Status: when.......We feel like it

Try to make me, love

Learn to ***.

I turned to him in shock. "W-what?" A wave of hurt passed over me. How could he say that? My skirt isn't that short and I'm wearing something under it. And it's only because I couldn't find my normal clothes. But the hurt passed fast. Why should I let this brown-haired foreign shit make me feel bad? Hurt quickly turned into anger.

"Listen you fucker" I whisper-yelled at him "You don't call me a slut unless you want your pretty little dick torn off and fed to my pitbull. I don't know who taught you how to respect someone but obviously whoever is at home doesn't know much about it. You don't call me a slut and you don't insult a girl. Who the hell do you think you are? You better check yourself before I land you face first on this tile. Got it?"

He gave me a blank look with just a hint of shock behind the surface, and I thought I glimpsed just a little pain. Looks like I've hit home.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you don't know anything. I didn't say half of what I was thinking and there's no one at home to teach me. So maybe you should check yourself."

I accidentally let a small smile escape my lips. "I do. Everyday. No matter what you have at home parents or just you, you gadda learn something. Teach yourself something. No one else knows if you go it."

He stared at me for long moments, not sure what to say or if he should say anything. The bell rang and he darted out of the door.

I guess some people don't like the truth.

But I made a hell of a first impression.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title makes totally sens to me! Maybe not you, but it dose to me.
I've had this chapter written sens the day after I posted chapter 4. Buy my computer is a retard. Anywho! read, comment, subscribe or I will hunt you down and do unpleasant non-sexual things to you.