Status: on hiatus

Caught in a Fantasy

I think his name is Nathan

Jasper’s P.O.V.:

Another week without her went by and the hollow feeling I got when I caught a glimpse of her was as simple as any other everyday routine. I knew I was being pathetic and the looks Edward kept throwing me didn’t help me one bit. Everyone in the family and I mean everyone considerate family, had tried to get me to talk to Emily again. But I’m not planning to, not now, not ever.

Walking down the hallway towards biology, I saw something from the corner of my eye that made my entire being freeze. A little ahead of me to the right was Emily and some guy, I think his name is Nathan, flirting away. I quickly got out of the school and into the forest before running into the mountains, punching and kicking a couple of boulders on my way to the top. Before I ran back and made it to class with only a second to spare.

Time seemed to fly by and before I had realised it the finale bell was ringing, signalling the end of the day. I took a bit longer packing my things in my bag, before I hurried out of the class room and towards the parking lot. When I reached the parking lot, I had to stop in my tracks, since Edward was suddenly in front of me.

“Either do something about it or get over it, you yelling your depressed thoughts every God damn second of the day, is giving me a fucking permanent migraine. So if you value your eternal existence, decide!” every word was hissed out, dripping with pure venom as his death glare burned holes deep into my non existing soul. He nodded his head sharply once, before he turned on his heel and walked over towards Bella.

I relaxed my posture, not realising until now how tense I actually had been. Looking around I found the gorgeous sight of her. The one mysterious, beautiful creature by the name of Emily Swan. I don’t know how long I stared at her, but suddenly my gaze was returned by those emerald pools of wonder that I just now realised I had missed. Her look was puzzled with a hint of sadness and anger just behind it. I don’t know how, but suddenly my feet carried me towards her, until I was in front of her. Not once breaking our gaze.

“Hey, can we talk? Please...” she looked shocked and unsure as she broke our gaze and had a silent conversation with a girl I just realised was there as well. But even though my thoughts acknowledged her, a second later she was once again air to me as my eyes found their way to Emily’s features.

“Alright Jasper, let’s talk...” she stated hesitantly in a half sigh, half whisper kind of way. The guilt of my actions poured over me once more. How could I do this to her? I inhaled deeply as I tried to figure out what to say. But after a very short thinking break, I came up with nothing and decided to just go with my heart or something sentimental like that.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you Em... I felt something for you I haven’t for a very long time and it scared me beyond death. I know it’s a weak and lame ass excuse for what I’ve done. But I want to make it up to you. Please tell me, is there any way to get you to forgive me? To get another chance?” I inhaled deeply as the nerves worked my anxiety into overdrive.
I tried to look into those once loving emerald green pools of wonder, but she didn’t meet my gaze this time. Her whole body showed signs of conflictions as well as her emotions. She swayed a bit from side to side, before inhaling deeply a few times and cleared her throat just a tiny bit.

“I can try to give you a second chance, but you have to earn yourself. I’m not going to go out of my way to contact you or something like that. If you want to be in my life again, you make it happen otherwise I’m cutting you out and I mean completely this time...” I sighed in relief as a wide smile spread across my face and a feeling of pure calmness overtook my senses for the first time since I last had spoken with her.

“Sounds like a fair plan to me. Be prepared to be courted then Miss. Emily Swan, because I’m not going to drop off the face of the earth this time around. I will make it up to you.” My accent southern accent slipped out as I spoke, so I just went with it and gently grasped her hand placing a feather light kiss on her knuckles before bidding her a good day and walked over to my awaiting siblings at Emmett’s jeep. Luckily for me they didn’t comment and I think I actually saw Rosalie hide a smile away before we got in the jeep and started on our way home.

Sitting in the car, my brain finally caught up with me. I had just undone what I had spent days, weeks doing. But as I thought about it, I knew I had made the right choice. I tried to give her up, to stop thinking about her and just simply pull her out of my life. But I simply couldn’t, she was too meaningful to me and I actually didn’t mind that one bit.

I relaxed further down in the backseat of the jeep, as my mind wandered over how I could win her over and get my second chance without blowing it. What did Em love? What made her function? It was simple – Music. Emily loved music. I knew she had changed her biology class for AP music to avoid me. So maybe that could be my way in? Yes I would start with music class and work my way from there on. I hope you are ready for this Emily Swan. I am a man of my word.

Carlisle’s P.O.V.:

The sight of her figure alone took my unneeded breath away from me. The sight of her curvy yet thin and toned figure that had any heterosexual man drooling in seconds, her golden sun kissed skin, her deep dark brown almost black hair pulled into a tight ponytail and last but not least the facial features of an angel. If my heart hadn’t stopped beating a very long time ago, I think it would either have stopped or skipped a couple of beats.

I silently watched as she continued her usual routine check up on her sister, unaware of presence. I watched as the light danced over her skin, as her facial expression changed from time to time and how she moved so elegantly, almost soaring across the room. How did she make scrubs look sexy?

I stopped my train of thoughts at this and slowly made my way in to the room, clearing my throat slightly. She turned her head slightly and gave me an award winning smile, showing of her pearly white teeth, before she finished up what she was doing and walked over to me.

Ever since that day we had coffee at my house, things had been looking up for me, because that was the first date Delilah and I had gone on. When she was close enough we both gave each other a particular smile, the one we saved for just one another, before I quickly stole a kiss. She chuckled lightly at me.

“Well hallo to you too Carlisle.” She said in an airy, sexy kind of tone. I’m sure my cheeks would have been a bit pink, had I been human. But thankfully I didn’t have to worry about that, so I just gave her a small smirk.

“Ready to get out of here... Delilah?” I loved the small shiver that ran through her, every time her name passed by my lips. She gave me a small smirk in return, quickly brushing her lips against mine, doing as if she had done it with feathers.

“The question is, are you ready to get out of here... Carlisle?” I couldn’t cover up my small shiver of pleasure, as she said my name. It was all because every time she did, I imagined what it would be like to have her beneath me, screaming it in pleasure. I quickly shook the thought out of my head as I grabbed her hand and tucked her out of her sister’s hospital room.

We walked side by side down the corridors to the personals’ changing rooms. She quickly soared inside, changed and came back out with her stuff in less than fifteen minutes. Slowly I reached for her free hand, as I grabbed my back from the nurses’ station and together we walked out of the hospital.

Walking over to my car, I quickly opened the door for her, shutting it behind her and made my way to the driver’s side in a quick human pace. Soon enough we were driving towards the only diner there was in Forks, making small talk all the way there.

I held the door open for her as we entered the half full diner and together we walked over to one of the booths at the right side. Five minutes after, a waitress came over and took our orders. Delilah ordered a cup of coffee and a double chocolate chip cookie and I stuck with just a cup of coffee. Caffeine helped with making our skin appear warmer and it also helped to keep up the illusion that I was still human.

When the waitress came back over with over coffees and Delilah’s cookie, we sort of got into our routine. Delilah and I had been having our coffee breaks together whenever we could over the past weeks time and I think it showed. Glancing over at Delilah as she did the same, we chuckled lightly at our realization, before she shrugged her shoulders a bit and took a small bite out of her cookie.

The look of complete bliss appeared for just a moment. She really loved a good double chocolate chip cookie. They were her favourite kind of cookies for a reason. I couldn’t help but smile at this. I don’t know how she did it, but she had a way of making me smile every time I’m with her. She simply is.

My moment however was interrupted as my pager went off. ER – HOSPITAL. I sighed a bit as I glanced over at Delilah, who was now looking at me with expecting eyes.

“The hospital is sending the bat signal, can you get home or..” I let my question fade out as I stared into her beautiful electrifying emerald green eyes. She nodded her head a bit at me.

“Sure I can, and don’t worry about all of this like I know you will at some point. I get it and it’s okay.” She gave me a stunning close mouthed smile, before we exchanged goodbyes and a few light kisses.

¤¤¤ near sunrise, two weeks later ¤¤¤

Edward’s P.O.V.:

Around two months ago she said yes, around two months she became my girlfriend... I shook my head slightly as I once more watched Bella sleeping. I told her I liked watching her sleep because it calms me and because I find it interesting to hear her talk in her sleep. Those things are true, but I also do it because Bella has a habit of kicking of most of her pyjamas while sleeping.

At the moment she was in a pair of blonde panties and a tank top that had moved itself up and was now just covering her well rounded and perky breasts. Her sheet was tangled around her in a way, so only one of her legs and some of her stomach was covered.

This gave me a perfect view of her toned body, smooth silky ivory skin. She did have a bit of curves, not as much as her sisters, but still a pretty good body. Her scent was of course a strong factor in here and yet at this moment I couldn’t be bothered with it as I licked my lips a little.

I snapped myself out of my trance as I could feel I was starting to get a boner. Jumping out the window, I made sure it was closed behind me, before I took the longest way home.

Walking into the house, I started on my way towards my room as Alice bounced down the stairs and then she suddenly stopped. I watched as her eyes glazed over, and I put my powers to use.

The sky was a deep gray almost black colour. The sound of thunder roaring and then a lightening ripped through the sky in the distance, followed by many others. The vision changed into a clearing, the same clearing we have used for Baseball for the last couple of thunderstorms. The vision seemed to speed up time as Alice, the family, Bella and I came into view. Every single one of us had in some way or sort a baseball outfit on. Then the vision faded into black.

Alice blinked a couple of times, before we looked at each other grinning like mad men or in her case woman.

“THUNDERSTORM!” we said simultaneously, Alice almost squealing in joy as she bounced on the spot and clapped her hands together, like an excited five year old getting a present. Soon enough Emmett, Jasper and James had joined us at the bottom of the stair case.

“Did someone just say thunderstorm?” asked Emmett, his excited booming voice almost echoing throughout the house. All of their eyes were locked on either Alice or me as we slowly nodded our heads.

“Hell to the mother fucking yeah! FINALLY! It’s been ages since we’ve had a good friendly game of baseball.” I nodded my head in agreement with Emmett as we all exchanged high fives, comments and such, before going our different ways.

Maybe I should invite Bella to this? She’s not that into sport, but it might be fun to watch an all vampire baseball game. It’s better known as vampball in the family for a reason. I shook my head a bit. I had to think this through, maybe I should just ask if she wanted to go and then take it from there.

I made my way to the piano room, as I glanced out the window. The sun was finally making its slow appearance in the morning sky. I walked over to my piano forte, letting my fingers lightly graze the keys as I sat down on the piano bench.

Thoughts of Bella’s sleeping form appeared in my mind as my fingers found their way across the keys, playing a soft tune, a lullaby or rather Bella’s lullaby. Images of her peaceful and beautiful sleeping form took over as I kept the melody flowing. Bella my love, I’m counting the seconds until I can see and be with you again...

Jasper’s P.O.V.:

Walking into the house, the clear sound of Bella’s lullaby was flowing from the piano room as was the warm and fuzzy feelings with a slight twist of lust. I wonder if Edward is drooling yet? I quickly shook the thought from my mind and continued on my way to my room.

Normally all those puking worth fuzzy feelings made me ill, but the simple thought that I could have that with Emily kept me sane.

I had made some calls, used a little charm and such to get me transferred from Biology to AP music, Emily’s AP music class. I wonder if or how she will react to this.

Walking into my room i grabbed my guitar and went through my mind to find a song for Emily. I wanted to serenade her, to somehow tell her how sorry I was and use it as a part of my ‘I’m-trying-to-make-it-up-to-you’ plan that really needed a new operation name.

I simply just started to pluck the strings in some melody and let my mind wander. Emily Swan, how will I make you mine?

Rosalie’s P.O.V.:

I stared yet again at another sketching pad, my fingertips slightly tracing the lines of my newest creation and soaked in the image of him. My lips into a light sad smile as I silently closed the sketching pad and placed it on my desk next to my drawing tools.

This creation was one of many, lately it was the only thing really holding me together and I wandered if it could do that much longer. All I wanted was a chance to be with him, but I knew from the moment he had rejected my offer that that wouldn’t happen and it hurt. It also didn’t help that I was having a hard time getting over it.

My fingers glided over the glass of my bedroom window as I stared out onto the scenery behind our house. I was yet again analyzing every tree, bush, leaf, straw and stone I could find. Imagining how I could draw each one of them in great detail.

I needed a new hobby, or a new love affair, just something to make this ”life” tolerable at least. Walking over to my desk I quickly packed my school bag for the day, maybe I should go to college again. It has been too long since I’ve actually learned something worthwhile.

“It’s time to go to school now.” My thoughts were stopped by Alice’s voice. But I had already made up my mind. College it is. Now all I had to do was figure out where to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the hold up on this, school is finally done. But so is my two laptops, both my main pc and my notebook are down. So it might be - please don't kill me - awhile before I update again. This was supposed to be longer, but if I'm lucky I'll get to finish the last bit today so you'll get a little chapter a little sooner.

I would like to give special thanks:
xXLostXSoulXLoverXx - hehe, dumdum x) I might use that sometime.