Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

and so it begins

It’s a normal Friday night, so me and my two best friends decided to watch a movie for a change. We would normally be partying, doing homework or something, but we all needed a break - so here we are. We didn’t know why, but there wasn’t any good movies down town and my parents weren’t home - all of that made the natural choice my house.

It was about 8:30 pm when we decided it was time to watch a movie and after a long discussion, we decided to watch Twilight. My mom had bought it for me – I had no intention on seeing it – and now it was this evening entertainment. Anyways, we started the movie, I had made popcorn that Pixie brought and Caramel had brought some soda.

We finally started the movie and we were laughing, talking and commenting even though we hadn’t seen it before. About halfway through the movie we wanted to know who we each thought was the hottest guy in the movie. Pixie thought about it for about 30 seconds and said Jasper, Caramel said Carlisle right after and I said Emmett or Jacob.

We talked, criticized and laughed about each other’s choices and continued with watching the movie. WHen I started to notice the rain pouring down outside and then the sound of a sudden thunder broke our concentration for a minute. But we were right back on the track with our conversation a minute later. That was until a lightning bolt roared through the house, makng everything go black.

I woke up slowly, not knowing where I was and when I finally looked around I could regonize my sorroundings as those of a plane. To my right sat Caramel sleeping silently and to my left sat Pixie, also sleeping silently. Panic started to rise inside of me. What the fuck is going on? and how in hell did we suddenly get on a plane?!? After some time to calm my nerves again, I decided that noww was the best time as ever to wake them up and try to figure this entire thing out.

Unfortunately, they were as confused as I was. We tried to think of what we last remembered doing, but came up blank. We discussed the whole dream scenario, but then why was all of us here with our own free wills might I add. In the end we decided to try and figure it out when we landed. Maybe we had simply forgotten we got up and went on a vacation with our parents. Even though I knew that was a long shot and not even near a real possibilty. But ignorance is bliss, right??

When the plan started to preparing to land, the speaker was turned on and the pilot started talking: "We are getting ready to land in Port Angeles here in Washington D.C. I hope you enjoyed your flight.."

I tuned out the rest of the pilots speech. Port Angeles, why did that sound so familiar to me? I couldn't think of ever being here before, so why did that name ring a bell.

We got of the plane in no rush since we had no idea why we were here in the first place. We tried looking around for our parents. But with no hint of luck. I was slighty starting to panic again and I could tell that Pixie and Caramel were as well. Why couldn't we remember the reason for being here? and why wasn't our parents here? They would never in their right minds let us take such a long flight without them with us or someone else to look after us.

I looked at Pixie and Caramel as they looked at me expectantly. "I guess we could check if we have any luggage?"

I suggested and they both nodded, trying to hide the panic in their eyes. But before we could reach the luggage claim a middle-aged man ran toward us calling out our names. We all froze and looked at each other. Who the hell is that man? and how does he know who we are? We stood still frozen to the place we were standing, as we had no idea of what to do about the man running towards us.

The man came, now walking, over to us, “Hey girls! Didn’t you see me or didn’t you recognize your old man?”

The man questioned in a jokingly matter. Caramel and I stood still frozen in confusion, when Pixie quickly hugged him and said “hey dad, sorry long flight and no sleep tend to the worst for us,” she said in the same jokingly matter.

“That’s okay Emily, I’m just glad to see you three again,” the man said with hint of tears in his eyes. But he quickly blinked them away and held out his arms as an invitation for a hug. We each took a turn at hugging him, trying not to let it show that we had no idea who he was or why he had called himself our father in the first place.

We went reluctantly with the man that apparently was our father, in hopes that Pixie might be as kind as to inform us to why she had gone along with the whole father thing in the first place. I tried sending her a questioning look as she gave me a ‘not-right-now’ look. Our so called father helped us find our luggage and carry them to a police cruiser, which was parked not long from the entrance. Caramel and I sent each other a questioning look, but decided silently to just follow Pixie in hopes that she knew what she was doing.

After the car was packed and we were seated in the backseat, Pixie started to explain, “Are you guys listening?”

“YEAH!” said Caramel and I in unison, both of us giving her a ‘start talking’ kind of look.

“Okay, just so you know,” she started out giving a small sigh, “I’m not sure about this, so bare with me here for a second." We nodded our heads in understanding and waited for her to get a move on the explanation.

“This whole situation, it’s just like that movie Twilight, you know? The one we were watching before everything went black?” I closed my eyes for a second and it all clicked, we were at my house watching twilight and then black... I nodded my head in agreement.

“But this can’t possibly be, the world of Twilight is pure fiction and even if it wasn’t how the hell did we end up in it?” I asked sceptically.

“I don’t know,” said Pixie as she looked out the window, “But until we do, we have to play along. Otherwise we might end up in a mad house or something.” We all nodded our heads in agreement, before trying to think of anything else.

Sometime after our conversation had ended, our “father” started to ask how Renee was and how our lives at boarding school had been or in Caramels case, how work at a hospital somewhere in Scandinavia had been. I looked at the others, but they were as clueless as I was, so I faked a smile and made up some smile lies, like Renee was fine and trying to avoid any details, so that we wouldn’t contradict anything we were saying later on.

After a little while longer we saw a sign saying “welcome to Forks!” and it wasn’t too long after that, our dad parked the car in front of a nice little house. Besides the cruiser, was a beat up old red Chevy. I could recognise it as the truck that was given to Bella by her father Charlie. My eyes widened a bit as I looked at Caramel and Pixie, before pointing at the car. Pixie nodded her head, understanding what I was hinting at. Our “new” dad was Charlie Swan: Chief of Police, Renee’s ex-husband and father to Isabella ‘Bella’ Swan. But why were we here?

Dad said that our sister was here as well, as we might already be aware of and that he would look into getting me and Pixie a car too, So that we didn’t have to bug Bella about driving us around. We followed him inside of the house as our dad showed us the house and then our rooms – Bella had her own, and then it was me and Pixie in one room and Caramel in her own room. I sat down at the same time Pixie did and for the first time I really looked at her and Caramel. Something was different about them as I finally realised how blind I had been.

“Caramel?” I started asking.

“What?” snapped Caramel at me, giving me an apologetic smile, before gesturing to me to continue.

“You look like an adult”, was all I could say and when I had said it truly dawned on me, they both looked like complete different. How could I not have noticed that before now?

“Pixie weren’t you higher and your hair was blonde?” Caramel suddenly asked. I looked at her, seeing that her hair was indeed raven black, falling in big soft curls little past her shoulders.

We started to look at our reflections in the mirror on the closet. We all had the same raven coloured hair, with soft curls. But where Pixie’s hair went to a little past her shoulders, mine went halfway down my back and Caramels, was in between our two lengths. We had the same bronze skin tone with a hint of caramel twisted in it. We also had the same almond shaped emerald green eyes with a small ring of gold around the iris, but our facial structure was where the comparison ended. Caramel had a heart shaped face, which gave her a soft and caring look. Pixie had a squared face, which made her seem at bit more boyish than me. But she was still as feminine as ever. I started to look at my own face; I had more marked cheekbones than the others, which gave me a fiercer yet soft look.

We stopped looking at ourselves and each other, and started trying to figure out what to do from here.

“What should we do about all of this?” I asked after a little while of quiet.

“I really don’t know...” said Pixie, after another short while. Caramel looked at us with a calm expression.

“We have to keep up with this facade until we can go home again. I don’t know if this is real or if this is just some fucked up dream or coma talking, but until we know more. We have to try and live like this has always been our lives. I don’t see any other choices.” We looked at each other, knowing that Caramel was right. It was the only real choice we have right now.

After another few minutes of more quietness, I started to unpack my stuff and it wasn’t long before Caramel and Pixie followed my actions. I didn’t take too long, and after doing other nightly rituals we decided to get some sleep and hope that tomorrow will bring us some clarity.

The next morning was like so many others, after we had spent the night at each other’s places. I almost said ‘good morning Charlie’ instead of ‘good morning dad’, but was able to cover it up quickly and I don’t think that Charlie would have said anything either way. He seemed like the quiet kind of guy. After breakfast, we found a written permission from Bella that said we could borrow her car. Charlie had already left with Caramel, since they both had to go to work, so we both sighed in relief for not having to walk to a school, we weren’t a hundred percent sure was.

After getting our things for school, Pixie and I drove to Forks High, finding it more easily than we had first feared. We found a parking space pretty fast, but we still got pretty much everyone’s attention because of the trucks roaring engine. We looked at each other one more time before getting out of the truck. I locked it up and together we headed for the office for our schedules. We were a bit surprised to see that we pretty much didn’t have any classes, but according to the secretary, this was what they called a ‘figure my life out’ kind of year, since we had already passed our exams for most of our classes. I have no idea how, but I figured, why question something this good. So I just smiled and thanked her, before pulling Pixie out of there with me.

We stopped a little outside of the office and looked at our schedules. I sighed a little in relief when I saw we had our first class together. At least I had some sort of support in my first class. I looked around and then down at the map on the backside of my schedule.

“So if we go this way, then we should get to building three right away,” I said while pointing at the map for Pixie to see what I meant.

“Yeah, I think you’re right,” was all she said before we started to make our way to building three.

As we were about to walk into building three, we were stopped by a peppy Asian looking kid. Who smiled hugely at us.

“Hallo, you must be Emily and Christina, I’m Eric” said Eric in one breath still with a big smile on his face. I gave him a smaller one in return, being my friendly self,or what I hoped was my normal self here.

“Just call me Chris, hey Eric”, I said as Pixie smiled a similar smile at him too.

“And you can just call me Em, hallo Eric,” she said in a more quietly tone. We small talked with Eric as he filled us in on what was going on in town, about the latest gossip and about pretty much everything else as we walked into a half empty classroom.

We promised to talk to him again later, but for now we turned to face our new English literature teacher. I looked at Pixie with a ‘let’s get this over with’ kind of look and she simply gave me a small nod in return. The teacher didn’t notice us at first, as she was deeply concentrated on some sort of paperwork or what looked to be paperwork, until Pixie gave a fake small cough. The teacher looked up at us, she was a middle aged woman with curly brown hair put in a bun and with old fashioned glasses matching her retro outfit. She most of all, looked like mix of the fifties and the nineties. After a little while just starring at us, she finally realised that we were the new students and she introduced herself as Mrs. Lutz. She asked us to sit wherever we wanted, I sat next to Emmett I could recognise him from the movie but he silently moved a little more away from me as class went by. Other than that the class was pretty average.

After our English Litterateur class, we had to part ways. She had an AP Music class and I had PE. So we gave each other a big hug and wished each other good luck, before we finally parted ways and headed for our classes. I found out, that the gym was easier to find then building three and I got there with plenty of time to spare. The gym teacher, Mr. Miller gave me a set of the school’s gym clothes, which I got changed into quickly and walked with the other arrived girls out into the gym. Nothing special happened, we just played dodge ball. But I did make some new friends, Lauren and Angela.

After that we had lunch, and I found myself looking for Pixie as I walked with Angela and Lauren. Where was she at? I looked around once again and found her in the food line. After all of us had gotten our food, we went over to a table where I could see that Eric, the guy from earlier was with some other guys that I didn’t know yet. Looking over Pixie’s and my own schedule, I could see that we both had the rest of the day off. We high fived each other with a smug smile on each of our faces, just a meeting with the principle away from relaxation.

The others didn’t stay long, something about an earlier lost bet, which had to be taken care of. So Pixie and I now sat alone at the table as we began to just talk quietly about anything we could remember or heard about the books and/or the movie that might help us.

I looked over at what I could tell was the Cullen’s table and there was Bella. I grabbed Pixie by the arm and pointing towards Bella, as she nodded her head in understanding. We walked over to them, making a small gesture towards the others to keep quiet. We sneaked up behind her and as I put my hands on her shoulders, we said “Here’s chucky,” in a creepy unison voice. Bella jumped about five feet in the air, as we tried to keep our laughter down. I could tell she was pissed off, but it all disappeared when she saw it was us.

Jumping on us without warning, we all ended up tumbling down on the floor laughing.

“So it’s true, what goes around comes around,” I said chuckling, while getting up. I leaned my head a little to the side as I looked at Bella and then I saw the worried and curious stare from who I suspected to be Edward. I puffed Pixie slightly in the side, as she noted the same and then we grinned at each other. If we were her sisters, then we might as well have some fun with it. We grabbed Bella quicker than she could blink and was walking with her outside, sitting on the staircase leading up to the main building. She looked at us weirdly as I sneaked a peek at the slightly panicked Edward. Then I leaned a bit forward and laughed a little.

“Does he always worry THAT much about you being with FAMILY?” I said a bit louder than I needed too.

You could see the relaxation through Edward’s body from here and I cracked up with laughter, getting weird looks from both Pixie and Bella. I wiped away a small tear that had formed in the corner of my eye.

“Sorry guys, but your boyfriend is seriously funny to mess with. Bella looked at me shocked as she stared in disbelief at both Pixie and I and we just starred right back. Both Pixie and I were now looking at them.

“So that’s them,” I said not bothering to try and whisper. Why bother? They could hear us anyways. Pixie looked at me for second before looking at them again.

“I guess so, but I can’t see what all the fuss is about. Yeah one of them is hot, but I think I expected more from the rumours,” she said in a kind of bored tone.

“Guess it’s about taste,” I said, before turning back to Bella.

“So you and Edward huh?” I asked Bella, who was finally getting her voice and colour back.I hadn’t even noticed that she had gone paler. She looked at me like I had two heads or something.

“What..? how..?” she started out, stumbling a bit on her words. I closed her mouth with my finger as Pixie started to rub her shoulders.

“Breath Bella,” I said I took her hands in mine, “Just breath.” She took in some deep breaths, before finally looking like herself again.

I gently squeezed her hand, “You think you’re calm enough to say a full sentence now?” I asked with a humoured smile playing on my lips.

She gave me a quick glare before trying again, “You all know, don’t you.” She stated more than asked.

I nodded my head,” yes we know they are vampires and that you and Edward are in love.”

Even from here I could see that Edward was confused, but I didn’t really care about that now. Right now it was all about Bella.

“We are here to make sure that you are okay,” Pixie said while slowly taking one of her hands from my grasp.

“you know us. We are your sisters and we will probably always worry about you.” I nodded my head in agreement. I didn’t really know where this was coming from but I knew that it was true. I looked over at the Cullens after a little while.

“Pixie?” I asked in a bored tone again, she looked over at me with an amused smile on her face.

“Yes, Blondie?” she asked, copying my bored tone.

“I think the Cullens are starring at us,” I stated like it was an everyday thin as she looked at her IPhone.

“Well nothing special then,” she asked.

“No nothing of interest,” I said realising that their mouths were hanging wide open. I chuckled and smiled at them and waved, before starting to get up again.

“Anyways, we’ll see you when we see you. You have class and we are off!” I said before we all hugged and parted ways.

“So do you think that Bella is coming home anytime soon?” I asked Pixie, that same evening. But before she could answer, Bella walked in the front door. We got up and went over to her smiling and hugging each other.

“Sorry I’m home so late,” said Bella to us while scratching the back of her neck. I smirked at her.

“No you’re not, but it doesn’t matter anyway. Because you’re here now and tomorrow you are ours, deal?"

Bella blushed and nodded her head in agreement, “It’s a deal.” After the moment had passed, I pulled Pixie and Bella with me, into Pixie and I’s room.

“So you actually never answered my question,” I said before sitting down on my bed with them.

“But actually you don’t have to. I am convinced that he’s into you,” stated Pixie.

“or that’s the rumour we are going to start tomorrow,” I said sarcasm clear in my voice. We all laughed and sat down to catch up. Pixie and I as we had heard before had left a boarding school for Forks. We just kept talking about everything on heaven, earth and everything in between.

The next day, school went by in a blur and nothing actually worth mentioning happened. After school we were beginning our walk home. Bella had to go into Port Angeles for some books or something, and we didn’t feel like going, all that equals walking home. We saw Bella flipping through her IPod back against us, as we passed her car, when we heard a high pitched tire screech. Pixie didn’t know where it came from, so I was the first one to see the car. I didn’t even try to think, I pushed Pixie away and ran over and got Bella out of the way too. Before looking up to see it was too late for me to get away. I felt a big pang of pulsing pain, my eyes widened as I locked eyes with Tyler. That was the last I saw, before everything went black and numbness started to wash over me. Slowly taking the pain away, leaving me drained. Maybe sleep wasn’t such a bad idea and then… nothing….

Pixie/Emily’s P.O.V.:

Blondie and I were walking past Bella’s car when we heard something. It sounded like a high pitched tire screech. But I couldn’t hear where it wasn’t coming from and I didn’t get to look before I was pushed away roughly, making me fall. I didn’t get any scraps or anything. But it hurt a little, because of the sudden fall. When I finally looked up, I was hit the most horrific scene I have ever seen. Looking up I saw Blondie. It looked like she had been beaten up with a sontainer or some other huge object. There was blood, a lot of blood.. Oh my God… Blondie…

Bella’s P.O.V.:

I was looking at Edward while trying to find something to listen to on my IPod. I was in some sort of trance. Like the world around me was gone, at least for a minute or two. But that was when I got snapped out of it, when someone pushed me hard to the ground. I was confused for a little as I took out my headphones and was about to yell at that someone, when I looked up and when I did, I felt frozen to my inner core. There was Chris, smashed by a car, in the exact same spot I was in just two seconds ago.. My sister saved my life.. my sister.. Oh God… please… let her be alive.. Tears started to overflow my eyes, as I cried silently. Hoping and praying that she was still alive.

Edward’s P.O.V.:

I was standing around with my family, Rosalie glaring daggers at me at my back, Jasper tense because of the surrounding humans and their delicious smell of their sweet blood. I shook my head, and got my head back, thinking of everything else. I sneaked a look at Bella again, kind of waiting for what was about to happen. I still didn’t know what I was going to do about it, save her? Let her die? No I couldn’t let her die. I would die with her or at least a part of me. But I didn’t really feel like finding out anytime soon, so I mentally prepared for what I was about to do. But before I could decide on what precisely to do, I watch with mixed feelings as Bella’s sister got hit by Tyler’s out of control car. Where was Bella?

Alice’s P.O.V.:

“Why didn’t I see that!” was all I could say. Some of the others walked closer towards the scene, as I silently pulled Jasper out of there, before the smell of blood really hit him. I could hear her heart still beating and some shallow breathing from where I was standing. So I knew that it couldn’t be long before the smell came over here too. I pulled Jasper into the forest and ran home with him. We sat down on the couch with Jasper as Esme walked over and sat down with us.

“So what happened at school today?” I looked at her, still thinking of Bella Swan’s mysterious sisters. How do they even know about us? I couldn’t understand it. I’m so confused right now, why couldn’t I see them coming? I looked up at an expecting Esme as I started to tell her about the day’s events.

3rd person P.O.V.:

It was hard to miss the scene of disaster. Everyone at Forks High was gathered in the parking lot, watching one of the new girls get carried into an ambulance and driven away with the lights blinking wildly and the sirens noise being heard long after it had driven off. The school was in a mild form of chaos and a second ambulance had arrived for Tyler, as the paramedics helped him out of the car and started to do his check-up. After a little while of the paramedics doing different things to Tyler, they drove him to the hospital. People started to go their different ways, and soon enough the parking lot was yet again empty.

Caramel / Delilah P.O.V.:

I was at the hospital finishing up my first day at work. Everything had been a little confusing at first. But when I with my first patient it was like everything clicked and I knew exactly what to do. I worked quickly trying not to think of what I was doing and it worked so far. After getting changed and had picked up my back from my locker, I started on my way out of the hospital. But before I could get even near the exit, I saw Blondie being rushed towards the OR. Bloody and beaten up badly. My heart dropped in that moment, what the fuck had happened to her? Why is she so bloody and broken? I stood there frozen to the ground I was standing on. Every noise near me just faded out to nothing as I stared into the depths of nothingness in front of me.

3 months later..

Blondie/Christina’s P.O.V.:

I awoke slowly, trying to open my eyes only to close them again because of the bright light. I opened my eyes again carefully again, adjusting to the light this time. Looking around it was a lot of white on white and steel. I looked at the source of the small bibbing noises that had made me wake up in the first place, it was a heart monitor. So I must be in the hospital. The soreness in my body and my stiff movements gave me the idea that I had been here for a while. Gliding my hands gently down my body I could feel several scars on different parts of my body. I now sat fully up and looked at my surroundings one more. What happened? I thought back, trying to remember when it hit me (no pun intended). .. I was hit by a car...

I slowly swung my legs out of the bed, after turning of the heart monitor and taking everything in and on me off. After that, I gently stepped out of my bed, trying out my legs to find them surprisingly good. Looking around once more I could see a lot of flowers and cards, most of them being wildflowers one of my favourites and then there was some plastic cups and a pitch of water. I grabbed a cup and got myself some water for my dry throat. I kept drinking the water until I felt like I couldn’t drink any more water.

After setting my cup on my bedside table I got back into bed and put everything back on or in and turned on the heart monitor again and just in time. The next second someone walked in my room, an adult in his late twenties, with white blond hair, pale skin and golden eyes. I knew he was a vampire and a Cullen, so I had nothing to worry about.

“Hallo Dr. Cullen,” I said with a small smile on my face. I think I surprised him, because he almost jumped out of his own skin. I had thought that with his vampire abilities that he would had known that I was awake. But I could easily be wrong.

He blinked a little before speaking, “How do you know my name?” he asked curiously. I leaned my head a little to the side.

“You are a Cullen and a doctor, so you must there for be Dr. Cullen,” I stated while slowly laying down on the bed again and got myself comfortable.

“Can I go home soon? And where’s my family at? Do they have to know I was at the hospital? And..” I was interrupted by Dr. Cullen.

“slow down. Okay, you need to be here for a couple of days more, you’re family are arriving at any moment and they already know you’re here”. I looked at him, his face showed signs of relief.

"How long was I out?” His eyes widen a bit for a quick second before it disappeared again.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I’ll just do your check-up and then you can get some more sleep or whatever you like,” Dr. Cullen said before staring the exam.

As soon as he had left my room, I picked up my chart and looked it through. I could see that the tube in my arm was just an IV-drip. I had been on a lot of different meds, but that I had slowly been taken off them again. Then I saw the date, from the day I was admitted and then the last entry, I had been out for three months… I inhaled deeply, and shook my head free of the thoughts just waiting to enter. I looked down at my charge again, how did I even know all of this stuff?? I didn’t think any more of it than that, as I continued my reading. I had been pretty beaten up, several surgeries, broken bones and blood transfusions. I looked around me, but my surroundings suddenly seemed so cold and foreign to me. I knew right then, that I couldn’t stay in this room one moment longer.

I took in a deep breath as I once more took out my IV and shut of my heart monitor. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and almost jumped out this time, as I quickly found some of my clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed into my clothes as quickly as I could. After getting fully dressed, I checked visible parts out in the mirror, luckily my injuries were mostly to my abdomen and upper body, so there wasn’t much to notice in this attire. I combed my fingers through my hair, before finding a rubber band and tied my hair into a ponytail. It didn’t take too long to find my converse after that, and then I simply just walked out of the door. I sneaked my way past many, but I had a feeling that I could have just walked out of there without anyone noticing. But this way made me feel like James Bond. I started humming the James Bond theme as I sneaked my way out the front entrance and started walking down the road, the tune stuck in my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bond theme: click here

I'm rewriting and editing this enire story, since I'm no where near happy with how it is turning out. So úpdates won't happen for awhile, while I'm doing this. I hope you understand, I'm just doing what I think is best for the story in the long run.

-Just Thinking