I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

New Memory Will Be Embedded In The Head

The sun began to enter my bedroom through the window curtains. I was still sleeping and wrapped in my warm blanket. I was still lazy to get out of bed. I was thinking to continue my sleep when I suddenly remembered the boy who is now sleeping in my father's room.

"Gosh I'd forgotten about him"

I got out of bed looking for my slippers and went out into the next room.

I poked my head into the room, and I saw him that he was still asleep. I don’t know whether to wake him or not. I decided to leave until he wakes up by himself.

I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I started beating eggs to make an omelet, my eyes fixed on the river where I found him last night.

"How can he get there? And more severe at night" thoughts began to come to my head.

I took the pan to cook the egg. I just sauté butter when suddenly a voice broke some things in the living room.

"Huh? What now?"

I turned off the stove and ran into the living room. I found that boy slumped on the couch near my bookshelf.

"Oh dear why did you get out of bed" I went over and helped him up and sat on the couch.

"I woke up because the smell of the butter" said the boy

"huh?" for a moment I paused and finally laughing.

"You’re so funny. Are you okay? What about your arm? Is it still hurt or no?” barrage of questions out of my mouth.

"Still a little sore, but it seems not so bad, I could still move my arm. Are you the one who treated me?" asked the boy and he smiled at me.

I smiled back at him "yes it seems so."

He smiled again, and I almost lost my breath "what's your name? How you get there?"

The boy was silent for a couple of time. I just looked at him and finally he answered.

"I do not know, I do not remember my name”

He paused again and looked at the floor. This situation also makes me confused, I think when he woke up, everything will be done but it turned out this guy lost his memory. Perhaps because his head banged a rock yesterday.

"Don’t worry I'll help you remember" I tried to calm him.

"Thank you" he held my hand and my heart started beating very fast

"I also found your bag yesterday. Maybe there is a clue about you" I explain it

"Can I see?"

"Of course, wait a minute" I walked into my room and took the bag I keep under the bed. The bag was very light for a large size.

I returned to the living room where he was sitting there looking out the window.

"Here it goes, I do not see the inside at all"

"Thank you. Can you help me open it, my hand is not possible to do it"

"Oh, of course"

I started to open the bag and there was not anything in it. The bottom of the bag may be torn and probably the river washed away yesterday.

"There is not any one item in your bag. I’m sorry, this seems not help you out" I gave him the bag. His face is not too showed that he was disappointed.

"Yes its okay. I’m the one who should apologize for troubling you much longer" he said, looking at the backpack.

"Oh there’s graffiti name" he said

"Where?" I picked it up and tried to read it, the words on the bag began to fade, so it’s a little hard to read it.

"Blake Harnage written here" I read it.

"Means maybe your name is Blake. Your name is Blake Harnage. I'll call you Blake then" I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

"Blake? It seemed not too bad," he smirked
♠ ♠ ♠
yeeess it's Blake Harnage
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