Running Away

Troubling Vision


“She was friends with a victim,” Sam asked tenativly and Jared nodded. Sam bit his lip deep in thought. There was something wrong with this Claire. Sam didn’t mean to be rude but there was. She walked with a gait that was too smooth, too graceful, too perfect. It wasn’t ….right. Human. Sam was pretty sure Dean noticed it right away; Dean in his element girl watching. Sure enough Dean was watching her walk away and Sam was watching the poisonous glare Jared was giving his brother. Smooth Dean…very smooth.

“He does know I’m watching him correct?”

Sam shook his head. “My brother was dropped one too many times on his head.”

“That I can tell.”

Dean jumped to attention at this and glared at Sam and Jared O’Conner. Before Dean could say anything though Jared stepped in. “I’m a hunter. The murders have been starting six months ago and my littls sister and I have been in Crystal Falls a few weeks before they started. Normally I wouldn’t call for back-up like this but-”

“-You don’t want your sister hurt,” Dean finished for him and Jared nodded.

“Claire is strong don’t get me wrong. She’s far stronger then she appears. But in order to kill this werewolf I’ll need more people to help. And Claire could do it but I don’t want her to get invovled.”

“She’s a hunter?” Sam asked and Jared gave a thin lipped smile.

“You could say that.”

Dean POV

Dean decided to follow the cute redhead-otherwise known as Claire to her brother-to the back. The girl was a shitty actress that much was for certain. Espically when she had immeaditly taken her brother’s offer to run to the back, Dean had never seen a happier girl. Well, that was a lie. The girls who got to sleep with him were much happier. But he was just being follow of himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the gangy kid watching him. Dean sent him a glare, sending the scrawny wimp running. Claire in the meantime was whistling as she stocked the boxes on the shelves.

“Hey there again,” Dean said making Claire spin around.

She rasied a thin reddish eyebrow. “Stalking me isn’t a way to get my number.”

“Who said I was stalking you?”

“Why else would you come to the back of a gunstore? Unless you float that way,’ Claire said with a jerk of her head in the direction of her coworker.

Dean stuffed his hands in his pocket, struggling to control his iirratation. This girl obviously didn’t know him. Dean Winchester was straight damn it! Straight as pockey. It was time for no more Mister Nice Guy. “Just wanted to say hello. Unless you’d perfer to go screw a horse rather then have some human conversation.”

Claire’s face reddened and Dean couldn’t help but smirk. Ah! Beat that! She placed both hands on her hips and glared at him. “Keep it up if you want to lose an apendage you value!”

Dean’s smirk faded instantly, replaced with a frown. “Threatening someone who’s almost a foot taller then you and thirty to forty pounds heavier, not too bright. I feel sorry for your brother now.”


“Because he’s related to the “Exercisot.” All that’s missing now is for you to spit out green shit and for you head to do a 360.”

“You bastard!”


Sam followed Jared quickly behind; knowing Dean and Claire {if her first reaction was any clue of her personailty} they’d have a dead body on their hands soon. It was then that he felt it; a pulse both excreutating and pleasureable, horror and passion. The vison hit Sam faster then any vison he’d ever had, so for one second he was in the O’Conner Gunshop and the next he was standing in front of a deterioating plantaion home, once white, now a dingy gray.

Swirling rain fell hard, pelting him and he saw Claire wearing a soaked through red and sliver dress. Claire was running from someone-Dean- crying. Dean grabbed her hand. “Claire!”

Claire spun around. “What do you want from me?” she screamed, her tears mixing in with the rain.

“Just don’t give up,” Dean snapped back and Claire shook her head.

“It’s too late you Nethaderal. I can’t save Sam and my sanity.”

“Hey! Are you all right man?”

Sam almost fell down, his searing headache almost pulsating with pain. Jared grabbed his elbow and steered him to the back. “Howie, take care of whoever else comes in,” Jared shouted as Sam grew weaker with each step. Howie looked worrdily from Sam and back to his boss but nodded and took command at the registar.

Sam would have fallen on his face multiple times if Jared hadn’t been by his side to hold him up. Sam’s vision began to fade. “Claire!”

There was a shouted reply, the sound of heavy footsteps slapping the hardwood floor, and the last thing Sam saw before his vision faded to black was Dean running to him with Claire right behind him.
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Sorry this is late in coming. I've been busy with "Go On Girl" and my Reid story and school work, all rolled into one. Lol. So sorry. ^^'