"This is the right thing mom, trust me" I said as i stood from my seat and gave her a big hug.

"I hope the decision to move all the way to Pittsburgh, doesn't have anything to do with a guy by the name of Kristopher Letang." My mother whispered into my ear as i pulled away from her grasp.

"It has nothing to do with him." I said as the doorbell rang, I was lieing to my mother once again, But i couldn't tell her the truth. I would be lieing to myself if i said i wasn't looking forward to seeing him, even after everything that had happened between us. I got to the door and when i opened it Joyce immediately gave me a huge hug.

"I'm so happy for you!" She said squeezing me as tight as she possibly could. She was in a good mood today. We went up to my bedroom, Brittany joined us and we started packing all my belongings.

"Okay so I know this is going to be somewhat of a shock to you guys but, Me and Tyler are Pregnant." Joyce said with great excitement and my mouth dropped in shock. It was defiantly not what I was expecting. Tyler was Joyce's new boyfriend, they had only been together for a few months, but I guess it was love at first sight. She had a rough time getting over Luc, Tyler really helped her. As you can imagine it has to be rough loosing your fiance the way she did.

"Awe that's great Joycie." I said hugging her and sitting down on my bed and thinking about the time I found out I was pregnant.


This morning was quite different then the many morning's I've had. I woke up feeling extremely sick, running to the bathroom to puke in the toilet as I held my hair out of the way. I dragged myself up from my place on the floor in front of the toilet looking in the mirror, as I wiped my mouth with the towel sitting on the counter. I immediately thought of what I ate last night, but there was nothing that would have made me sick. And then it hit me. I ran into my room and grabbed my purse going through all the gum and change. I finally found my planner, turning to June. Shit I thought as I saw that I was supposed to get my period like two weeks ago. I threw my planner across the room in disgust, Immediately dropping my head into my hands. I just cried, what else was I supposed to do. This changed everything if I was pregnant. I was supposed to go to school in New York. I wiped the tears from my eyes and gathered myself. I had to know if it was true. I pulled on sweatpants and a t-shirt. Running down the stairs, hoping I wouldn't run into my sister, and defiantly not my mom. When I hit the bottom of the stairs, I could see my mother in the living room sleeping on the couch. I quickly snuck out of the house, closing the door quietly behind me.

When I got to the local market about 5 minutes away I prayed to myself that I wouldn't run into anyone I knew. I opened the door and the bell rang that let the workers know someone was there. There was an older women working the register, and she looked at me smiling.

"Can I help you with something dear?" she asked full attention on me, as I slowly walked in the direction of the pregnancy tests.

"Uh no thank you, I'm good" I said slipping down isle 8, where the pregnancy tests were located at the very end of the isle. There were so many different ones, different brands, and different prices. I quickly just grabbed a 3 pack, thinking 3rd times a charm. As I made my way up to the register I heard a voice I've heard many times. Brittany, it was my sister. What was I supposed to do now, I figured I might as well tell her, I mean I tell her everything and she would find out sooner or later anyway. She happened to come down the row I was in what a coincidence.

"Jess, what are you doing here" Brittany was really surprised when she looked at the box placed in my hand.

"Oh wow" She said her eyes got huge when she saw it.

"Yeah, I'm two weeks late and woke up sick today." I sighed looking at the back of the box, and scanning over what it said.

"Jess, I support you in everything you do, If you are pregnant it will be a blessing and your child will be loved. Plus everything happens for a reason." My sister always knew what I needed to hear, she was good with words.

"Thanks Britt, I need to get home and learn what my future has in store for me." I said cracking a small smile, that quickly faded as I neared the cash register. After making my purchase and making it home, I ran to my room and locked the door. This was a private event. After reading all the directions and peeing on each of the three sticks, I had them sitting on the counter in a row. It said it only took 4 minutes, and it had been about 8 minutes. I was just terrified of what the result would be. I finally mustered up the confidence to look at the test. I stood from my seat on the toilet, looking at each stick. Stick one, Positive, Stick Two Positive, and finally Stick three, Positive. This defiantly was not part of my plan, at least not this early in my life. But it was something I would have to deal with, I was really unsure of how Kris was going to react. Just then my phone rang. I slowly dragged myself out of the bathroom, to see that it was Kris.

"Hello" I said trying to sound happy, not knowing if I was that convincing.

"Baby, Guess what!" I heard Kris' with his adorable french accent on the other side of the phone he sounded so happy.

"uhhh...." Was all I said as I searched through my brain, trying to remember if there was anything important going on any time soon.

"I got drafted by Pittsburgh." Kris loudly expressed, I could tell by the way his voice was that he was smiling the biggest smile, I'm sure he has ever smiled.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you." I said really happily, and at that moment I forgot all about the pregnancy.

"I have to go, gotta tell my family, your the first one I called." Kris was really hyped up about this whole thing and I didn't blame him, it was his dream to play in the NHL.

"That means a lot honey, I love you" i smiled as I said the last words.

"I love you too." Hearing Kris say those words made my heart skip a beat.


When I was brought back from my daydream, we finished packing a few of my things, Joyce left, and Britt went to her room to finish packing some of her things. Yes she was going with me and Cater to Pittsburgh. I was alone in my almost empty room, sitting at my desk with a piece of paper and a pen. I began to write just like I always did.

Dear Kristopher,

You're probably thinking I've forgotten all about you by now, but that's far from it. I have missed you every waking day and my heart still hurts, but I'm getting better. I continue to smile and still go on without you. I know I have missed you, but I have kept it all inside of me, only for me to know. I still wonder about your doings, how you are, what you're doing, what we used to talk about, to the laugh in your voice. just everything - I miss it all. However, I feel that the parting of us was for the best, because everything happens for a reason. Should destiny put us into a crossing road in the future, that is when I will see you again. Until then, remember this; no matter what, even through the screaming fights, the disagreements, mistakes and the tears we've cried, never ever did I give up on you.

- Love Always Jessica

I once again did what I did with every letter I wrote him, i crumpled it up and threw it away.

Brittany's POV

I was packing a few things in my room when Jessica came in and asked if I wanted to go tell Carter with her.

"Carter." Jessica Said as we walked into his room, he was watching a Hockey game on TV.

"What mom?" He asked not looking away from the TV, he was concentrated on that hockey game.

"We're moving to Pittsburgh, Mommy got a job with the Penguins." Jess said enthusiastically with a huge smile on her face.

"Really?" Carter asked surprised as he ran to Jess giving her a hug.

"Does this mean I'll get to hang out with the players?" Carter asked, he was ecstatic, The penguins were his favorite team. As they were talking I snuck out of the room and down the hall, sliding into Jess's room, making sure no one was looking. I made my way right to the Garbage can grabbing the crumpled paper out. One more letter.....
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot of you thought it was Kris... lol
Let me know what you think (:
Let's try for 8 comments this time

Update very soon!
Still comment though (: Updating the begining of this week!!!! (: