Status: when.......We feel like it

Try to make me, love

To Your Liking

When my mom told me we where moving from California cross country, no I wasn't thrilled to be driving in a car the whole way. No I wasn't exactly sad, mad, or cussing out my parents for 'ripping me away from me friends!' or 'Ruining my life!'. I was actually kinda happy about it. I mean of course I was moving away from Mackenzie and Dane, and no, I wasn't happy about it. But I'm moving, new people, new places. No one to harass the Gothic girl. Of course no one did, to my face at least. But then again they'll most likely think the same thing at this school. I only hope that there aren't the same kind of insensitive bitches like at my old school.

I met someone who I guess isn't insensitive. Of course, how can you be insensitive when you don't have any emotions. Well I guess he has emotions, he just doesn't show half of them.

My being my stupid, retarded self, pried. I mean how could you not? Well once you notice what was going on. Which surprises me how many people don't. I guess I'm just observant. I guess to much. I guessed I could change him. God, now that I say it I realize how stupid and soap-opera-ish that sounds.

Well I guess you can't change all things to your liking.
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I was kinda surprised when Elliott asked me to wright the girl part in her, is actually took me awhile to get what he was saying because he kept speaking German, or just making no sens. But we got there and now I'm here. I actually don't have a mibba so I'm making the chapters on my brothers mibba, so no a guy is not writing this a girl named Annabelle is.
So we need help because if you noticed the boy in this story doesn't have a name yet, so we need suggestions for names, please.