The Premier Theatre

Twisted Love

In the midst of it all, he fell in love with Helen; her blue eyes hidden behind long lashes held a certain feeling given to him as they lightly lay their gaze upon his own eyes. The sense of perfection in time held between them was impeccable, and she had gotten used to the new lifestyle.
Greg searched the internet the world over for any kind of antidote to the Thallium Sulfate, but there was no word to comfort the longing feeling he would have after burying her. They always had things to talk about, even after hours when all topics seemed to be covered. Her hand was always tucked in his and she held onto him back. Greg never asked her once how she felt about him, nor had he told her of his own feelings, but he could sense the warmth her body would give off every time they touched.
The poison was making its way into her scalp, and at times she would cry, because even though she never expected Greg to be the culprit, she knew that she was dying one day at a time. He wished never to have found her, so such a beautiful creature could continue grazing the earth. He knew that what he was doing was the only right way, and keeping her alive wouldn’t do any good, but is was the fact that he had gotten a second chance with Helen that made him leave her and research the library for hours at a time, searching to prolong his chance to the rest of his lifetime.
“Greg, why is my hair following the water?” Helen asked. She watched the water and her hair go down the drain as Greg washed it.
“I really don’t know Helen, maybe it felt too crowded,” Greg joked, as he started laughing softly along with her. He combed his fingers through her hair again and as he pulled it out there were black strands tying his fingers together.
“Oh Greg, I saw a commercial on the television, it was for a play, I was wondering if we could watch it when they air it on television,” Helen asked, her fragile hand moving up to touch him, but it backed away as soon as she felt her own hair tangled between his fingers.
“I think we could go watch it,” Greg said seeing the frown she had put on turn into a smile.
“That would be wonderful! We could wear our dress clothes, buy popcorn, and even sit in the beautiful theatre,” Helen stated getting exited for doing things she had only done in her dreams while sleeping on the park bench.

Greg found two front row tickets for the first showing of the Color Purple, at The Premier Theatre on East Oak Street. Helen was so exited he could see her eyes glimmering at the very idea of seeing people with years of experience dance and sing. She slightly envied them because as they had years of schooling, all she could do was read street signs and count the coins people handed her. But Greg had changed that for her, she was able to read books, all by herself, and do simple everyday calculations she couldn’t before. She was more than grateful for the chance Greg gave her, but he had come too late, for the often talked about disease that ran in the streets had come to her, and as her hair was nearly half way gone, her hands would tremble while she lay alone in the night, and there would always be a stabbing pain in her knees.
In between the smiles and laughter Helen knew that Greg was aware of her disease, he couldn’t look in her eyes anymore, it brought too much pain into him, and Helen knew that the reason he left the house hours at a time was because he didn’t want to be infected. As he was gone Helen would cry silent tears as she tried to enjoy her time to its fullest before the disease caught up with her. She saw the disappointment played on Greg’s face as he walked into the apartment but he quickly tried to cover it with a smile.
“Greg, are you scared of, the… disease?” as Helen looked up from her feet Greg was finally using his hazel eyes to stare straight into hers, and he had sympathy shaped eyes, she knew that whatever she had was apparent to Greg, and he felt bad about it.
“No Helen, I’m not. I- Helen, this is something really just-,”the let out a sigh with all his built up stress, “I love you, and I know that whatever you have isn’t cacheable, all I want if for you to get better, I can’t stand seeing you like this.” Helen took a breath of new air, she hadn’t once thought about her feelings, or Greg’s, but it made so much sense now, love was the word. She held his hand and kissed his cheek, knowing that if she would die, she would die happy.