I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You


There was a sound of heavy machine in the distance coming toward my house. I think it must be my Father’s old Chevy truck.

"That must be the sound of my Father’s truck" I got up from the couch and went onto the porch to see it.

Blake also got up from his seat and followed me to the porch. I could see my Father’s truck came into the farm area. He parked his truck next to the stables. My father got out and I ran over him.

"Daddy!" I hugged him, and my Father hugged me back very tightly.

"I miss you so much Little Lili" my father released me and kissed my head.

"I also miss you so much Dad. You didn’t come home almost a month"

My father smiled and hugged me again. He released me when he saw Blake was standing on the terrace accompanied by Shadow.

"Who is the boy who is standing there?" I looked back and I saw my Father is pointed Blake.

"His name is Blake. It’s a long story. Come on let me introduce you" I took my Father's hand and went closer to Blake.

"Blake this is my father, Arto Kuusisto" I introduced my Father to him.

"Good afternoon sir," Blake greeted my Father and shook his hand.

"Yes good afternoon" My Father greeted Blake

"Let's come inside, I’ll make you some drinks. After that I'll explain it all" I took my Father's and Blake’s arm and bring them into the living room.

"Have a seat. I will make some tea and serve some cookies for you" I then walked to the kitchen, and glanced back to see my Father and Blake were sitting on the couch facing to one another.



Elina's father sat on the couch in front of me. His face showed that he didn’t like me. He looked at me from my head to toe. Looked like he judged me, actually I didn’t like if someone staring at me like that. But I didn’t do anything, he is Elina’s Father, I have to be polite.

"So what's your name?" her father began.

He sat back against the couch and put his arms to one another.

"Oh my name is Blake sir"

"And how did you get here?"

"Elina found me slumped on the rocks in the river three days ago. She then took me here and take care of my wounds"

"So you've lived here for three days?" his face lines deepened on his face when uttered those words. I don’t want to think about what he was thinking.

I nodded and he silent again, he was watching my arm that is still wrapped up. I'm sure he wondered about my injuries.

"Then how can you fell into the river?" I felt the conversation between me and Arto was like a police interrogation.

"I don’t really remember about that"

"What do you mean do not remember about that?" Arto asked me again.

"Dad, Blake is lost his memories" I didn’t see that Elina came to the living room and put the tray with a teapot and cups on the table.

Elina sat on the couch where Arto was sitting, and Arto still stared at me.

"So you mean the boy is having an amnesia?" Arto repeated the question.

"The boy has a name Dad. It's Blake"

"Okay fine, Blake" he pointed at me.

"When I found Blake in the river, his head banged to the rocks. I think that’s why he lost his memories"

"Then how do you know his name?" I was just listening to the conversation between them.

"It written in his backpack that I also found in the river. But the backpack is empty, so that’s only information that I knew about Blake's" explained Elina, while she pouring the tea pot into the cups on the table in front of us.

I can’t take my eyes off of her. Her blond, long and smooth hair fell to the side of her face. Her emerald green eyes is very bright and that's what interested me the most since the first time I saw her, when she helped me fall in her living room on the first day I woke up.

"Ahem!" I woke up from my reverie when Arto gave a fake coughing sound.

I quickly avert my eyes from Elina. Eli looked at his father and to me, and then she chuckled. Seeing her expression like that, made me smile. But my mind shattered again when Arto again and again gave a fake cough.

"Shadow hey comes here! You don’t miss with your old man?"Arto called Shadow who had been laid his head on my leg.

Shadow did not move an inch, he even covered his face with his front leg. Eli and I laughed at his behavior.

"Your dog doesn’t have manners Eli. How could he not up to me after a month he didn’t see me? "Arto complained to Eli.

Elina just laughed and patted his back.

"And since when Shadow gets along with strangers?" Arto saw me with a stern look.

"I don’t know Dad, but Blake has taken his heart from the first Shadow met him" Eli spoke and she getting up from the sofa and move to the sofa beside me.

"Eli said that I’m a special person for Shadow like the way Eli is also special for him" I added.

I glanced at Arto and he looked sour, it amused me and I couldn’t help myself not to laugh.

"Shadow hey come on, wakes up, say hello to mr. Kuusisto" I patted his head.

Shadow got up and went limp to Arto then put the muzzle on Arto’s thigh. Arto suddenly busy rubbing Shadow’s head. After that I didn’t remember a thing about Shadow and Arto because I kept starring at Elina who sat close to me. She watched his father and Arto snuggled in the sofa and she giggled sometime, she shook her bangs that covered her face. It makes me able to inhale the sweet smell that likes fruits coming from her hair. Suddenly Elina glanced at me

"Is there something wrong with my face again?" she asked me with her cheeks turned red gradually.

I didn’t say anything. I was hypnotized with her emerald eyes

“Blake?” she waved her hand in front of my face.

I looked straight to her eyes and now her cheeks became much red.

“Blake stop, you making me blush” Elina getting flushed and make her cuter.

Then she turned away from me and talked with his father.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" Eli asked Arto while she was giving him and me a cup of tea.

"Thank you" I took it and started blowing the surface of the cup.

"Help what?" Arto sat back and enjoyed his tea after Shadow climbed onto the couch next to his and then buried his head beneath the seat cushions.

"You will return to the city tomorrow, right? Can I and Blake join with you Dad? I asked Blake to look for information about him"

After Eli talking to him, Arto looked at me.

"Yes yes, tomorrow you can come with me to the town"

"Oh thank you very much Dad. I knew I can count on you" Eli went to his father and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you very much sir," I thanked him

But my eyes just fixed on Eli. I really can’t take my eyes off of her.
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thanks for all the readers, commenters and subscribers
Blake's smile is coming right up :)

and this is the first time I write from Blake's POV