I Was Born to Tell You 'I Love You'

You Are The Only One Who Saved Me

"It's already 1 pm you must be hungry right, it's better to eat first. After that you both can look for the information about Blake's" my father spoke as he continued driving and he parked his truck in front of a small restaurant.

My father then got out of the truck, and then headed into the back to open Shadow’s cage. Blake and I also jumped out. When my feet will hit the ground, shadow passed over my feet and I reflexively avoid Shadow so he was not trampled. But it made fell off from the chair truck.

"Elina!" Blake caught me just before my face kiss the ground.

"Be careful, anything hurt?" He seemed so worried about me.

"Oh yeah. I'm okay"

"Little Lili hey, are you okay?" My father turned around to the door of the truck where we were out.

"I'm okay Dad. Just slipped because Shadow and I avoid being stepped on”

"Can you get up, could you stand up?" Blake asked me, holding my shoulders and helped me up.

I woke up with difficulty and tried to walk but my ankles are sore, my legs seemed sprain. I was in pain but I didn’t tell anybody because I don’t want my father and Blake worry about me. Shadow was walking beside me and sniffing around my ankles. I looked at him and make a shut up code. Blake, my father and I went into the restaurant. I tie in Shadow in the front pole because he was not allowed into the restaurant. I chose a table at the end of the restaurant that looked very comfortable.

"Eli, I have to go to where I work for a while. You eat first. I'll catch up later"

"Quickly returned okay!" I replied.

My father went out when I sat down and leafed through the menu. My father then went out of restaurant and patted Shadow's head and then he disappeared after he turned to the right.

"Eli, just wait a minute okay, there is something that should I buy" I didn’t know why, but Blake also excuse exiting the restaurant.

"Are you going too? How about eating before you go? "

"Just a minute, I will not be long. Wait a minute okay! "

Blake went out of the table and stopped in front of restaurant counter, before he came out of the restaurant. Looked like he asked something to the lady who keep the cash register.

"So no one wants to eat with me?" I scolded myself.

"So Elina lovely what would you like to have?" A fat lady was standing beside my desk.

"Can you wait a little longer, I'm still waiting for my friend to come back" I spoke to her as she continued to consider the menu and I did not see her face.

"Are you sure you do not want to order anything?"

"Yes" I insisted. But her voice sounded very familiar, and finally I poke my head. The woman smiled gently at me.

"Oh mrs. James!" I stood up and hugged her.

"Elina" she hugged her tightly back.

"I'm sorry I thought you’re one of the waitresses. Let's sit down "

"Yes it's okay honey. So what are you doing here? I have not seen you girl "

"I have a very important matter. Long story" I explained.

"I have time. I closed my shop today, so do not worry there are buyers who waited for me to return to the store"

Mrs. James is an old friend of my father. She had a fruit store in this city. As a child my father often took me to the store and I sat at the end of the store to enjoy a variety of fruit for free.

I then told her all about Blake, how I found him, how was he lost his memory. Yes I believe Mrs. James because she's like my own aunt. I would not call her like my own mother, because my mother will never be replaced. Mrs. James listened carefully to my story. Occasionally she nodded which means she understands.

"Then where is the boy now?" She was looking for Blake's figures in the restaurant.

"He was out for a while. I do not know what was he looking?"

My conversation with Mrs. James keep going for several minutes until finally her order has arrived.

"Why not just sit here with me?"

"Today I go with my girls, love" she pointed to a table near the big picture and there is a set of middle-aged women were busy joking

"Ooh have fun Mrs. James" I smiled at her and he returned to her desk.

I'm back sitting alone, playing up the salt and pepper on the table. Waiting for Blake back into the restaurant.

Not long after that the door open and I found Blake has returned. He walked to my table with a bag.

"What's that?" I wonder about the contents of the bag.

"These things are to treat your sprained foot" Blake pulled out of the gauze bag.

"How do you know my pain? I'm not telling anyone, I also did not indicate if my feet hurt"

"Your face cannot lie to me, Eli. Your face winces as you walk into the restaurant. I notice that and you cannot hide it from me"

I paused for a moment still amazed because he really care about me.

"Come here let me take care of your leg" Blake then took the chair near him.

"Blake this is a restaurant, I do not want to! I'm not feeling good put my foot on the chair while seen by the people"

"I'm sorry, could I get clean water in a small basin. I have to clean her wound" Blake ignored me, and instead he asked one of the passing waiter at our table to take some water.

"What’s wrong with her?" a waiter who seems has a similar age with me and Blake looked at me.

"Her foot sprain and I want to bind her feet. Is your restaurant allows me to do that?"

"Yes of course, why not? Wait a minute let me get some water" the waiter and then went into the kitchen and returned with a small basin of water.

I opened my leather boots and the pain in my feet is too hurts. My ankle was blue and now I feel terrible pain. Blake then wrapped it up carefully. Sometimes I wince when he depressed my sprained with his finger. I feel that someone is watching me from across the table and it was Mrs. James.

"So is he Blake?" she moved her lips without a sound and I nodded.

"He seemed very nice" I smiled and once again I nodded to her.

"Yak is done" Blake's voice makes me stopped the silent conversation with Mrs. James.

"Thank you. You shouldn’t do this for me"

"I did not feel bothered. I'll do anything for you" he grabbed my hands and the he kissed my upper hand.

I smiled at him. I moved my face closer to him. I rubbed his cheek and kissed him softly.

“Thank you so much Blake” I whispered to his ear
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sorry it taking a while
well anyways enjoy this new chapter
thank you :)