The Premier Theatre


“Hello?” Kayla answered the phone, laughing at Tommy running from his aunt.
“Is anyone there?” she asked, getting a prank call on thanksgiving was beyond odd.
Kayla pulled the phone back from her ear and looked at the caller I.D.
It was Greg, he hadn’t called her since September, and he hadn’t left anything at her house, what could he possibly want?
“Greg, are you there?” but as a return all Kayla got was a dial tone.
She would of called back but Tommy called for her to join in the card game his family had started, and besides, Greg could handle life by himself, he was the one who broke up with her.

“We’re playing Phase 10, you know how, right?” Tommy’s mom said, dealing Kayla her cards.
“Yes I do Mary, but what’s the first Phase again?” Kayla asked picking up the cards that slid across the table towards her.
“Two sets of three,” Mary said, looking at the rules of the game just in case her memory had failed her.
“Okay, thanks.” Kayla looked down at her cards, absolutely no matches.
They started to play. Kayla had come to Tommy’s for Thanksgiving since she was seven years old and it was always family tradition to play this game. The scores changed wildly and at the end Mary was the winner.
“So Kayla, Tommy told me that he’s moving in with you for the winter. What’s that all about?” Tommy’s mom asked. She had always praised Kayla and wished that Tommy would make things right, her face started to glow with hope for the two of them.
“Well, Greg and I broke up and I just needed some company for the moment,” Kayla replied, trying to mention her single status as quietly as possible.
“I’m glad, I never liked him living in the south side anyways,” Mary commented, making it seem that she didn’t hear Kayla at all.
“I know!” Kayla said getting interested in some random gossip, “and his neighbor, did you see her? She looked like a dead cat!”
The conversation went on about Tommy’s neighborhood wile he nodded in protest, Kayla didn’t understand what he liked about that neighborhood, it was dirty, and everyone was up to something against each other, a living battle field every hour of the day. Maybe he liked the idea of independence, he had lived at home while going to college, and he was always home for the weekends, but he didn’t seem to mind much anyways.

Kayla loved life again at the very moment Travis said hello at Starbucks from behind the counter. His eyes focused on hers as she made her order and she felt a feathery feeling spread throughout her middle.
"I'm going to need you to sign that line right there, and write your name and number on this paper so we can hook up this weekend," He asked, handing her the receipt and a blank business card. He was so straight to the point and adventurous, he said it with such and ease that it basically demanded Kayla to write the information down.
Travis had called her that Friday inviting her out to dinner, she heard his smooth yet deep voice rattle in her ear, as if it were an addicting narcotic she couldn't get enough of. The dinner was enchanting; he held her close, dancing in the ballroom area of the restaurant.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" he asked her, making her knees fail, but regain composure before he could tell.
"I didn't for a long time, I thought it was just an illusion of the mind, but if it is, I don't want anybody to snap," She answered, with a small smile creeping up at the corners of her lips. He leaned down the 8 inch difference and kissed her cheek, letting her know that if it was up to him, no one would snap either.
They talked about everything that came to mind: books, work, family, friends, but what made Kayla whirl was how deep he looked in her eyes as if he had nothing to hide. She told him about Greg, as Travis promised never to hurt her as he did. In the three hours they spent together Kayla just knew, that again life was taking a spin, but this time not for the worst.

"Do you have a screen name?" Travis asked as they walked out of the restaurant.
"I do, here. Let me put it in your phone," she typed it in his contacts and hugged him good night, whispering an unheard I love you through his ears.
As she got home she made a quick phone call to Brittany, at 3 in the morning, it was serious girl business.
"Hi Brit, guess what?" she asked, totally ecstatic.
"You woke me up?" she said in a raspy voice.
"Well, besides that. I just found my one and only, my soul mate," Kayla whispered heavily into the phone.
"Whop tee doo, and you know this how?" Brittany asked.
"I just looked in his eyes and a special alert when off in my head, the Go-get-him-Kayla alert," she said louder now, not being able to contain herself.
"I'm sure this will all make sense to me when I'm awake, as in not now. Good night." She said, hanging up on an over the top Kayla. How exactly was she supposed to sleep with all this excitement in her?
She walked into the bathroom and took a shower, realizing there was always Tommy to wake up and tell all the juicy news to, but one problem, Tommy was a boy who could care less. Kayla sat down in front of her laptop looking at a blinking message that had opened up:
Travistinian says: well, hello there.
Kayla's heart stated to melt, nothing was better right now than talking to this boy.
Killawilla says: Hi, how have u been this past, 20 minutes?
Travistinian says: I would lie, but lying is bad, especially to someone as beautiful as u
Travistinian says: all I've been doing is thinking about u
Killawilla says: same, were did u learn to dance?
Travistinian says: I was the practice dummy for my sister, she was in dance when I was growing up
Killawilla says: sounds extremely fun
Travistinian says: or horrible, you choose
Killawilla says: Hahaha
Travistinian says: I feel terrible in leaving u but I have a big "coffee meeting" in the morning
Killawilla says: oh, ttfn.
Travistinian says: bi bi
Travistinian says: I love you
SystemManager says: The message "I love you” was not sent because the user is offline.