I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

The Blank Is Gone In Just Second

I sat in a chair placed in front of the store, while accompanied by Shadow who leaned his head into my thigh. Inside Arto was explaining Oliver about the guitar that is very precious to him. I just sighed and occasionally looked over at Shadow and smiled weakly. Shadow seems to understand why I act like this now. He produces a low voice while heading muzzle in my direction. I just patted his head just to respond. Elina suddenly came out of the store and sat down beside me.

"Blake?" she began, but I'm just speechless.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I’m fine" I smiled at her, trying to convince her that I was okay.

"Do not lie. I know you must have thoughts about my father's guitar?" looks like Elina can read my mind.

"How do you know?" I looked at her.

"Seen from the look on you face when Oliver told you that my father only allow people who he thinks deserve to be playing his guitar, and now my father allow Oliver to play it, and then you immediately look down"

"Owh ... Eli ..." I stammered when she knew that she was watching me.

"Blake ..." for the first time Elina talks to me in a serious tone.

"Blake, I must be honest with myself" she looks tense, I then held her hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Although my Father prefers Oliver to play the guitar, but for me you are the most important person to me"

"So you're saying ..." I'm almost lost for words and then Elina looks very beautiful at that moment.

"You're the first person who gives more attention to me, you're the first person who can make my heart beating every time you near me"

Elina’s face increasingly reddened as she said that words to me. I smiled at her. I knew she must have been very tense today. Not just Elina, I’m also very tense because Elina finally honest with her heart.

"Blake ... I ... I ... I ..." Elina began haltingly.

"Shhh ... let me say it first" I bend my knee down in front of her.

"I love you. I love you since the first time I open my eyes and I saw you cooked that eggs in the kitchen" Elina smiled, after I said it.

"So what's the answer? How long do I have to kneel in front of you, waiting for an answer?" Elina chuckled, after I said that.

"I love you too Blake. I love you so much" Elina advanced towards me and hugged me very tightly.

"Finally" I whispered in her ear.

I saw her eyes with very deep. Her eyes are the first thing that I liked her. She looked at me also and blushed. I stroked her cheek and hold her chin. I developed slowly to reach her lips and then we kissed. That was the most precious moment in my life.
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finally eh? hehe...
so Elina will happily ever after with Blake? nah ah
lets see what's gonna happen in the next next next chapter ;)
leave me a comment and I'll give you e-big bear hug