Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

The hospitals coffee is okay, but well you know..

Delilah/Caramel’s P.O.V.:

I woke up early the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Opening my eyes, I could feel something was wrong, but I didn’t know what it was. So I brushed it off as nothing, because What could be wrong? I stood up from my bed and was immediately hit nausea and dizziness. I felt down on the bed again, my last thoughts being What the fuck? Before I passed out.

The darkness was like a deep dark blue color as there suddenly appeared rays of light shinning down in what I learned to be water or at least something that looked like water. The coldness of it all started to wash over me, my body going numb, but my thoughts were calm. Everything around me started to get a little blurry, as a pair of very pale hands grabbed me and guided me to the surface, to the light.

I woke up in my bed again. What was that? Why did that just happen? And what about those pale hands? Slowly looking around the room, I was almost afraid to get up again. But after another minute or two, I slowly got up without any trouble, but as I was getting dressed and doing my make-up, those familiar pale hands were burned into my mind. I tried to shake the thoughts free from my head, as I made my breakfast and started to eat. I finally gave up on trying to of thinking about anything else. Where had I seen those hands before? I gave up on finding out for now, as I finished eating, washed up and started my drive to the hospital.

Pixie/Emily’s P.O.V.:

Opening my eyes, I expected to be alone, but was pleasantly surprised when I saw Jasper’s “sleeping” figure at my bedside. At first I didn’t know why he was “sleeping”, but when I turned and looked at my other side, I saw why. A nurse was staring right passed me and directly at Jasper, while she was holding what I assumed to be my chart. After a while she noticed I was awake, and her face became a deep crimson red colour, as she quickly put my charge away and basically ran out of the room, her face still shining a bright red colour.

I laughed quietly at her antics, and simply at the whole thing itself, as I turned my head towards Jasper’s “sleeping” form, in the chair next to me. I slowly stopped my laughing and inhaled deeply a couple of times. A new nurse came into the room, this time it looked like she finished whatever the other one was doing, but like the other one she came to a halt and started to stare at Jasper.

I held back my laughter, as I watched her starring at him. She looked a little funny with her mouth hanging slightly open, her face a mask of pure bliss and her eyes looked like they were glassed over. Not the brain dead kind of glassed over eyes, but more like the ‘I’m in heaven’ kind of glassed over eyes. I waited a minute or two before I cleared my throat gaining a little of her attention.

“Umm... You might want to close your mouth. 1: you’re drooling on the floor, 2: You might choke on a fly and 3: What are you going to say if he wakes up?” She quickly closed her mouth again, as I gained her full attention.

“I’m going to get a doctor to come check you out and see if you can go home soon.” I smirked at her blushing face, which in turn made it even redder, as she like the nurse before her, got rid of my charge and bolted out of the room.

When I couldn’t hear her footsteps any longer I turned towards Jasper again, a light chuckle escaping my lips as I replayed what had happened with the two nurses again in my head.

“You can stop pretending to sleep now Jasper, it’s only me.”

Jasper Hale Cullen’s P.O.V.:

Hearing her laughter was like hearing a beautiful piece of music being played. I could listen to it forever. I heard for the second time the sound of someone rushing out of the room, and did my best not to laugh myself, as I heard her chuckle lightly.

“You can stop pretending to sleep now Jasper, it’s only me.” I slowly sat up in the chair I had been in all night and looked at her beautiful face once more, as my thoughts went to our long conversation from yesterday.

“I keep forgetting that you know what I am.” I stated truthfully as she smiled softly at me.

“Oh yeah, ‘cause that’s your biggest secret Mr. Hale.” Her soft smile turned into a small smirk as she started to laugh again. I gave her a questioning look.

“How many nurses are absolutely crazy about you? I think that the last one was the third I noticed starring at you, while I’ve been here.” I laughed a little with her, as I quickly tried to see if I knew how many.

“Hmm.. not that many, not like the others anyways.” She gave me a confused look.

“The others? What do you mean by that?” she asked still confused at my statement.

“Emmett, Edward, Carlisle and I each have our own fan club among the nurses and the rest of the staff. It’s no big deal actually.” Her confused expression, turned into one of silent laughter, as she took in her newfound information.

“No big deal? You have your own fan club!” she stated. I could tell she was on the verge of laughing again at this with the size of her smile at this point. In return I couldn’t keep my laughter in that was until she did something unexpected. The once huge smile turned into a smaller and more wicked one. My laughter died down and my smile dropped from my features. What was going on?

“...Emily? Emily what are you doing?” I asked her as her pupils dilated and everything around me seemed to fade away. Not because she did anything to me, but because I was getting so lost in her eyes. Even more so than normal that is.

Carlisle Cullen’s P.O.V.:

“...Emily? Emily what are you doing?” walking into Emily Swan’s hospital room that morning, I was met with the sight of a laughing Emily and a, what seemed to be, hypnotized Jasper.

“Good morning Miss Swan.” I spoke, trying not to laugh at what was happening in front of me.

“Good morning Dr. Cullen,” Emily responded as she broke eye contact with Jasper and silenced her laughter.

“I come with good news. You are getting discharge this fine morning. Enjoy your freedom.” As I told her this, her smile widened and broke into a huge grin.

“I will! Thank you Dr. Cullen! I’ll see you around.” Emily said as she was practically bouncing on her hospital bed, making both Jasper and I chuckled at her antics.

I finished my rounds and headed for my office to finish up some paperwork from yesterday, but when I actually arrived at my office, I found Edward sitting at my desk deep in thought as he was staring down the opposite wall.

“Hallo Edward.” Edward’s head snapped up, a look of surprise crossing his features. But just as quickly as it had appeared it vanished again and he cleared his throat a little.

“Hallo Carlisle, listen I’m thinking about showing Bella our home this weekend. What do you think?” I looked at him for a moment, contemplating his statement. But knowing Edward he had already thought of it all and the serious look that now adorned his face, confirmed my theory. This was serious.

“I think you know us enough to know if it’s safe. But actually I’m not the one you have to worry about either...” I stated as I gestured for him to leave my chair. He did so as he sent me a confused look. Sitting myself down, I smirked at this look as I folded my hands in my lap.

“You’ll have to warn the others, as in, you have to tell Rosalie that Bella is coming over.” It only took a second for the thought to sink in his head, as a look of dread now appeared instead of the confused one. He quickly sat down in a chair on the other side of my desk and contemplated my response, probably blocking out everyone else’s thoughts while doing it.

“I think I’m going to go warn Rosalie and then the others, I’m bringing her over Saturday.” He finally stated after a couple of minutes thinking time. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Do you want me to be there Saturday? I can just work or something if you want.” Edward shook his head quickly.

“I definitely want you there to make sure NOTHING happens and you know what I mean so don’t play dumb.” I simply smiled at him, as I played a little with my thumbs.

“Alright Edward, I’ll be there. But you might want to tell it to Emmett first so he can stop Rosalie from killing you.” I laughed a little, as Edward stiffened. It might be a bit mean of me to laugh at my son’s risk of torture, but I couldn’t resist. Edward always looks so constipated when he is freaking out.

“You got a good point.” Edward responded stiffly as he gave me a nod as good bye and made his way out of my office and probably back home, to warn the others as I started on my paperwork.

Edward Cullen’s P.O.V.:

I gave Carlisle a nod as goodbye and started on my way out of the hospital, and out to my car. How the hell am I suppose to tell Rosalie that Bella’s coming over, without getting killed or beaten up. walking out of the hospital doors, this sentence kept repeating itself in my head.

Even while driving, I couldn’t help but only think of this, how can I do this crap? I don’t really feel like being tortured today... the drive home didn’t take long, but my nervousness was still overwhelming. Maybe I could make a run for it? I’m the fastest runner of us anyways. I did a little stunt parking, because I felt like it and started on my walk upstairs towards my room.

I walked into my room still in my own little world, quickly pressing play on my stereo before sitting down on my couch. Music started to flow out of the speakers, I recognized it as some Beatles album, but I didn’t really care at the moment as my thoughts went back to how I can survive Rosalie’s furry. Finally I got a grip and decided to just do this. I’m faster than her. So in worst case scenario, I can out run her.

I started out for Rosalie’s room, but thought of a better idea as I made a turn and headed for Emmett’s room instead. I knocked quietly on his door, before he grumbled a ‘come in’. When I entered his room, he gave me a grin and chuckled slightly at me.

“What’s up with you today? You look like you’ve seen Jane or something.” He chuckled at this, before patiently waiting for me to answer his question. I inhaled a deep unnecessary breath, slowly releasing it again.

“I need a favour...” I started, Emmett making a ‘continue’ hand gesture.

“The thing is I’m bringing Bella over here on Saturday, and I need you to restrain Rosalie from killing me when I tell her.” Emmett’s booming laughter echoed throughout the house, almost shaking it a little as his true laugh almost always does.

“Alright, I’ll help you...” i looked at him relived, until I saw the devilish smirk playing on his lips. “BUT you will owe me a favour with no restraints, strings or anything else attached.”

I sighed deeply, as I slowly nodded my head in agreement. I’m so going to regret this! I looked up at Emmett’s happy face and sighed again. Maybe regret is not the only thing I should be worried about...

“Okay, let’s get this over with before I change my mind.” I stated as we walked the short distance to Rosalie’s room. I quietly knocked on her door as I had knocked on Emmett’s door and didn’t have to wait long before Rosalie muttered a ‘come in’.

Emmett and I entered her room, to find her drawing on a new sketchpad. I pulled Emmett a bit in front of me before I cleared my throat a little, making Rosalie raise a perfectly arched eyebrow at me.

“I’mbringingBellaoverhereonSaturday.” I said faster than I knew it was possible for me to speak. Rosalie glared a bit a me.

“Again, slower this time nimrod!” she exclaimed annoyed as hell already, which isn’t a good sign for me. I let out a defeated sigh as I began again.

“I’m bringing Bella over here on Saturday...” Rosalie’s glared turned into one that could possibly kill, as a growl ripped from her chest and past her lips.

“You’re bringing that THING into this house?!? What the fuck is wrong with you? You insolent little weasel! You know how this can turn out! You know the only lasting result of this! Why are you doing this?! You know all of this and yet you’re being so selfish! WHY EDWARD? WHY?” she growled at me, venom practically dripping from every single word. Her fists were balled up so hard, her knuckles were turning white.

If I had still been a human with a beating heart, I think I would had gone into cardiac arrest and died from the fear that was now pulsing through me. I slowly but steadily moved behind Emmett, before shoving him at her and making a run for it as I heard Emmett’s booming laughter once more echoing through the house.

I managed to hear some more growling and some x-rated comments, before I ran out of the house and towards New York, in hopes that Rosalie either wouldn’t find me or that I could give her enough time to calm down again, before I even tried to approach the house again.

After standing in time square for about five minutes, Alice popped up at my side. It was almost like this had been a planned trip we were on taking together. I looked down at her, only to discover that she, of course, had shopping bags on both arms and had a huge grin playing on her lips.

“So you’ve finally realised my vision was the truth?” she asked looking all smug and mighty, as she waited for the perfect time to say her favourite words in the world: ‘I told you so’.

“Fine, you were partial right about Bella.” I finally exclaimed after a little while, catching the attention of a few people for about thirty seconds, before they moved on.

“Yeah I know, wait... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WITH ‘partial right’?” she exclaimed outraged by my choice of answer. I stepped as close to her as I was comfortable with, and stared her down, in slight outrage.

“I will not turn her, she will stay human. I will not make her a monster.” I hissed out at her. Did she not understand the importance of this one thing? Bella will stay human, if I get a say in it.

“I know you want that Edward, but my vision hasn’t changed since you’ve met and if you really mean what you just said. Then you already know the truth. You have to face it sooner or later.” Alice stated her gaze and voice much softer than before.

“...Maybe later...” I grumbled as my stubbornness kicked in. I will not fail at this, Bella will stay human. There must be something I can do, something that could make this right, just something that could change this outcome.

Delilah/Caramel’s P.O.V.:

I sat down in the cafeteria on my well deserved lunch break. God it had been a stressful morning, how come EVERYONE got hurt today? Taking a bite of my sandwich, I closed my eyes for a moment, savouring the flavour as I continued eating my sandwich.

The cafeteria wasn’t a quiet place, but right here and now, I couldn’t imagine a more peaceful and quiet place; finally having some time to breathe. The entire morning it had been patient after patient after patient, none stop. Normally you would think that a doctor would have stress, but because it was only minor injuries, it was up to us nurses. Normally this wouldn’t be a bad thing, but we are understaffed and overworked as it is. The only reason I’m here is because I’m covering for TWO other nurses who are out sick, and the new nurses don’t start until Monday.

Finishing my sandwich, I grabbed my water bottle and took a huge drink, before my pager interrupted me. Why me? I thought bitterly, as I put my tray away and threw out my trash as I finished my water and threw the bottle into the recycling bin. Not even three minutes later, I was at the nurses’ station.

“You’ve paged me.” I stated as I saw the weary look on Melinda’s face.

“Yes, sorry you didn’t get too much of a break. But no one has time to do these sutures...” she started before I interrupted her with a simple hand gesture.

“It’s okay Melinda, it’s not your fault, Where is the patient?” I asked her with a small smile playing on my lips, for Melinda’s sake.

“The patient is in exam 3.” Melinda said as she sighed in relief. I nodded my head at her, before grabbing the charge in her hand and walking towards exam room three as I did this I quickly scanned the charge over: Patient: Billy Black, injury: 5 cm long cut in his hand, requires: stitches and disinfection. Billy Black? That sounded familiar.

Walking into the exam room, I recognized Billy Black straight away as Jacob Black’s father. He hadn’t yet noticed me as he was too far into his own world.

“Hallo Billy, nice to see you again. I don’t know if you remember me, I’m Delilah Swan and I’m here to fix your hand back up.” Billy had snapped out of it as he heard me utter his name and was now grinning at me.

“Well I’ll be damned, little miss Delilah Swan, all grown up!” I chuckled a bit at his antics, as I put his charge away and started to grab the things I would need to fix his hand.

“How’s Jacob doing?” I asked while I grabbed the last things and made my way over to the medical tray I would be using, starting to get ready.

“He’s still all Jacob, still hangs with Quil and Embry and all that shebang.” Billy chuckled as I injected some local antistatic and sterilized the area I would be working on.

“So he hasn’t changed yet I assume, how’s Sam doing?” I asked remembering how things went down around the time Sam changed for the first time and started the sutures.

“No, not yet and Sam is doing a great job. We are so grateful for Christina’s help.” Billy said first in a sort of sad tone, before going back to his usual cheerful tone.

“That’s good to hear, I’m just glad everything is working out for you guys and just say the word if Jacob needs help. He was Christina’s best friend here and if she can’t help, then Emily and I will try to help you guys.” I smiled at him as I finished his sutures and put some bandages around his hand.

“Thank you Delilah, that’s a huge comfort for me and I think Jacob would be happy to see you guys again.” He said sounding sort of relieved and even happier, if that was even possible.

“I’m sure he has forgotten pretty much everything about me, but you can tell him I said ‘hi’ and see if he remembers me.” I stated chuckling, as I check my handy work, pleased with the result.

“Have someone checked you out, beside the hand that is?” I asked as I quickly cleaned after myself. He shook his head in response and moved quickly, as I did his exam.

“Alright Billy, you are ready to get home.” I stated when I finished up, Billy laughed lightly at me.

“You’re a fast little one, I must say. Anyways, thank you and please do visit sometime in the near future.” He said as I pushed him out to the front entrance where Harry Clearwater stood waiting for him. After getting reacquainted with Harry, I said my goodbyes and walked back to the nurses’ station, charge filled out and ready to be archived.

Handing the now finished charge to Melinda, she glanced over her shoulder at the clock before smiling at me.

“Well, you are officially off Delilah. I’ll see you for your next shift.” Melinda told me, smiling brightly at me. I sighed in relief and did a very tiny fist pump as I quickly made my way over to the changing rooms.

20 minutes later I was walking out of the changing rooms, already feeling a bit more relaxed, when I decided to go see Blondie. It didn’t take me long to get to her room, walking into it however was a different story all together. Simply standing in the doorway was a challenge, since the tears were already trying to fall. I quickly walked into the room after standing there for five minutes closing the door behind me.

Sitting down in a chair by her bedside, I finally looked up at Blondie. Her face looked beaten, her arms were covered in bandages and what of her skin that wasn’t covered up was filled with scrapes and bruises. The sight was a final blow, and I couldn’t hold back the stream of tears that quickly flowed down my cheeks.

“Hallo sis, Blondie... I wish you would wake up now. It’s has almost been a week since the accident. We miss you, you know. So be a babe and wake up now. Please Blondie, wake up.” My voice cracked up a couple of times, as the tears kept falling. After about five minutes with complete silence, I broke into silent sobs as I half collapsed on the side of the bed. I don’t know how long I cried before the sweet darkness of sleep overtook me.

Pixie/Emily’s P.O.V.:

Walking through the door of my childhood home, I couldn’t help the smile that broke onto my features, before I turned around to face Jasper.

“Thank you for saving my ass the other day... and for keeping me company at the hospital... and for today.” I said as I stood in the doorway smiling brightly at him.

“No problem Em, besides you being in the hospital it has been quite fun. But I should be going home now.” He said, sounding apologetic in the ending. I gave him a reassuring smile.

“No worries Jasper, thank you again.” I gave him a tight hug, which he returned before we muttered our goodbyes and he left.

When Jasper’s car was no longer in sight, I walked into the house and closed the door behind me. I stood quietly in the hallway for a moment, only to hear the utter sound of silence.

“Hallo! Is there anybody home?” I could almost hear the echo caused from my yell into the empty household. I don’t know why I expected there to be anyone home, it was after all in the middle of the day, Charlie and Caramel are at work and Blondie... Blondie’s in a coma... I looked into the kitchen thinking about if I wanted something to eat, when something caught my eye. It was a bright pink note on the fridge.

Hey, Pixie
As you know dad and I are at work... and Blondie’s in a coma. I have already called the school and they know what happened and have given you today off, so enjoy your long weekend. I’ll see you when I come home.
Love, Caramel

I almost squealed in pure happiness. Hell to the fucking yeah! No school for this young lady I did a quick little happy dance, before i stopped myself and chilled out for a bit. But I quickly found out that I couldn’t sit still and decided to take a shower.

The shower was just what I needed to calm myself down and as I stepped out of the shower I almost thought about doing nudist day, but decided against it, since people could come around at any time, including dad. So I changed into some fresh underwear, a pair of black shorts and a Nirvana t-shirt and left my hair to air dry.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs in search of something to do. But before I could figure something out, the door bell rang. Good thing I didn’t decide to go around in my birthday suit. I quickly walked over to the door and opened it slowly. Outside the door there was a young postman, a rather cute young postman. I smiled sweetly at him as I leaned against the doorframe.

“What can I help you with Mr. Postman?” I asked, trying to be as cute as possible, making the postman’s cheeks tint pink.

“Hallo are you Miss Emily Swan?” he ask, almost stuttering at my name.

“Yes, that’s me and who may you be?” I asked a bit more flirtatious as I got off the doorframe, now standing completely in front of him.

“I’m Nathan Majors, please sign here.” I smiled at him again as I took the pen and signed for the package.

“Well Nathan, it is nice to meet you,” at this he put the package just inside of the entrance hall. “Oh and Nathan,” he looked at me now as I grabbed his pen again and wrote my number on his arm, “Call me” he blushed a deep red, before he mumbled a goodbye and quickly walked out to his truck again, only glancing back once, making his cheeks go just a bit redder.

I waved goodbye to him, before I turned around and closed the door behind me. He probably won’t call me. I laughed a bit at the thought, but at least I had tried now.

Grabbing the package I took it with me into the kitchen. It was quite a large package and I was wondering what was inside of it. I started to unpack the wrapping, meaning I started to rip the paper off it aggressively. Inside of the package was a worn leather guitar case and when I opened the guitar case, I almost squealed for the second time today.

It was my very own guitar, my Rose. I quickly disposed of the wrapping papers, and picked up Rose. Walking into the living room, I decided to sit Indian style on the couch as I got reacquainted with my beautiful Rose.

Carlisle Cullen’s P.O.V.:

My paperwork was finally done for the day and all I had left to do was another round, before I could go back home. My last stop was Christina Swan’s room. The sight I was met with was one I did not expect. Christina was there, yes, but so was her sister, so was Delilah. I decided to do Christina’s check up first and then argued with myself, in my head of course, if I should do something about Delilah.

After the check up was done, I quietly walked over to Delilah’s side, leaning against her sister’s bed before I gently tried to shake her awake. But she didn’t even stir. I tried shaking her a bit harder, but still nothing.

“Nurse Swan? Nurse Swan...” Nothing! “Miss Swan? Miss Swan...” still nothing “Delilah.” At the mentioning of her first name, Delilah slowly awoke from her slumber, her eyes still slightly red and puffy from crying.

“Car...Dr. Cullen? I must have fallen asleep. Is something wrong?” her voice was hoarse and my heart almost skipped a beat, when she almost said my first name. I quickly pushed the feeling aside and got her a glass of water that she eagerly took and drank.

“First take a deep breath. Yes you were sleeping and nothing’s wrong. I know your shift is over and I was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee with me.” I asked her as she had finished her water. She looked a bit stunned to be honest I’m not surprised that she is indeed a bit choked. She took in another deep breath as she nodded her head.

“Sure, but can we get it from somewhere else than here? The hospitals coffee is okay, but well you know.” She asked a beautiful crocked smile adorning her lips. I couldn’t help but smile in return, as the thought of what the hell I was doing appeared in my mind. But I decided to ignore it.

“Yeah I know. How about my place? You can’t get a descent cup of coffee in this town and I’ve been told I make some of the best.” She gave me a funny look, before turning it into her normal smiling expression.

“Alright, but it better be worth it.” She stated jokingly, as she got up from the chair and stretched her sore muscles.

“Oh, it will be worth it.” I stated in the same joking manner, as I drank her in with my eyes while she stretched. Wouldn’t mind tapping that. I was surprised by my own thoughts. But didn’t think anything else of it, as she grabbed her bag and we walked to my office after my things.

It wasn’t long after we were making our way to the nurses’ station.

“Mrs. Leigh! I’m taking off now for the day, you know the routine and I’ll see you soon.” Mrs. Leigh simply smiled at me, before noticing that Delilah was by my side. She looked a bit confused as I turned around and Delilah and I walked out of the hospital together.

People looked after us, but right at this moment, I was in too good of a mood to really care about something as small as that. I walked over to my car and opened the passenger door for her.

“Thank you kind sir”, she was smiling at me again, damn I loved that smile. It always seemed to brighten up everything and everyone she was around. It is also contagious, which is why I was soon smiling right back at her. I closed the door after her and walk around the car in a quick human past, before getting in and driving off towards my home.

Bella’s P.O.V.:

I didn’t think Edward had been in school today and yet here he was, taking me for a walk in the forest surrounding the entire town. I inhaled deeply as the memory of what had happened just moments earlier.

”Bella? Are you sure it doesn’t bother you that I’m a vampire?” Edward’s voice sounded so sad, so vulnerable in contrast to his usual serious tone. I gave him yet another reassuring smile.

“Edward, I really don’t mind. Being a vampire is what you are, not who you are. You are still Edward Cullen, the smart, kind man I met not so long ago.” My voice was gentle, as I looked into his beautiful dark golden eyes. His face showed deep sadness for just a moment, before it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. Then a small smile broke out on his beautiful pale features.

“I think we should be heading back, can’t have your father send out a rescue team in search of his daughter.” Edward stated in a half serious, half joking manner as I nodded my head in agreement and we started our way back to the school’s parking lot.

When I looked back up to the trees in front of me, I was met the sight of the school’s parking lot. I wondered quickly of how we got here so fast, only to conclude that I must have been caught up in my own world for longer than I thought. Suddenly I could feel a cold hand gently grabbing my own, as I looked over to see Edward smiling softly at me.

“Welcome back to reality Miss. Swan.” He stated in a soft voice as he gently pulled me over toward his car. He opened the passenger door for me and closed it softly behind me, before he appeared at my side in the driver’s seat. I wonder if I ever really will get used to his speed?
Quickly he pulled out of the now empty parking lot and started the drive towards my house. The ride was silent as I leaned my head on the window and felt my eyes close and sleep take over.

Christina and I were in a clearing and she was waiting for me. Walking toward her, it was like I wasn’t even there. I tried to talk to her, but it was like she was looking right through me.
When I finally was close to her, I tried to reach out for her arm. But my hand went right through her, like she was a ghost. I tried again, only to have her disappear into thin air. The wind started to blow and I could hear her voice whispering to me. “Bella follow your heart and the answers will follow, we will always be there for you.” I ran after the voice and looked in every corner of the forest: Screaming her name, trying not to fall and still listening after her voice.

I woke up covered in sweat, breathing heavily as I tried to calm down again. I discovered that we were already at my house and not a second later Edward was at my side holding me to him closely, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

“Bella? Bella? Bella are you alright?” I inhaled deeply, calming myself completely before looking up at Edward’s worried face. His eyes softened even more as they looked into my own brown orbs.

“Yeah, it was just a nightmare... Well memory... of...” I trailed of in hopes that he would buy my lie. I didn’t know why I was lying to him. But as for now, I felt it wasn’t the time to tell him. Not until I knew what this dream meant myself. He gave me another hug, before he helped me out of his car.

“Thank you for the ride Edward, see you later?” My voice was still a little shaky at the end, but I think he choose to ignore it and just wait it out. Sometimes he just knew me better than I knew myself.

“...Sure...” His voice was back to his usual serious tone, but his eyes told me that this wasn’t the end of this subject. Not even close. Gently he took my hand in his again, and we walked towards the front door.

“Would you like to come over to my place this Saturday, well tomorrow, and meet my family and such?” his voice had a tiny hint of worry, curiousness and... Sadness? We now stood in front of the front door as I gently bit down on my bottom lip. nervous habits die hard.

“I would love to, but do you think they would like me?” my voice gave the hint I was nervous, but the look on Edward’s face only showed amusement.

“You have just agreed to spend the day in a house full of vampires and you’re afraid that they won’t like you?” he asked in light chuckling manner. I nodded my head as I smiled up at him. He shook his head a little at me.

“I’ll pick you up around 12:30, is that alright with you?” he asked, a bit of amusement still evident in his voice.
“Sure, it’s a date.” I stated as, he picked up my right hand and gently pressed his cold soft lips to my knuckles.

“Then I’ll see you again tomorrow Miss. Swan, I’ll be counting the minutes until I see you’re beautiful being again.” He gave me one last smile before he moved to his car. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and knew my cheeks were now a deep crimson red as I watched him drive down the street and out of sight.

I waited a moment as my cheeks cooled down a bit, before entering the house. The moment I closed the door I could hear a acoustic guitar playing a familiar tune. I slowly walked towards the music and found myself standing in the doorway watching Emily play the guitar in the living room. I don’t know if she knew I was there as she changed the melody into my favourite one. She started playing “Somewhere over the rainbow”.

I have always loved this song, mom used to sing it to us when we were little and it was the first melody Emily learned to play on the guitar. It was kind of our song in the family, everyone knew it and we could every single word of it too. The calming feeling it creates soon washed over me and I found myself letting go of my worries.

She started playing the song once more, after it had ended the first time and slowly began singing the words. My safe peaceful heaven was in place and I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace and happy feeling I got in my stomach. I should listen to some more reggae or something. I’m getting way to depressing.

Too soon to my liking, the song was over and she simply just plugged the strings creating a simple and soft melody as she looked at me. But I didn’t quite register it, as I was still in my peaceful mode.

“You’ve always loved that song.” I snapped out of my trance as I finally really looked back at Emily and smiled back at her own smiling expression.

“You knew I was here all the time.” I stated more than I asked, which made her chuckle lightly at me.

“Yeah, I heard Edward’s car, him asking you out,” she grinned giving me a wink, “and then I heard you walking in here. So I thought I would give you some peace of mind and started playing the family theme song.” She finished, simply giving me a happy, peaceful smile.

“Thank you Pixie, I needed that.... We picked a good family theme song, I must say.” I said with a light chuckle.

“No problem sis, just say the word if you need to hear it.” She smiled at me again, placed her guitar back in its case and walked upstairs, to her room I presume, with her guitar.

Edward Cullen’s P.O.V.:
I was back home again, still slightly paranoid because of the possible rage of Rosalie Hale Cullen, but happy. She said yes. But just as quickly as the happy feeling appeared, it demolished again and the feeling of dread came upon me once more. It’s going to be harder to from now on. Maybe I should call this whole, whatever the fuck this is, off and go back to ignoring her. There must be someone better for her, there simply must be.

Then I started to think of the nightmare she had had. I knew it wasn’t about her sister’s accident, thanks to her habit of talking in her sleep. She mumbled the words, [i)follow your heart. But what could that possibly mean. I decided to once again let it be. She would tell me in her own time or at least that’s was what I was hoping for.

When I finally snapped out of my trance I could hear the quiet voices of Carlisle and.. Delilah Swan? I chuckled lightly to myself, I’m glad he finally found someone to possibly love. He deserves it, after taking us all in and especially after the whole Esme catastrophe. We all thought she loved him, but before a year had passed, she had found someone else and ran off. I think it broke his heart.

I quietly sneaked down the steps to the kitchen to see if I was right about Delilah being here and as I peaked around the corner, I was met with the sight of Carlisle and Delilah laughing and the unique smell of Carlisle’s homemade coffee.

“Hallo Edward” my eyes snapped up to Carlisle’s as I shrugged innocently at him and walk fully into the kitchen. Delilah looked over her shoulder at me, her hair swinging over her shoulder creating a small gush of wind. Her smell was mouth watering, not near the level of Bella’s but still a very appetizing smell. I quickly wondered how Carlisle could bear it, before shaking the thought away.

“Did you want something Edward?” the silky voice of Delilah asked. I shook my head a bit to get rid of the dirty thoughts that started to appear in my mind. THINK OF BELLA! a voice in my head snapped, and as quickly as the thoughts appeared they were gone again.

“No, I was just wondering who was down here besides Carlisle. Bye.” I quickly made my way out of the kitchen. Well as quickly as I could without breaking the illusion I was still human. Walking up the stairs I heard a bell like light chuckle before I finally reached my floor and entered my bedroom once more.
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sorry for the delay, I had actually written a couple of chapters for this.. but it all got deleted somehow and I had to start over.. it kind of threw me of a bit.. anyways.. I'll try and get this back on track, planned out and everything. But with homework, upcomming exams, friends, my boyfriend and everything in between it might be awhile.