I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

Angels Cry When Stars Collide


I immediately walked to the nearest store to buy Blake a drink, so he can felt better. I'm very worried about his condition. He looked very pale, like he was sick. I rushed into the store and buy a cup of hot tea for him. I waited a few moments until my order is ready to take home. Not long after that, the waiter gave it to me. I paid him and immediately headed back to the tree where I left Blake sat there. I hope he's okay when I left him. I saw a man sitting back to a tree, I quickly approached him.

"Blake, are you feeling better?"


"Oh I'm sorry, wrong person, I thought you're someone I know"

"Oh its okay"

I thought someone was Blake, but it was not. Where is Blake? I've told him not to go anywhere as long as I left.

"Did he go back to the middle of the show?" I muttered to myself.

I then walked back to the venue. Oliver was brought the last song and he thanked the audience as the closure of his performance. I look to the right and the left to find the figure of Blake, but I do not see him anywhere. I then walked toward Oliver.

"Hey Elina. What’s wrong with Blake? Is he okay?" he asked.

"I just want to ask about Blake, Oliver. Did he go back to here?"

"No. Not that he'd go with you?"

"Well ... yes ... Yes he was. But I left him under a tree to buy a drink for him. When I returned he was gone. I thought maybe he came back here to see you" I gave an explanation.

"No, he did not return here"

"I cannot find him. I was worried there was something bad happen to him. You see him, right? He looked sp pale when he left the show"

"Yeah I saw him. He looked like a zombie. Maybe he went back to the store because he felt unwell. Or maybe he went back to the inn. We better find him there first"

"But Oliver, what if Blake was not there? How about when he went there he fell, unconscious and I do not know about his condition!?"

"Eli ... Eli ... calm down. I'm sure he'll be fine. I accompany you look for him, but first I must go back to the store beforehand to restore your father's guitar"


I nodded assent. I then went back to my father’s store with Oliver. Oliver cleaned up the store and locked the store at first before we finally went to the inn. Along the way to the inn I was very worried about the state of Blake. Oliver continued to try to calm me down. He patted my shoulder like when we were kids, when I'm sad or afraid he'll pat me on the shoulder. But for that moment, that thing did not work to ease the sense of going to state my worried about Blake. Arriving at the inn I was then rushed to the second floor where Blake’s room located.

"Blake? Blake, are you inside?" I knocked on his door.

"Blake! Elina searched for you, why did you leave without saying anything to her or at left a message to me. She is very worried about you Blake!" Oliver screamed a little when he talked.

"Blake, are you okay? Can I get into?" but there is no sound from the room.

I'm still a bit hesitant to get into his room, but Oliver directly reached the doorknob and tried to open it. Apparently the door was not locked. Oliver first went into the room and I followed him from behind.

"He's not here!" Oliver said when he entered the room and he saw Blake’s bed was empty.

"Maybe he was in the bathroom?"

Oliver then turned to the bathroom door and knocked, but no answers. He then opened it and found the bathroom was empty too.

"He's not in the bathroom either"

"Maybe he was eating at the restaurant downstairs. We better find him there first" Oliver asked me.

Oliver and I then headed to the restaurant at the inn, but Blake is also not there. Oliver continues to accompany me looking for Blake until the clock showed up to eleven. He and I have looking for Blake from city parks and shops near the inn, thinking maybe Blake was there. But no avail, I could not find him anywhere. Oliver was forced me to return to the inn because it was late. At first I refused because I was so worried about Blake. But Oliver told me, Blake will be just fine in just one night. That's why I finally followed what Oliver said and go back to the inn. Oliver dropped me right into the room to make sure I did not come out again to search for Blake. I stood at the edge of my bed, still thinking about Blake.

"Where is he? What happened to him when I left him there?" I was not strong and I finally felt the tears running down my cheeks.

"Owww ... Elina, he'll be fine. Maybe he was in another place" Oliver tried to calm me down, but it did not work. My worried increasingly redundant.

"Oliver, I'm afraid he's got an accident" I started to cry and dropped me in the room. I leaned against the front wall and hugged my legs, crying.

"Elina please. Please do not cry. Please, seeing you crying is the last thing in the dictionary of my life"

"I'm afraid, Oliver. I feel that something bad will happen. I do not know what to do!?"


"I felt he would be away from me. I’m so scared"

"Oh no Elina..." Oliver gave me a hug.

I should have refused from his hug, because I already have Blake.

"Oh... sorry!" he pulled away.

"Don’t! Do not let me. Stay here with me. Don’t leave me. Do not leave me like everyone's doing" I hold his arm.

"No... No... I will never ever going to leave you. Never Elina, never! I love you and you know that" he whispered in my ear.

I could only cry in the arms of Oliver until I can’t breathe easily because of I was crying. Oliver stayed beside me and hugged me until I fell asleep on his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Blake is gone? Where the hell is he?

btw I'm busy designing things for my clothing line with my friends. Other than that I still have visual communication principal task in my campus. Hell-O to my world!

I hope you keep waiting for the next chapter
*giving cheese cake to everyone*