Status: when.......We feel like it

Try to make me, love

Wadaya think?

Walking through Mrs.Coffins class I saw a few people smile at me and wave their hand, motioning for me to sit with them. I smiled back but shook my head no. Why would I want to sit with them? They'd try to make small talk and I'd have to pretend to care.

I sat in the back next to Ethan with Annabelle on the other side.

Right before Mrs.Coffin started talking Annabelle started to go through her pockets.

"What are you looking for?" Ethan looked over in curiosity filled concern.

"My glasses. I can't see and I can't find them. I hope I didn't leave then in my last class. I won't be back in time....."

"Here, switch seats with me. It might make it a little better. Any better?" Ethan asked as the bell rang.

"Yeah a little, not much. Thanks anyway."

"No problem."

"Ethan!" Mrs.Coffin yelled back "Shut your mouth! So!" she said clapping her hands together. "I left my lesson plan at home. So we're just going to wing it. Everyone turn to the person next to you."

Ethan almost threw Annabelle out of her chair while turning to towards him. You could see her shoulders slump a little in disappointment. She doesn't want you Ethan. No one dose.

"Ethan!" Mrs.Coffin called out "Though I'm sure our lovely new student would love to be your partner, you have a test to make up. Come and get it."

He reluctantly left and Anabelle turned towards me. "Wanna be partners?" she asked with a sideways smile.

Well I can't very well say no with everyone looking at you can I? "Sure."

"Quiet!" Mrs.Coffin yelled "So one person is going to say a word and the other is going to say what comes to their mind first. Person with the longest hair starts."

"Guess that's me." Annabelle said ""












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Sorry it took so long to update. My sister (accidentally) shot an arrow through my hand a few months ago and it's been acting up lately.
We've been fighting over names. AnnAbelle likes all these waked out names and I just want to go with something foreign and...."pretty? as AnnAbelle likes to put it. Like Gabriel! But no, that's an angel and she doesn't want angels.
God hates you AnnAbelle. He will smite you. Be prepared.