Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

be kind, rewind...

3 months earlier

Caramel/Delilah’s P.O.V.:

I was now sitting down in the waiting area, Carla one of the other nurses had found me sobbing on the floor and helped out here. It had been a while since I had stopped crying and all I could do right now was stare out at the nothingness again. Charlie had arrived not long after that I had been helped out here. He was pacing the floor right now, trying to do something so he wouldn’t go mad in here. Somehow in all of this chaos, my head was completely clear and I couldn’t help but get lost in my own thoughts of nothingness. I kept seeing Blondie before my eyes, all bloody and broken.

Someone approached me and Charlie, but I didn’t register it before a cold hand gently squeezed my shoulder and made me look up. It was Carlisle in all his glory, with a saddened expression on his beautiful features.

"What's up Doc?" I said trying lighten up the mood, but my voice cracked and even I didn’t believe it for a second. He inhaled deeply looking at both me and Charlie, as Pixie ran in panting with Bella right behind her. Carlisle gestured for them to come over and then the four of us waited for Carlisle to tell us what was going on.

“Christina is in for a lot of surgery, but we have already taken care of the worst bleedings. She has a lot of broken bones, and other severe injuries. So we can’t be sure until after this next surgery. But for now she is fine.”

All four of us stayed in the hospitals waiting room that night, until finally Carlisle returned. Pixie, Bella and I held each other’s hands, staying in our seats. He pulled down his mask and we could see a smile.

“His smiling, is that good? I don’t think I could handle bad news…” said Bella quietly, both me and Pixie nodded in agreement. He stopped in front of us.

“She pulled through,” we didn’t let him finish as we all including Charlie hugged each other crying a bit in relief.

“Can we see her?” I asked Carlisle as I simmered down again.

“Before I answer, I need to tell you something. She pulled through, but she is in a coma and we don’t know when she will wake up.” We all starred at him.

“That’s not normal, right?” I asked with a hope that I was wrong. Carlisle shook his head, “I’m afraid not, usually the body needs a day or two in a sleep trance state. But Christina has gone into a full blown coma and we don’t know when or if she wants to wake up again."

"What do you mean: if she wants to wake up?” Charlie asked, in a slightly angry tone.

“As I said before it’s not normal behavior and there is no medical answer for why she is in a coma. These facts leads us to a belief that she is somehow in control of this;” stated Carlisle in a more professional tone. Charlie nodded his head as we all slowly sat down again.

I sat there when suddenly it hit me. I knew why she was in a coma. I knew what was going on and the thought alone scared the hell out of me. While getting lost in my thoughts, I could barely hear Carlisle’s question about if we had any ideas why.

"She's just stubborn I guess," I said in a mumbled whisper. Starring the floor down, I knew what I had just said was a big fat lie. Why was I lying and why did I suddenly think that Carlisle was dangerous. What was going on? I could hear Carlisle walking away and then all noise faded away again, but instead of collapsing a memory flashed before my eyes. I couldn't feel my own presence in the room. It was like every memory I had ever had passed before my eyes, except these were with Bella , Charlie, Renee, a boarding school, another hospital, snow covered mountains and so much more.

Massaging my temples as a headache formed, I looked over at the others, Bella was taking care of Charlie and Pixie seemed to have zoomed out. I would know that look anywhere: she was in deep thoughts and whatever it is about. It didn’t seem to be anything good. The headache increased even more, as the seconds past on.

I have no idea what is going on in my head, it’s like every memory in my head had been traded in for someone else’s and I didn’t like the thought of that one bit. Every emotion ran through me as I suddenly sprinted out of the hospital and head first into the forest. I didn't know why, but I just had to get out of there. It was like an instinct somewhere deep inside of me kicked in. I kept running, deeper and deeper into the forest and I would probably have kept on running, but my brain kicked back in action and my thoughts returned to me as I walked into a clearing. The most beautiful clearing I think I have ever seen.. so far.. It was naturally almost a complete circle this little spot, with a little creek flooding through it. The sun was actually shinning down here, and the ground was somehow still covered in small blue flowers.

I didn’t have long to appreciate the surroundings as the pain from my head spread and entered every cell of my being. On a reflect I clenched my fists hard, I started to feel the ground underneath my feet. But that was when all hell broke loose. Even more knowledge that I didn't even know I had, entered my mind. Clenching my head, I fell to my knees as the earth starting shaking around me, until finally it all just stopped and I was left with all my new found knowledge.

Everything seemed so simple after that, I knew what was going on and somehow I wasn’t scared anymore. It all seemed so incredible simple now, that I didn’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before. What did I think before..? Oh well, probably nothing important. Pixie, Blondie and I weren’t humans, in the old fashioned term. We were something more, we could do just a little bit more , we were elementors. We were half human and half elementors, if not more elementors than humans. A thought of what the hell that was suddenly popped up in my head, but I knew that answer as well. We were a sort of witches, except that our other half was an element and that was where we got our powers from.

I needed to calm down and I needed to do it right now.
I used my connection to the earth to calm me down and then I started the walk back to the hospital.

Carlisle Cullen's P.O.V.:

After I had finished telling Delilah Bella Swan’s family about Bella’s condition, I asked if Delilah they knew why Bella was in a coma or about any prior conditions that would explain this. Looking down at Delilah again, I was surprised when she answered.

“She’s probably just stubborn,” she looked like she was in another place entirely. But there was something else too, somehow I just knew that she was lying her ass off, when she answered my question. But why would she do that? I must be mistaken!

I looked at them all again, before giving them a small smile, turning around and walking back to my office - my mind busy with the mystery of Delilah Swan. Walking into my office, I decided that enough was enough and before I knew it, I was calling Alice by speed dial.

“Hello Carlisle, something wrong?” I blinked a few times before answering.

“No nothing’s wrong Ally cat, I was just wondering if you had any visions of Bella or her mysterious sisters?” I inhaled an unnecessary deep breath, as I waited for Alice answer.

“Hmm.. No… Sorry Carlisle, I’m coming up with a blank here. I can’t see any of the Swan sisters’ futures,” she said, quite disappointed with the outcome, but with an irritated undertone, since she couldn’t see them.

“It’s alright Ally cat, could you give the phone to Edward please?” It didn’t take more than a few seconds and then Edward was on the phone.

“Is something wrong Carlisle?” I almost laughed at his question. “No nothing’s wrong Edward, but I need you to do something for me.” Edward didn’t hesitate for a single second before answering.

“Sure, what do you need me to do?” I inhaled another unnecessary breath.

“Come here to the hospital, it’ll be easier to tell you in person.” I could almost hear Edward nodding his head.

“sure, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I clicked on the end button and sat down at my desk.

Edward Cullen's P.O.V.:

It didn’t take me long to get to my car and start my drive towards the hospital. I had no idea what could be so important, that Carlisle would need my help at the hospital. I knew it could only be important, since I could not recall a moment in the past, that Carlisle had needed my help at the hospital before. But then again, the last he had asked me something important, it was where I wanted to move to next time. I started to really look at the road and noticed that I had driven the entire way and parked the car, without ever thinking about where I was going. Shaking my head, I just let the thought of that be and walked out of my favorite car: my new silver Volvo. It was only a vampire or a really observant human that would notice I had exchanged my car for a newer model – since they looked a lot alike.

Walking into the hospital, I gave Carla a nod of recognition, making her thoughts go haywire, before she stopped herself, thinking about how I was too young for her. I almost laughed at that thought, as I walked towards Carlisle’s office. I entered Carlisle’s office soon after, but it took him a few seconds to realize I was there. I couldn’t help but hear that his thoughts were consumed by Bella’s sister: Delilah Swan. I chuckled a bit at his thoughts, gaining his attention in the process. His thoughts quickly changed to some hospital business, before he started to speak.

“Oh there you are Edward, listen would you see if you could read Bella’s sisters’ minds? Alice hasn’t had any visions of them and I think they know something,” he said, but his thoughts were only on Delilah and what mystery she was hiding.

I nodded my head, “Sure I’ll give it a try. I’ll be back before you know it,” Carlisle smiled at this and I turned to leave, when his thoughts caught my attention again.

“Carlisle?” he looked up a bit shocked that I was still here, “if you really want to know all of that, then ask her yourself.” I hurried out of his office after that, and walked towards the waiting area.

Looking around in the waiting area, I could only find Emily and Charlie. I tried to listen in to their thoughts, but I came up blank. Emily’s thoughts were nonexistent to me and Charlie’s would come and go. I tried to see if I could find Delilah as well and see if there would be any luck there. But I couldn’t find her. I started to walk around the hospital, yet still she was nowhere in sight. Walking around the entrance once again, I watched as Delilah walked in the hospital with a sad smile on her face. I tried to see if I had any lucks with her thoughts, but they were locked away – just like Emily’s and Bella’s. I tried to find out if it was a mind block or if they had the same mystery power as Bella, but I couldn’t. DAMN IT! Why did they have to have that in common with Bella? It’s fucking annoying..

I walked back to Carlisle’s office, disappointed that I couldn’t find out anything for him. This time as I entered, he acknowledged my presence right away.

“Did you find out anything, Edward?” I looked at a spot in the wall for a moment before answering.

“No, I’m sorry Carlisle. But their thoughts are locked away, just like Bella’s.” Carlisle thought about this for a moment and then gave me a small smile.

“I guess I’ll have to find out this the hard way. Thank you for your help Edward, you can go back home now.” We said our goodbyes and I walked out of his office and started my way back home.

This time my thoughts wandered to Isabella “Bella” Swan, my singer, my temptation, my love? No that could not be, Alice vision will not come true. I am a monster and she is an innocent, I can’t risk her life. I need her to be alive. My thoughts kept surprising me, but should I take the risk, could I go through existing without knowing her? I knew the answer to that one without having to think twice about it. I would never forgive myself if I didn’t get to know her and too keep trying on staying away, when I really didn’t want to stay away, would never go by successfully and I knew it. I must know her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but to be fair it's like three pages on microsoft word. Anyways, I have decided to keep the key events, but to give it some more filling, better time frame and so on.

Any mistakes? critism? Ideas? Praise? or anything else, let me know with a comment.

- Just Thinking