Status: when.......We feel like it

Try to make me, love

Makeshift Morning

First day of school and, unlike the normal horrifyingly stereotypical moved sob girl story who woke up late and was pissy about it, I woke up an hour early. To bad while unpacking I had forgotten that on the drive here I had worn all of my cloths and not yet unpacked all of my clean ones. And there wasn't time to do any laundry.

I went down to the living room where all of the boxes where piled, it was up to the ceiling with brown cardboard and smelled like Styrofoam. We had got here late last night and hadn't had time to unpack too much, I had actuary slept on the floor with a few blankets and a makeshift jacket pillow.

I started to sift through all the boxes and was occasionally stopped by my lack of muscle. I must have searched for about a hour because my mom, who wakes up at 6 on the dot every day, came down the stairs stopping at the bottom to look at my lack in process.

"Annabelle, babe, what on earth are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find my cloths," I grunted, sitting on a box. "Do you know where they are?"

She let out a little giggly mom laugh and said "There in the back corner, Honey."

I let out a groan. Not only have I been searching for something that I would never be able to reach but I've wasted an hour of my life doing so. "Moooooommmmm" I whined "Can you help me get some cloths to wear?"

"Sure sweetie, lets see what's in my closet."

Walking into my parents room, I saw that they had done way more unpacking after I had gone to bed last night. Their closet was half filed and they had already gathered an assortment of things on their nightstands that where places next to their sheet-less mattress.

"I haven't gotten most of my cloths out." mom said as she walked out of the closet with a few shirts and pants. "Here's a few shirts, I only have a few capris but I know you hate those. I'll look in my box of stuff."

"Thanks mom." I said picking out a purple shirt from the few shirts she had given me.

"Morning Bell." My dad walked out of the bathroom and kissed me on the forehead.

My mom came out with a black skirt and fish net because she doesn't like me to just wear skirts. We debated on whether or not I should wear my boots and decided yes for lack of time. And with that I took my makeshift pillow and was off to school.

The first few classes where going great, it wasn't how you would hear about when no one talked to you and gave you weird glances; people smiled, said hi, and offered to let me sit with them. The only bad thing I could see about this school was the cold breezeways and nerve wreaking teachers.

Then on my way to 4th period, trying to dodge the crowd so I wouldn't be late, I was hit in the shoulder and flew into a tall brown haired kid.

"I'm so sorry!" I shouted. "Someone hit me and I lost my footing and juts kinda few into you and I'm going to stop babbling now." Even though I wasn't quite babbling, I just knew I would start if I didn't stop now.

I offered him my hand but he just looked at it like he wanted to brake it and stood up himself. "Okay." he said.

I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. He was just a tincey bit adorable. "I'm Annabelle by the way." at that moment the blond boy that was with him popped up and started to talk to me.

"You going here?" he asked "Me to! Sit with me?"

Before I had a chance to answer he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into the class room. I sent pleading looks back to the kid that I ran into, asking to help get his friend off of me, but he only shook his head and followed.

All in good nature I guess.
♠ ♠ ♠
AnnAbelle had this chapter written for 2 days already but her computer malfunctioned and I lied and forgot to update for her! Sorry!
