Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

another one bites the dust

Pixie/Emily’s P.O.V.:

Charlie and I were still sitting in the waiting area. Delilah had gone home some time ago. I looked over at Charlie’s face, not because he looked that different from what he usually looked like, but because I could tell that he, just like me, was about to go insane from being in this room for so long. I stood up slowly, walked over to him and tucked at his hands, making him look at me with sad eyes.

“Come on dad, I think it’s about time we got ourselves home. I don’t think she is planning on waking up anytime soon.” Charlie cracked a small sincere smile at my statement and stood up beside me.

When we finally were home again, I couldn’t sit still, so I decided to take a long shower to help me calm me down again. So I grabbed some clothes, a fresh towel and then I made my way over to the bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me and started to get ready for my shower. As I entered the shower, I did my best to relax massaging my head and body with soap. But it didn’t work for me, like it had so many times before it and soon I finished my shower, dried off and got dressed quickly. Walking towards my room, I towel dried my hair and decided that I would let it dry into its natural curly waves.

Looking around the room, I found myself on the brink of tears and I quickly found my converse, before grabbing my wallet, IPhone and IPod. I quickly walked down the stairs, as I yelled to Charlie that I was going for a walk. I grabbed my warm jacket on my way out of the door, and quickly put it on before taking off running into the forest. I don’t know why I had started to run, but I decided to follow my instincts and kept on going as far as my legs would carry me.

I could feel something building up inside of me, as I suddenly stopped in a clearing somewhere in the forest. I didn’t have time to really look at it, before that building sensation became like a liquid fire in my veins. It felt like my veins were filled with lava and it kept getting warmer and warmer. My head started to ache and I felt dehydrated, but the fire sensation kept on rising. I started to feel my body being torn apart, and the flames in my veins took over. I screamed out in agony, the flames tearing me apart from the inside and out and suddenly I was surrounded by flames. The heat was terrible and yet comfortable. I tried to move, but when I actually started to move my arm, I knew I should have stayed immobile as the darkness overtook my vision and left me with nothing but lost world.

Jasper Hale Cullen’s P.O.V.:

Walking around in forest was nothing new to me. I had been doing it ever since Alice found James – her real mate. At first it had been to get away and think, but now it had become a hobby of mine and I used the time to just be at peace. My peace however, was interrupted by a sudden high pitched scream and I ran towards the scream. It didn’t take me long to get to a clearing where I was sure the sound had come from. Looking around, I saw a figure lying on the ground. I quickly went over there, to see an unconscious Emily. I gently shook her and listened for a heartbeat. She didn’t awake, but I could hear a steady heartbeat and her silent shallow breathing.

Picking her up, I did my very best not to hurt her in any way, as I ran to the hospital. I walked in not long after and called after a nurse. Justine quickly came over and guided me to a room, where I placed her gently on the bed. Justine started her examination, before she nodded her head in agreement with her thoughts I assume. Then she paged someone and soon after Carlisle walked in. He gave me a questioning look and I whispered a later that only he could hear, before walking out of the hospital and ran back to the clearing.

Looking around the clearing, I quickly found the place I had found her again. There was a perfect circle marked in soot and burned grass. It was like she was in the middle of a fire, but why wasn’t she hurt then? How could she possibly have been okay after being in the middle of a bonfire? I quickly shook the thought of my head, ran back to the hospital and soon enough walked into Emily’s hospital room, sitting next to her bed, just waiting for her to wake up again.

Delilah/Caramel’s P.O.V.:

I was back at the hospital again. I had tried staying at home, but it just didn’t seem right to me. Walking out of the bathroom, in the personal changing room, I was starting to feel as normal as I could right now. I continued out of the personal changing room, as someone called my name.

“Nurse Swan.” I turned around to see Carlisle Dr. Cullen standing almost right behind me. I stepped half a step back as I answered.

“Yes, Dr. Cullen?” He looked at me, with what appeared to be worried eyes.

“Are you sure you are ready to start working again so soon? I wouldn’t mind if you decided to take some more time off.” I nodded slowly.

“Yeah I’m sure. If I don’t work I think I’m going to go insane at home,” I stated in a half hearted attempt at joking. He looked like he would be blushing if he could, as he looked down at his feet and scratched the back of his head.

“Alright then, but if it gets to be too much for you, don’t hesitate to tell me so at once.” He gave me one final nod, before he quickly disappeared around the corner to his office.

I started my way towards the nurses’ station to start my shift, greeting the nurses I met along the way and helping a little where it was necessary.

Carlisle Cullen’s P.O.V.:

“Alright then, but if it gets to be too much for you, don’t hesitate to tell me so at once,” I then gave her a quick nod and almost ran to my office. If I could, I would be blushing right now. I felt like a teenage girl, like one in one of those movies the kids had forced me to see. Why was I like this around her, I didn’t know her and as I thought about it. I didn’t even know her scent, which shocked me. Why didn’t I know that? I shook my head free from my thoughts and inhaled deeply. I’m her boss and there is absolutely nothing else between her and me. Looking around, trying to clear my head completely, I decided to do some rounds and walked out of the door, I had just entered a few minutes prior.

Some time later

Walking into Emily Swan’s room, I was not surprised to see my son Jasper there, in a chair by her bed. I took out her charge, reading it quickly and checking her monitors and her IV-drip. I finished quickly and gently touched Jaspers shoulder to gain his attention. He looked at me questioningly.

“Emily is going to just fine. She was just severely dehydrated and her body shows signs of extreme exhaustion. My best guess is that she should be as good as new tomorrow morning.” Jasper nodded his head in understanding and went back to his prior occupation, thinking.

As I walked towards the nurses’ station, I was wondering what these four women were. I had never in my existence thought that I would be met with such a mystery as these Swan women were for me. I soon arrived at the nurses’ station and there phone to contact Charlie Swan and Forks high about Emily’s admission.

The phone calls didn’t take long, I felt sad for Charlie and Delilah, two family members admitted in so short time of each other. I shook my head a bit, before walking back towards my office since I was done with rounds for now. I started to wonder about the girls again, was it strong gifts or something else. I had an idea that, Bella had a gift. But that her sisters were something else. But what could they be? Are there more to this world than vampires, werewolves, shape shifters, witches, angels, demons and fallen angels? I knew there must be after thinking through the list, how could I not? I’m a fucking vampire for Christ sake! Then my thoughts went to Jasper. Why was he so attached to Emily? I smiled a bit at that thought. Maybe his finally found his singer, his soul mate.

Charlie Swan’s P.O.V.:

Sitting home alone was far from as peaceful as it used to be. It hadn’t taken long for me, to be used to having the girls around again. I had been trying to regain some peace of mind, but so far I had not succeeded in the least. I was worried sick about Christina, I had just gotten all my girls back home and then this happened. Calling Rene was not a day in the park either, she was worse than me when it was about the girls and she kept calling at least once every hour to hear if there was any news. So when the phone rang once again, I just thought it was Rene calling yet again. But it wasn’t her this time around, it was Dr. Cullen. First I thought it was about Chris, oh how wrong I was.

“..There’s no news about Christina, I’m sorry to tell you this. But Emily was admitted earlier, because of extreme dehydration and exhaustion. We have no idea how it happened, but she should be fine by tomorrow morning.” The conversation ended soon after that, and it took me awhile to hang up the phone. I pulled out a chair in the kitchen and sat down, trying to calm myself down. I couldn’t stand the thought of being awake another moment, but before I could get up and leave for my bed, the phone rang again. I hesitated a little before answering the phone, it was Rene again and I had to tell her about Emily.

What felt like hours later, I could finally hang up the phone again and walked over to refrigerator and grabbed a cold beer. After this day, I needed it and I drank it as I walked upstairs and straight into my bed.

Delilah/Caramel’s P.O.V.:

When I finally returned home, on the brink of sleep, I arrived at a dark and silent house. Everything in my surroundings were as in a sleep and I couldn’t help but think of at least five different horror movies, walking over to the door and unlocking it. I tiptoed inside, took of my jacket carefully and sneaked my way upstairs. When I finally entered my room and closed the door behind me, I started to breath normally again and did my usual nightly routine. But then my stomach growled at me and I decided to go and eat something. I tiptoed down the stairs again and made my way over to the fridge. Looking inside I decided to take some left over curry chicken and rise, I heated it up in the microwave and grabbed my plate of food before sneaking back to my room again.

While I was eating my dinner I could hear a car in the distance coming towards our house. I sneaked my way into the doorway from the hall to the kitchen, as I clearly could hear Bella and Edward’s voices outside. I had to hold my hand over my mouth, so I wouldn’t snicker at Edward and when he asked if he could see her/take her out tomorrow night, I couldn’t help but yell “FINALLY!” out at them. Bella opened the door quickly after that and saw my silhouette in the hallway.

When she did, I whispered the words: “Listen Edward, stop being so tense and worried if you’re going to hurt her. You won’t and don’t you dare to think twice about what I just told you.” Edward smiled at me shortly, before biding Bella goodnight and quickly walking back to his car, and drove off.

Bella glared at me playfully while she closed the door behind me, and I pulled her upstairs with me to my room, before laughing quietly. She slapped my arm playfully.

“Oh it’s on,” I said in a wicked tone before grabbing a pillow and started hitting her with it. It didn’t take long for Bella to join in and after about another hour we were both half sitting half lying on my bed upstairs still hitting each other.

“Give in to my awesomeness! You can’t defeat someone as awesome as me!” I said in a tired yet dramatically tone. “Never, my awesomeness will defeat yours any day!” Bella responded in the same kind of tone. I don’t know what we said to each other after that, since sleep soon overtook Bella and I.

Bella’s P.O.V.:

After I got into the house and closed the door behind me. I playfully glared at a silent laughing Delilah. She quickly pulled me upstairs to her room, where she started to laugh quietly. I didn’t know what would make her stop laughing, so I playfully slapped her arm in hope that it would make her think of something else. Boy was I right about that.

“Oh it’s on,” she said in a wicked tone, before grabbing a pillow and started hitting me. It didn’t take me long to locate her other pillow and it turned into a full blown pillow fight.

After an hour of running around her room and hitting each other, we had slowly gotten slower in our movements. We were both beyond tired from our long days lately and we were now half sitting and half lying on Delilah’s bed.

“Give in to my awesomeness! You can’t defeat someone as awesome as me!” said Delilah in a tired yet dramatically tone.

“Never, my awesomeness will defeat yours any day!” I stated in the same kind of tone. We said something more, but I don’t know exactly what since sleep slowly overtook my mind.

Edward Cullen’s P.O.V.:

I had driven my car back home, doing my now usual routine before running back to the Swan’s residence. Looking into Bella’s room, I saw that it was empty and there was no sign of her having been in there since this morning. But I could smell her unique scent and crawled towards it. She and Delilah were lying on Delilah’s bed, pillows clutched in their hands and peaceful expressions on their faces.

I quickly opened the window and closed it again, before I walked over to the chair by Delilah’s desk and starred at the brown eyed beauty before me. She looked so peaceful when she slept, like the world was gone for the night and everything else was tomorrows problem. I think that’s what I missed most about sleeping, to be able to let everything go for a few hours and dream of a better world. I closed my eyes for a moment, hoping for just a moment that I too could sleep. But I knew that waiting for something that would never come, would be a waste of time. Even if I did have forever...

The night was over before I knew it, and the sun quietly began to rise behind the clouds in the horizon. It was right then, before the sun had really begun to rise that she started to mumble in her sleep. She does this often and that is why I loved watching her sleep. It would sometimes allow me to get a peek into the mind, which in the light of day would never be clear to me.

“Please grandma. He won’t hurt me. I know he is a vampire and I don’t care about that. He would never hurt me. I just know. Grandma, please!” I didn’t know if I wanted to believe it or not. If what she said was true. I shook the absurd idea out of my mind, while I quickly and quietly jumped out of the window.

I remembered to close it behind me and ran back home. Maybe I should talk to Carlisle about this. He has more knowledge than most vampires I know. Maybe he has the answer to the mystery I call Isabella “Bella” Swan.

The next morning…

Jasper Hale Cullen’s P.O.V.:

I was still sitting by Emily’s bedside. I didn’t know why I was still sitting here. Why I felt the need to protect her. Why I wanted to hear her say, that she was okay. Questions were building up inside my head about why I was still here. But none of them made me leave her side. The nurses didn’t say anything to me, since I was one of Carlisle’s kids and that all resulted in me never leaving her side. I had pretended to sleep during the night because of the nurses. I still had to pretend I was human. But what had surprised me the most is that I hadn’t had the overwhelming lust of blood yet. It was like when I was around her, that all other scents didn’t matter to me anymore, only her scent mattered to me.

I was starring at her again, this dark haired beauty, I wondered what color her eyes might be. Would they be brown like Bella’s? Would they be blue or grey or green? It was like that I had never seen her eyes before, even though I had. But the color for now, remained a mystery. Suddenly a thought popped into my head and it wouldn’t leave again. Was she my singer? Was that why I felt the need to protect her? Why I wanted to see her eyes again and to know that she would be alright. Was she my Bella?

“If you think any harder than that Jasper, you’re going to get a headache.” I snapped my attention over to the silky voice of Emily Swan. I stared into those almond shaped, emerald green poles of wonder that she called her eyes. I was getting lost, when it hit me. She had used my name.

“How do you know my name?” I asked her, airing my thoughts.

“The same way you know mine, through other people.” She simply stated with a smile and laughed hoarsely for a bit. I quickly got her some water and as she drank her water I began to stare at her beautiful face again.

“You should see the look on your face and I didn’t think a vampire could look like that.” I was once again snapped out of my dream state, as I looked at her shock written all over my face. She laughed again, this time more normally, since she had had some water. Her laugh was like a song to me, as her heartbeat was the music.

“Am I interrupting something?” It was for the third time snapped out of my dream state, this time by a chuckling Carlisle.

“No it’s okay Dr. Cullen. Jasper just made a really funny facial expression” Emily said and laughed a little again.

“How are you feeling today, Ms. Swan.” She glanced at me quickly before turning her attention back to Carlisle.

“Just fine Dr. Cullen and just call me Emily, Em or Pixie,” her smile lit up the room and I had to try hard not to go into my dream state again.

“I will remember to that from now on Emily, I will check up on you later.”

“Alright, thank you Dr. Cullen,” and then Carlisle was out the door and her attention was yet again on me.

A silence fell over us, not the awkward kind, but a comfortable silence. I realised that I hadn’t stopped smiling since she had woken up. Her presence alone, made my entire world better and if I still had a beating heat, I knew it would be beating away right now. We sat there like this for awhile.

“So you found me Jasper?” I smiled a little more at her before answering.

"yeah, that was me.”

Pixie/Emily’s P.O.V.:

Jasper smiled a little more at me before answering.

“yeah, that was me.” My own smile grew at that, I didn’t know why, but I felt safe in his presence. It was like just being near him made my world better. I whispered a: Thank you Jasper, before I started zooming out. Memories started to flash before my eyes: How I had lost control of a power, my inner element power. My head ache a bit, as an entire life full of memories flooded into my mind. I knew everything now, including the full reason we were here in the first place. We were worried about Bella and the vampires here in Forks. My inner flame told me that there would be a serious conflict or confrontation for a family member and we knew it wasn’t us. It couldn’t be. That left us with: Charlie, Rene and of course Bella and knowing Bella, we knew it was her. This was before she went to Forks. We tried to talk to her, to warn her. But she was of course her stubborn self and completely ignored our warnings. The only option we felt we had left was to leave everything behind and come here, to Forks. I remember it was hard to leave our boarding school and all of our friends behind, but we had to for Bella. We had to make sure that she would be okay.

“Emily? Emily can you hear me? Are you alright? Please answer me?” Jasper’s worried voice snapped me out of my zombie mode. I blinked a couple of times, before looking at him. His entire being relaxed and he gently stroked my cheek with his hand, inhaling deeply.

“Relax soldier boy, it’s not like I’m dying or anything.” He looked into my eyes once more, still gently stroking my cheek. He retracted his hand after another short while and started to stare at me again, his face turning into one of pure bliss.

Looking at him again, I had to try and hold back my laughter, but I failed miserably. This gained Jasper’s attention.

“What are you laughing at? You better stop laughing or I’ll...” He looked like he was racking his brain to find the end of that sentence.

"Nothing” I said finishing his sentence, still laughing but more calmly now.

“Oh you think I’m funny looking, huh? Then let me give you something to laugh about.” My laughter stopped abruptly at his wicked tone. My eyes widened in slight fear

“Oh no, no Jasper no” I shrieked as Jasper started to tickling me. My eyes began to water, “Stop tickling me Jasper, please!” I choked out between laughs, tears flowing down my cheeks.

Jasper Hale Cullen’s P.O.V.:

“Stop tickling me Jasper, please!” she choked out between laughs, tears now flowing down her cheeks from laughing.

“Hmmm...” I pretended to think about it for a second, “no, no don’t think so,” I said while I continued to tickle her. She wriggled around and somehow managed to get away from my attack. Then she wrapped her arms around me and held me in a way, so I couldn’t tickle her again. It felt good to be in her arms, I looked back at grinning face.

“Okay I’ll stop” I told her, seeing her relax a bit before she got herself into bed again. I hadn’t even noticed that she wasn’t in it anymore or that she had somehow managed all of this without pulling out her IV or getting disconnected to her monitors. I sat down again looking at her, thinking about if she wanted me to leave her be or if she wondered why I was still here. But looking into her eyes changed my train of thoughts. Neither of us wanted the other to leave and then we just started talking. Just talking, about everything and nothing.
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Here's another chapter, I think I'm going to keep doing the chapter in this sort length.

Anyways, I could really use some feedback. Does it suck? yes/no? Trash it? yes/no? and why..