I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

Never Know That You Have That Feeling


"Come on then, let's walk to the park now" My father and Oliver out of the store right when Blake and I finished kissing.

"Why is your face flushed Eli? And you! What are you squatting in front of Elina like that?" My father wondered.

"It's nothing Dad" I stood up and hugged my father.

My father may not realize why I hugged him today, but I'm very happy after what Blake stated to me. I'd love to told my father about everything, but perhaps now isn’t the right time. I should be able to convince my father that Blake is a person who means to me, before I tell him everything.

"It's your guitar" Oliver gave the guitar to be used by Blake.

"Thanks Oliver!" Blake stood up and took the guitar posed by Oliver.

"Let's go there now. This afternoon the weather was excellent for acoustic performances" My father's face looks very happy today, it made me smile happy to see it.

We then walked to the park. My father and Oliver walked in front, while Blake and I walked behind them. Blake walked and took my hand. He occasionally looked at me and smiled gently. Throughout we walked there, my father did not stop to chat with Oliver, and he asked a variety of things to him. When I saw Blake's face, looks like he wanted that my father could also be like that to him.


"Yes? Oh no, Eli it’s fine. I do not envy again to Oliver, because now I know you chose me" Blake smiled again and kissed my forehead.

My father and Oliver were too busy to chat, so they do not notice what both Blake and I do behind them.

We finally arrived at the city park, in the middle of the park there is a big shady trees. My father walked to the tree and we followed him.

"Oliver, Blake, come here help me prepare a place for you to play" my father waved his hand toward them both.

I sat under a tree watching them all three. That afternoon the wind was blowing breeze and the sound of birds chirping in the trees. When I poked my head into the top there is a bird's nest with five baby bird that is busy jumping, to take food from the mouth of its mother. I chuckled when I saw it.

"Why are you laughing?" Suddenly I heard Oliver's voice beside me.

“Oh it's nothing, I just watched baby birds in a tree there" I pointed to the bird's nest I've seen.

"Ohh yeah I can see it. They are so funny" Oliver raised his head in the direction that I point out.

"From the first you have never changed, always liked the variety of living creatures" Oliver then sat next to me.

"They're very cute" I said.

"Yeah, I remember when you fell into the pool only because you wanted to save a kitten. After that Arto was furious with me, because he thought I am the one that pushed you into the pool" Oliver feigned a look of sullen when he talked about our childhood.

"I did not mean you to be scolded by my father" I could not help myself to laugh.

"Hmm ... Eli" my laughter stopped when Oliver began to speak with a serious tone.


"What is your relationship with Blake? He saw me with that sharp look since I've been up to you" Oliver tilted his head toward Blake, and yes, I see Blake's face looks wrinkled.

"Is that something wrong?" my attention back to Oliver.

"No. I just want to know" Oliver smiled at me and waiting for me to talk to him.

"Well I'll tell you, because you are my best friend from childhood. But do not say anything to my father, ok?"

Oliver nodded assent, and I then told him all about Blake. Starting from the first time I found Blake fell at the edge of the river until the end when Blake told me that he loves me in front of my father's music store. Oliver listened carefully to my story, he occasionally nodded and frown his forehead. When the story finished he sighed and smiled again at me. He was silent for a while, and finally said.

"If that's your decision, I can only support you Eli" he wakes up from his sit and kissed my cheek.

"But I will always love you" he whispered before he went to leave me and walked toward my father.

I just sat there, not knowing what to say. I never knew that Oliver loves me. I love him, but only as a friend since childhood. What should I do now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oliver finally tell her after ages (kinda too late bro)
what do you think? leave me a comment please, thank you!

PS: sorry if the story kinda slow, I want to put more detail.
Blake's memory will back in the next 1 or 2 chapter, just wait ;)