Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Moving Sucks

July 25, 2001
I took a deep breath. I can't belive my mom actually decided to move me here. My name is Katy. I originally lived in a small town in Tennessee. My mom decided that it would be great to move all the way out to Huntington Beach, California with us kids and her boyfriend. Ugh. This was really gonna suck. I was never good with making friends or anything like that. Don't think I'm anti-social, because I'm not. I'm really outgoing once you get to know we. However, I am very shy. My life has sucked so far. I had good friends in my own town, and now I'm forced to move to this big place full with many people that I don't even know. This was gonna be hell.

"God shoot me now" I murmured under my breath. "Katy shut up. Get over it. Everything will be fine!"

my annoying, older sister huffed. I really couldn't stand her. She was always so preppy and would get her way. She thought that she could get away with anything and that the world was full of peace and happiness when certainly it is not. She never actually looks around her to see this crumbled mess that so happens to be our pathetic life. We were almost there. It was like a three day drive out her. Damn, I was really gonna hate it here.

We pulled into our driveway of our brand new 3 story house. It was a pretty house, I got to admit, but it wasn't "home". I got to pick my room, which was quite a relief. It was a pretty room filled with vibrant colors, for which i was thankful for. At least I have a decent room to hang in. I unpacked all of my clothes and putted them in the dressers that were there for me. I then decided to put up my Blink 182, Guns N' Roses, and Misfits posters. I started to get bored after that and decided I needed some fresh air. I ventured around the neighborhood. I was just caught off guard when I saw him.

He was drop-dead gorgeous I tell you. My heart stopped and I literally forgot how to breath. He gave me a smile that I could never possibly try to forget. He started walking towards me.

"OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!" is what was screaming in my head at that moment.

This gorgeous guy came up to me and held out his hand to me.

"Zachary Jonathan Baker, but I'd prefer you call me Zacky though. You"

I was so out of breath and he stared to look at me weird.

"DON'T SCREW THIS UP!!" I yelled in my head. I tried to play it cool, but that didn't work to well.

"K-K-Katy. Nice to meet you Zacky."

His face grew into the widest and most adorable grin I've ever seen on a boy's face in my whole entire lifetime. I decided to take his hand and shake. My friends, this is what started it all. The long journey of our friendship, but there was still more to come, still a lot ahead
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Okay so this is the first chapter....please comment, rate, suscribe, etc. so I know to continue or not!! :).....and yes I do update a lot, so you won't have to worry about waiting. :)