I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

There Is A Fangirl In A Small Town


People began to gather in the park, they surround Oliver, who invites them to chat and ask for ideas, what song he should deliver. I sat in the outer circle, still thinking about what just said by Oliver at me a few moments earlier. I was stunned when Blake patted my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Blake oh ... No, it's nothing"

"Do not lie to me, Eli, I can see it in your face" Blake then sat cross-legged beside me.

"I'm fine, do not worry about me" I'm promoting my body and kissed his cheek.

Blake then fell silent. I leaned my head on his shoulders. At this point I do not care about my father saw us or not, but apparently my dad already knew Blake ad I loved each other. Just when I'm looking at Oliver, he is also looking at me. That was pretty awkward. Oliver looked at me with eyes that reassuring.

"Was Oliver said anything to you, when you are chatting under a tree?" Blake suddenly talks to me. I sighed.

"He said he loves me and I never know he has that feeling to me" I tell it to Blake. I cannot lie to him. But Blake just smiled when I told him about it.

"I knew if he loves you from the first moment I met him"

"Really?" I was shocked to hear that.

"I feel a rejection from him when you introduce me to him"

"Ohh ..." I just silent after that and even Blake cuddling and kissing my head.

"Do you love him?" Blake said to me.

I woke up from his shoulders, "I love him but only like a sister to her brother. Currently, only you're the only one for me"

Blake smiled back at me, "thank you. But I do not want good relations between you and Oliver mess, because I am"

"No it will not happen" I then kissed his cheek.

"Blake! It’s your time now!" Suddenly my father called Blake, told him to start his show.

"I'm coming" Blake got up from his sit and kissed my head before he walked into the middle of the circle.

Blake sat in the middle of the audience who are mostly girls. No wonder it happened, all because of Oliver. Oliver was quite popular in this small town. Many girls like to come to dad's shop just to chat with him. But unfortunately Oliver never responded to one of them. Currently Oliver is also still surrounded by many girls and I can see that he already sick with all this. I could only laugh.

There was the sound the guitar, when I saw it, Blake was already choosing songs and he played it very well now. He took one little girl who sat next to him to sing the song played by him. Blake and I occasionally looked to each other and he was smiling, it makes me very happy. When I was considering Blake, I overheard a conversation between two girls who sat not far from me.

"Is he Brendon Urie?" The first girl spoke.

"There's no way this man is Brendon!" the other replied.

"But he looks just like him. I'm sure it must be Brendon"

"There's no way that Brendon the vocalist of Panic at the Disco was in a small town like this"

"Then wait until he finished playing, I want to ask him"

"I still believe he is not Brendon"

"If he's not Brendon it’s not a problem. Did you not see that very handsome man, no harm we meet him"

"You do not ever change"

They say Blake is similar to a vocalist? Should I ask them something? But they are one of the fans of Oliver, and they had an argument with me because they thought I was Oliver’s girlfriend and Oliver tried to defend me in front of my father when they tried to libel me.

"Ok I better not say anything" I muttered to myself.

Blake was playing the second song and the song that was brought soon to be completed. The two girls who I accidentally heard the conversation, cannot wait to go forward and meet with Blake. Just when the show had finished and the audience sitting around Blake started to get out of the park, they both came over and patted his shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you Brendon Urie?" One of them asked him and I listened to their conversation when my father and Oliver are helping to tidy up the instruments.

"Err ... sorry. Brendon? No I'm not Brendon. Maybe you’ve made a mistake"

"You must Brendon, because your face is very similar to him!" The woman insisted that Blake was Brendon.

"Similar does not mean I was the person that you mentioned. Anyway I got the name" Blake replied rather impatiently.

"Then what's your name? Let me introduce myself. My name is Penelope and this is my friend Margareth" I could see when I peered over my father's body, they held out their hands to shake hands.

"Blake Harnage" Blake shook hands with them.

"Harnage? Blake Harnage?" girl named Margaret looks confused.

"Yes, is there a problem?" asked Blake.

"I think I've heard your name. Do you live around here?"

"No, I live with Elina" Blake pointed to me and I pretend I do not know if they call my name.

"Oh Elina" sarcastic tone when Penelope spoke.

"Wait a minute. Is it true that we never met before? Because your name seems familiar to my ears" Margaret insisted that he knew about Blake.

"No, we never met before. Perhaps only people who have similar names and faces like me"

"But I'm sure"

"Hmm ... sorry I gotta go, there are still things to do"

"Are you going to play again here tomorrow?" Penelope kept trying to talk to Blake.

"Yeah, tomorrow we'll play again here at the same hour. Please come if you have time"

"We're definitely coming!" Penelope looked very excited.

Blake just smiled a little and he left them and came over me and very long sigh.

"I cannot stand them!" He said.

"Welcome to my world" Oliver replied casually.

"Yes we have to go home. Elina, you already know where we are staying is not it?" asked my father.

"Yes Dad. In the usual place I'm staying, right?" And my father nodded.

"Sir! Can I not go back to the store? I would like to invite Elina go out tonight, if you permit?"

My father and Oliver stood silent when Blake was suddenly stepped forward and spoke to my father.

"If you say so! But tomorrow I want you to come on time!” said my father.

"Yes sir!"

"Elina, I’m going back to the store. Later, I might just go to the inn"

I nodded. Oliver and my father then walked back toward the store with music equipment in their hands. When they were some distance away, I talked with Blake.

"Sooooo ... What's with all this?"

"I just want to spend a quality time with my girlfriend, is it wrong?"

Blake touched my nose and I laughed a little when he did. My face and his face are now very close, he kissed my forehead and I could hear his heart beat close to me. I approached him and hugged him tightly. Blake kissed the top of my head many times. At that moment I felt like flying.

"So what do we do now? Eat? Picnic? Moonbathing? Or just take a walk?" I laughed when he said 'moonbathing'

"Suit yourself. You kidnapped me from my father tonight, so you just take me whatever you want to go"

"Okay then" Blake laughed and then carried me running around in the park.

All that I and Blake did that night made me forget that Margareth had said that she seemed to have heard about Blake.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmmm it's 10:10pm atm and I'm sleepy
I will go to sleep after posting this chapter.

hope you enjoy :) goodnight!