Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

Alright I know you’re up to something...

A month later...

Emily/pixie’s P.O.V.:

Weeks seemed to pass by as nothing and soon it was a month since I had been released from the hospital and a month since I last spoke to Jasper Hale Cullen. I don’t know if I did anything to him or if he’s simply a jackass. But he has being doing absolute everything in his power to avoid being even near me. I shrugged the thought off, as I entered my music class, sitting myself beside Bridget.

Bridget is one of my best friend’s beside my sisters, when we realised our mutual love for Green Day among other things. We instantly bonded and have been best friends ever since. Not that it was that long ago. I originally had biology with Jasper, but I transferred to AP music to avoid his presence as much as possible. I might as well.

Our teacher Mrs. Callaghan started to go over what we have learned so far, before starting today’s lecture on clean notes and ways to practise these in different categories. After a while I tuned her out that was when Bridget pushed a piece of paper towards me.

Do you think it’s possible to die of boredom?

I killed my own laughter before it passed my lips and alarmed Mrs. Callaghan of the note passing, since we weren’t the only once doing it.

I don’t know, but I have a feeling we are going to find out before this year is up.

Bridget coughed slightly to cover up that she almost chuckled out loud.

You are never going to believe what I’m about to tell you.

I gave her a funny look of confusion that almost made her laugh.

What do you know? And please just tell me.

I drew a funny little smiley at the end and passed the note back to her. She bit her lip slightly before catching my eye and nodding slightly. I sighed a bit in relief at her.

My uncle got us tickets to that Green Day concert in Seattle this summer for free. Want to come to a Green Day concert with me?

I had to read that three times if not more before I turned to her with the biggest smile my face could muster and it took a hell of a lot to not squeal in delight, do a happy dance or anything like that.

Hell to the motherfucking yeah! Green Day won’t know what hit them!!

We were both a bit jumpy the last bit of class, before the final bell rang and we grabbed our things and bolted out of the class room.

“We are going to Green Day live! Do you know how much I love you right now? I could almost kiss you right now. No scratch that. If you weren’t straight I would offer to shag you right now!” We laughed as we began to make out way to the parking lot.

“Shag? When did you suddenly turn British?” she asked while pointing at me, which I simply shrugged my shoulders at.

“Never, I just think it sounds better than ‘i want to fuck your brains out’ or something in that category.” We laughed a bit more before we said our goodbyes and I started my walk back home.

I put my headphones on and pressed play, ‘don’t forget’ by Demi Lovato started. I was halfway across the parking lot as I got a feeling of being watched. Sneaking a peak over my left shoulder I saw Edward and Bella moving quickly towards me. I inhaled deeply before stopping in my tracks, pulling of my headphones and waited patiently for them to catch up to me.

When they were a small distance from me, I gave them a friendly smile.

“So, what’s up?” they were now about an arm’s length away from me, looking at them I started to get suspicious. They quickly looked at each other and that was when I knew something was up with them. They had something planned and i knew it. I directed my eyes to Bella, since I could read her like an open book and the look of guilt and nervousness was clear.

“Alright I know you’re up to something. It’s clear from the look on Bella’s face: Spill it!” Edward looked a bit taken aback for a split second, before looking all bored again. What did Bella see in him again? Looking over at Bella again it dawned on me, today was my birthday.

Fucking hell! Please don’t have anything planned for today.. Please don’t... But I knew by the look on their faces that they had.

Bella’s P.O.V.:

“Alright I know you’re up to something. It’s clear from the look on Bella’s face: Spill it!” I looked down at me feet for a bit. I had told Edward that she would know the second she looked at me, but did he believe me? Nooo! because if he couldn’t read me, then no one could apparently. We had just discussed this and when I saw the look of surprise on his features and allowed a small smirk to appear just for a moment.

Emily, Chris and Delilah had always been able to read me like an open book. Now who’s feeling stupid? Huh Edward, I leaned into him slightly as I breathed a ‘I told you so’ that only he could hear.

The thing is that its Emily’s birthday and my dad and Emily herself had totally forgotten all about it. I looked over my shoulder and saw: Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and her husband James coming over to us. It seemed that Emily realised what today was, and she too saw the rest of the Cullens behind Edward and I.

“Bella, please don’t tell me you did what I think you did.” She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, pleading with me. I knew she hated her birthday and the feeling of guilt washed over me even stronger than before.

“She did and you’re going to play along for her sakes the rest of the day.” I looked over at Alice and realised that all efforts to avoid this was now gone. This is Alice we are talking about.

“Then let’s get going sis, we don’t have all day.” Her voice held no emotion and as I looked at her face once more, her facial expression was void of emotion, only her eyes held a glimmer of the anger she was truly feeling. I glanced over at Jasper who momentarily had frozen, before he returned to his usual pained ways.

We all got into the Cullens’ cars and drove off toward the Cullens’ house. It didn’t take us long to reach their household, because of their maniac vampire driving ways. The second after the cars were parked: Edward was at Emily’s side her arms firmly grasped in his hands and made sure she followed us into the house. When everyone was in the house, Alice took over the hold on Emily.

“Remember why you’re doing this and besides, if you try to escape I will hurt you.” Alice said laughing, yet as serious a heart attack.

“I know, now let us get going so I can get this over with.” Emily’s voice was still emotionless and from the corner of my eye, I saw Jasper shiver slightly before taking off to somewhere else in the house. Then Emily was dragged upstairs and disappeared from sight. A few seconds later I could feel Edward’s arms sneak around my waist and embraced in a hug, his head lightly resting on my shoulder.

“It’s your turn next; Alice won’t let you wear that to your sister’s birthday party.” I sighed heavily, I had feared this just a little bit. I’m just glad she won’t go completely mad on my outfit since it’s not my birthday. But I knew that if Edward and I were still together then that I would be in for the same treatment.

“I know, I’m just enjoying it while it lasts.” I could feel him smiling against my cheek and it made me smile as a light shiver of pleasure ran down my spine. We both chuckled lightly as I glanced around the room, hoping that Emily wouldn’t hate me too much after today.

Emily/pixie’s P.O.V.:

I was now sitting in a chair in Alice and James’ bedroom, it pretty much looked like a something taken out of the make-up department in a mall, and Alice was basically flying around the room muttering incoherently to herself.

Looking into the mirror in front of me, I went through every possible escape route and plan in my head, coming once again up empty handed. The only way through this evening without serious injuries was to suffer through all of this.

“Am I going to die of old age before you make up your mind or..?” I still kept my voice and facial expression void of any emotion. I knew that Bella had seen the glint of emotion in my eyes earlier and i could not have that happen again.

“Actually, you just helped me to decide. Now the work begins.” I held back the urge to roll my eyes and simply let her do her thing. My best guess is that it will hurt less this way. I could feel the faint touches of make-up brushes against my skin.

You’re doing this to avoid torture! Remember you don’t like pain. It is not worth it to try and escape this.

The thought was running on repeat, before I just stopped thinking all together and took in some deep breaths. I placed my fingers on my thighs and started to play my imaginary piano forte, hearing the melody I was pretending to play in my mind. It was helping me relax. Suddenly Alice was in front of me again.

“Okay you’re done. Now it’s time for dressing you.” she looked really excited and happy about all of this. But all I could feel was dread and a bit abused. I’m not a freaking Barbie doll! Alice pulled me to my now bare feet and threw a dress at me, which I barely caught before it hit me in the face.

I made my way to the connected bathroom, closed and locked the door behind me and got into the dress Alice thrown at me. I didn’t really look at it. I just put it on as well as some matching high heels and jewellery that Alice had thrown in here, when I don’t know.

Sooner than I would have liked it, I was done and slowly made my way out of the bathroom to see Bella getting a milder version of the same treatment I had just gone through. But she looked like she actually sort of enjoyed it. Alice looked over at me smiling, while her hands were still sweeping across Bella’s face.

“The dress, jewellery, shoes and stuff is James and I’s birthday present to you. I hope you like it.”
I almost made a face at her, but restrained myself and mumbled a thank you at her. She simply nodded her head at me before returning her full attention to Bella. Thirty seconds later her light make-up was done and Alice was pushing her into the bathroom i had just used.

Twenty minutes later Bella re-emerged from the bathroom, in a green dress and some ballerinas. Alice quickly pushed us together and snapped a picture, before she ushered us back down the stairs and into the living room.

“SURPRISE!” I looked at them with a very forced and fake smile on my lips, before dropping it again and going back to the whole no emotion thing. All the Cullen’s looked at each other, they themselves surprised at how I was reacting.

“Bella wasn’t kidding when she said you hated your birthday more than anything, did she?” came Emmett’s booming voice and broke the eerie silence. I looked at them bored.

“No, no she didn’t.” I stated in a monotone voice. Edward looked down at his feet, as Bella and Delilah gave each other a look, than their stomachs roared a bit.

“We have dinner prepared for you in the kitchen.” came the fairy like voice of Alice Cullen. I simply nodded my head and followed Bella and Caramel into the kitchen and over to the food. Sitting down I looked down at my plate of roasted chicken, spicy potatoes and sauce, at least it’s one of my favourites. After we were done eating, we walked back into the living room.

“I think we need a birthday break, why don’t Bella, Emily and Delilah go for a walk or something while I prepare something.” We nodded our heads in agreement before I grabbed my sisters’ hands and pulled them with me into the first room I came across and closed the door behind me.

Looking up, I realised we were in a sort of dance studio/piano room. The walls were painted white, where they weren’t covered in mirrors. The floor was a polished hardwood floor and there were those ballerina hand bar things, all around. In the far east corner there was a sound system and to my right, on a small platform was a grand, black, newly polished, piano forte.

I made my way over to the piano, letting my fingers slowly glide over the keys as I reached it. Slowly I sat down on the piano bench and let my fingers do the work. Not long after I felt Bella and Caramel’s presence at both my sides on the piano bench.

“It might not be a bad birthday this year, you know?” Bella started out, her voice soft as can be and barely audible over the piano.

“Bella’s right, I mean, so far nothing bad has happened. Plus we are in a new town, a new state, hell we are in a different country.” Stated Caramel in the same tone as the one Bella had just used a moment ago. I nodded my head solemnly as a tear slipped from the corner of my eye.

I changed the melody into the one that Bella had been humming for the past two weeks. It had been playing on repeat every freaking time Bella was in the room and I practically knew it by heart now.

“How do you know that song?” Bella asked sounding astonished. Delilah and I both gave her a look, before looking at each other cracking up a bit.

“You’re kidding?” I asked some emotion slipping into my voice. When she shook her head no, both Delilah and I laughed silently.

“Bella you have been humming that freaking melody none stop for the past two weeks. I think even dad would know it by now.” Stated Caramel as I kept playing and Bella blushed. I changed the melody into another one.

“I can pretend to love every minute of this, but when something bad happens I reserve the right to say I told you so.” Bella nodded in agreement still a bit red as Caramel gave me a light hug. I finished the melody and rose from the seat with my sisters by my side.

“Let’s get this show on the road.” I stated, putting on my mask and going into acting mode. Hey, if everything else fails I could become an actor. Bella and Caramel each grabbed an arm and together we walked out of the room and back to the living room. Everyone seemed to buy my act, except Jasper, but it made everyone else relax.

Looking over to my left, I noticed there was a table with some presents wrapped in blue wrapping paper and white ribbons with silver lining. I retracted my arms from my sisters’ and moved towards it. When I reached it, Alice was at my side handing me one of the packages and said a quiet thank you.

“It’s from your dad. He said something about you looking for these.” I gave Alice a confused look as she simply shrugged her shoulders, before I carefully opened the present. Inside the package was a stack of CD’s, both old and new. I had been on the search for the old ones and I had thought about buying the new ones myself. I smiled to myself. Dad always knew just what to get me.

I slowly opened each present careful not to cut myself. Besides the CD’s I also got, some guitar strings, clear note sheets, neon coloured hair dye and an entire new make-up kit.

A little while later Bella, Caramel and I were eating cake, a delicious fluffy chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and strawberry chunks. I don’t think I have ever had such a delicious cake and looking over at Caramel and Bella they agreed on this. They were like me stuffing their faces with cake.

After we had had enough cake, everyone was sent on their ways so I grabbed Bella and Caramel and we were once more on the piano bench. My fingers quickly found the keys and I started to play absent-mindedly.

“Did the chocolate help a bit?” Bella asked cheekily. I rolled my eyes at her, should have known she was the one who had used my weakness for chocolate to try and make this night more tolerable for me.

“I should have known that was your doing, but yes it did help a little. You sneaky little cheat.” I stated, which in return made the two of them laugh lightly at my attitude, while my fingers kept playing the piano.

“Do you guys want a tour of the house?” I looked up at a grinning Alice as I finished the melody and nodded my head in agreement as I rose from the piano bench.

“Are you guys coming too?” I looked at my two siblings as they shook their heads at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and turned to a grinning Alice.

“Follow me then.” I quietly followed Alice as she gave me a professional guided tour of the house or as I have renamed it in my head, the Cullen mansion. Suddenly she stopped in front of a door.

“I think you will like this room the most.” I gave her a confused look before I was suddenly grabbed, pushed into the room and had the door smacked closed behind me. I tried getting out, but found that someone, Alice, was blocking it from the outside, so I gave up quickly.

Looking around the room, I was surprised to see that Alice had been right. I did like this room the best. the walls were a light powder blue, the right side of the room was one big book case, filled to the bursting point with books. In the left north corner there was a four poster bed, in the middle was a white fluffy sofa group and to the left of the sofa group was a desk with an old guitar leaning against it.

I walked over to the desk, to find sheets of music, hand writing letters and old leather journals spread across it. Who’s room is this? I looked around again. It kind of looked like a bigger grander version of my room from the boarding school. Looking down at the desk again, my entire body froze as it read and reread the signature on a sheet. Jasper Whitlock.

Fuck my life, this is jasper’s room

I turned on my heel and walked towards the door, to see if I could get out. But before I got a chance the door suddenly opened and Jasper stumbled in. He glared slightly at the door, before he turned around and froze mid-step when his eyes landed on me.

“Oh...Hey... in my defence I was forced in here and I’m going to go try the door again.” I walked around the still frozen Jasper and tried the door again. But once again I could tell that someone, Alice, was blocking the door again. I quickly walked past the still Jasper and made my way towards the window. We were on the third floor with no tree nearby and I can’t use my powers in front of Jasper.

Fuck.. Fuck.. FUCK!

I inhaled deeply a couple of times before I walked over to the sofa group and sat down with my head in my hands. I felt the sofa move slightly as Jasper sat down beside me. I turned my head enough so I could look at him.

“There’s still time to get out of here, I may not be able to jump out the window without dying. But you can and I wouldn’t want your perfect record of avoiding me to get destroyed. Don’t worry about me, when your gone I might actually get set free again.” I chuckled darkly before leaning back in the sofa and started to stare down the opposite wall.

Jasper’s P.O.V.:

The dark tone of her words and chuckled was almost scary and me being able to feel her emotions didn’t help one bit. It was clear from her emotions that she was waiting for me to leave and something else. Something I hadn’t expected. It was the feeling of utter indifference to the whole situation that was the one that shocked me the most.

She honestly just didn’t give a flying fuck anymore.. and that’s saying it nicely..

I looked at her emotionless expression as she stared down the opposite wall. Opening my mouth, I tried to talk to her. But nothing would come out and I realised that it was because that not only did I not know what to say, but I was scared of her reaction to me after ignoring her for a month.

“Emily..?” my voice came out weak and with a slight hint of the fear and worry I was feeling. The first emotion from her was shock as she tensed up and inhaled deeply. Than it turned to anger and frustration, before turning into what I relate with a realization of some sort and finally settling on indifference again as the main emotion.

“He talks, who would have thought?” she with sarcasm dripping of every single word like venom. I actually think I would have preferred to be cut open right now.. or maybe stabbed in the heart repeatedly. She glanced up at me expectantly and when I kept quiet she rolled her eyes at me.

“I don’t know why you broke your vow of silence to simply mutter my name and I don’t really care. I’m going to borrow a book to read and hope that Alice will let me go soon enough.” Her tone sounded bored, but her emotions let me know that I had indeed hurt her, before she once again settled on the indifferent feeling.

She quietly hummed to herself as her fingers glided over the books, one by one, until she picked one and returned to the couch and started reading. After I had caught myself staring at her, I picked myself off the couch and grabbed my guitar. I slowly began plucking the strings in a simple melody, trying to clear my head and figure out how to fix things. Why had I chosen to ignore her again? I thought back to the weekend I decided to break off all contact with the gorgeous girl in front of him.

He knew why he had done it. He wanted to make sure her fate wouldn’t be like the one foreseen for Bella. He simply couldn’t risk it and it was with that thought that he once again was determent to never speak or interact with this phenomenal creature in front of him. He concentrated on his guitar once more as he changed the melody into a more complicated one and simply started to lose himself in the music.

I heard the very unique sound of the door being unlocked, as Alice sighed heavily before I could hear her walk back down the stairs and into the living room. I looked over at Emily to tell her this, but found that she had already gotten up, placed the book back in its place and was walking out of the door, slightly swaying her hips in her natural walk.

It hurt more than I cared to admit, to see her walking away. But I knew that in the end it was for the best. I could never manage just being friends with someone I wanted so badly and I knew what a relationship could only resolve in. I will never condemn anyone to a life of bloodlust and self hate from being a monster.

We are like rocks in the never ending river of life. We see others pass us by as they go through life, die and become something new in this never ending circle of life. But me or rather people like us, vampires, were stuck. Like rocks at the bottom of the river, condemned to forever watch life take its course. But never really being a part of it.

Delilah/Caramel’s P.O.V.:

After seeing the defeated look on Alice’s seemingly always happy face was answer enough. I knew that Jasper and Pixie didn’t patch things up. But I also knew that it wasn’t my sister’s doing, this was all Jasper and I hoped for him that he was absolutely sure of his decision to ignore her.

When I saw her walking down the steps with an emotionless expression, I knew I was right. Pixie had cut him out and now she was making the change permanent and once that process was done, getting back in would make a violent murder in public seem easy.

I knew this because of how she became this way. One of her former best friends dropped her out of the blue and disappeared for weeks and then suddenly she was back again. Pixie had been reluctant to let her back in, but she had and the next day her so called best friend was telling everyone everything she knew about her. She closed up on her right there and then. I can’t for the death of me remember the bitch’s name, all i know is that she tried to make up and become friends again with Pixie a year later, only to be ignored or shot down with an iciness, even a snow flake would be jealous of.

I looked at Pixie who was now smiling like nothing had ever happened, but her eyes failed for a split second and that was all it took for me to know she was faking it. But I must say her acting skills have improved. I shook my head free of the last thought. It was neither the time nor the place for that kind of thinking right now as I looked back up at her. Slowly I rose from my place on the couch and approached her.

“Are you ready to go home and enjoy the weekend?” I asked her quietly, giving her a soft gaze. She simply nodded her head and I looked over at Bella with a questioning look. She simply shook her head, she was coming home later. Then I gently took Pixie’s arm and we started out to my car.

Alice’s P.O.V.:

I was starring out into space again, not even James’ gentle kisses and touches could get me out of my train of thoughts. Once again I was trying to see the Swan sister’s futures. I could find Bella’s, but when I tried to see the others it was like they didn’t even exist. I realised a heavy frustrated sigh. Maybe I’m doing this the hard way, maybe there is another road I can take.. I focused on the people the girls interact with and found that if I could the person they interact with future, then I could get a partial picture of what was going on with them.

Happy with this solution I let my usual happy smile slip back onto my features as I leaned a bit more into James and started to really enjoy his embrace. I always felt safe in his arms, not that what Jasper and I once had wasn’t special. But things with James were just so much better and simpler than things had been with Jasper.

Jasper and I fought a lot over every little thing and disagreement, but with James there was usually a pretty good reason for the few fights we have had so far. I didn’t have to watch myself and my emotions around him. I didn’t know how much I did that before we got together. I knew this was all very mean things to be saying about jasper and I’s former relationship, but I know the moment he has truly moved on that he will see this as well. We simply didn’t fit.

I turned my head slightly and kissed James’ check while looking at him flirtatiously. He gave me a small smirk as he picked me up bridal style and brought us to our room. He put me back on my feet gently as he closed and locked the door behind him and I began kissing him hungrily. It didn’t take him long to return my passionate kisses and we slowly, but steadily moved towards our bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so thought I would try and give an update a lot sooner than I usually do. This is because of how little time I have for the time being.. So as a way to make it up for it - here is another chapter.. let me know what you think and if I made any errors and such.

Also I would like to thank the people who have taken the 30 seconds it takes to comment on this so far:

Always and Forever - baluivika94 - EmotionalAngel94 - Emilise284 - wrong_turns - ExtremeFreakShowO_o - xXLostXSoulXLoverXx - LoveForTheWolverine

I can't remember when I started the rewrite, so I'll just take everyone now and then go from there ^.^ SERIOUSLY THOUGH YOU GUYS ROCK!