Leaving It All Behind

Meeting Cael

Once Ainsley got home, she busied herself with cleaning up the spare suite she had just managed to rent out, her new tenant attended the same college as her and would be
moving in Saturday morning. After she was fairly satisfied with the cleanliness of the extra room and bath, Ainsley lay in bed reading her World Mythology book.
Ainsley rushed to finish getting dressed, hoping her tenant would be a little late so she could grab a bite to eat. Just as this thought materialized, a firm knock shook her front door, and she raced to get it.
His hair shone gold as if illuminated from within, gently waving onto his forehead where it swooped to the left. His eyes reminded her of fresh figs, a crisp and welcoming green. She could only assume he was over 6 feet tall, for she had to tilt her head even more than when she looked at her brother Conley. His broad shoulders narrowed to form his slender hips, which led to legs Ainsley could picture on a sprinter. His lips were the pinkish color of peaches, and she could not be certain, but Aisley swore they were as soft as peaches, too. As she did no less than stare, those succulent lips turned up into an amused grin, and reminded Ainsley to get a grip.
"Hello." She made sure to step aside to let him inside, but instead of walking in, the man walked closer to her and extended his had in greeting.
"Pleasure to meet you, my name is Cael." Ainsley gladly took his hand, a little too eager for the contact.
"I'm Ainsley, welcome home." She swore she saw a spark flash in his eyes, but he turned and entered the house before she could decipher it.
"Your room is the first door to the left, and I cleared out the first three kitchen cabinets for you."
She watched Cael slowly nod in her direction before entering his suite and closing the door. She did not see his again until 2 days later.
Cael was oddly nervous, today was his first day on earth and his roommate would be the first human he spoke to, at least, directly.
As she opened the door, Cael could hear her heartrate increase dramatically as her eyes roved over him. He was thankful that she was merely a human and could not perceive his own reaction to their first encounter.
Her soft curves mesmerized him, he had never seen a human up close before, an he did not imagine they could be so beautiful. Her eyes were the color of a twilight sky, a mixture of navy, light blue, and periwinkle. Her deep brown hair curled softly around her head and ended near her elbows.
Cael smiled as her eyes lingered over his lips. This would be fun, too much fun