Status: when.......We feel like it

Try to make me, love

Virus Control

"What did you do to him?" A girl dressed in pink was looking at me in aw. "What did you fucking do to him?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. He just freaked out."

"He doesn't just freak out like that! He never freaks out like that!"

Why was she yelling at me? It's not like I said anything to her. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make him freak out, how was I suppose to know he'd react that way?"

"Well you must have said something pretty freakin' bad for him to react like that! Who the hell do you think you are!?"

"Uh, excuse me, but who do you think you are?" I can't flip. I can't flip completely. First day Annabelle, you can't flip. "If you were his girlfriend I think he would have sat with you when you waved to him, yeah I saw it, and if you were his friend wouldn't you be going after him to see if he was okay instead staying here to complain to me about how he never freaks?"

"No, Excuse me but I don't need some bitch like you-"

"Oh, cool it Dana. We all know you have it for little Mr.British. Don't embarrass yourself when you've been told off good 'n right by the new chick," a voice said.

Across the room from Dana, I guess her name was, was a brown skinned girl in jeans and a Brand New T-shirt, sitting on her desk with her legs spread and leaning over them. She looked amused at the small fight we where having. To be honest, the only indication that she was a girl was her long black hair and the light blue Jansport book-bag in her chair. Other than that, she was wearing generic cloths and her posture and just the way she talked was, well, guy-ish.

"No one was talking to you, Maria!" Dana snapped

"No" The tomboy agreed "But I figure that if I was new and I got into something like this I wouldn't want to have to deal with it or end up coming off as a bitch. And sense everyone doesn't know me or already thinks I'm a bitch I can spare the new chick by turning you belligerent rage on me. Now, back to the matter at hand...What was that again?" She gave a smile that, I'm not gonna lie, kind reminded me of Heath Ledger.

"......That didn't even make any sens."

"That made perfect sens. You're just not able to admit that my thinking is logical. Or you're stupid." She added the last part as an after thought.

"It's not logical!" Dana said getting a bit mad.

"Then that must mean you're stupid."

"No I'm not! You're stupider that me!"

Tomboy shook her head with a smile, grabbed her stuff, and jumped off the desk. "Just save yourself the dignity and shut up."

"Maria! What have I said about insulting people!" Mrs.Coffin walked back into the room as the bell rang

"Sorry ma'am, it just kinda slipped."

"Don't do it again. Now I'd like to have a word with Dana, you two get to class."

"See ya tomorrow Mrs.Coffin." Tomboy said on the way out. Even the way she walked was like a guy.

"Hey" I said to her after we left. "Thanks. Your reasoning made total sens. So...just...thanks."

She smiled real big. "No problem. Do it for everyone I don't hate. And some I do."

"Cool. So are you headed to the cafeteria?" I said realizing I had no idea where that was and no one to sit with. I took a shot. "I kinda have no place to sit."

She stopped walking and looked at the ground for a second then looked me in the eye. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm in all advanced classes, I like to read and write, I do archery, I'm in debate and drama and the dead poet society and an architectural program. The only thing different about me is the way I sound, the way I walk, and that I don't do a lotta main stream. I get non-stop shit for it. Whoever I'm with gets some of it too. If I'm your first friend in the school, then you're gonna get it bad. I'm not saying that I don't wanna be friends, I'm just saying be ready for hell if you wanna hang with me. I'm like a virus. A fucking deadly virus."

I looked at her hard. She was so much like Mackenzie. She got everything bad for doing nothing and turned it into something good for someone else. Now, I don't know if this girl is the same, but she's saying things similar to what Mackenzie did. I couldn't not believe they where the same.

So I smiled and said "All a virus can do is kill. All hell can do is burn. And, even if it's 3rd degree, I still don't seam to learn."

She smiled back "Ah, we got a brave little poet, do we? Com'on cafeteria's this way."

"I'm Annabelle by the way."

She started to walk, took a deep breath, smiled and said "'Ey Annabelle, I'm Maria."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took awhile! i just wanted to do this new layout (shush, it's a surprise for Elliott. Hopefully he won't hate it as much.)(I tried really hard to get the color to match so don't bash me for it!).
Whats-His-Face still needs a name! It's getting to the point that we're just about to name him Bob. So people, please just some name suggestions or that's going to be it! You have until Elliott's next update! (Maybe mine)

1) Make new layout
2) Get Character pictures(No, not already done.)
3) Make character descriptions(Nope, still didn't do it, sorry Elliott)
4) Get more comments(coughcoughnotmyfaultwehavelazysubscriberscoughcough)
5) Update(Halfway casue I updated but Elliot didn't. So it will inevitably always be halfway until this story is finished)