Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

New Friend

2 Hours Later
My mom woke me up, and at first I thought it was a cruel dream that I had....but in reality, it wasn't. We were in Arizona. I stepped out of the car and it was sooo fucking hot compared to what I'm already use to. I huffed, crossed my arms and got my bags. The house wasn't as nice as the one we had in HBC. My room wasn't as nice as my old one either. I pulled out all my posters and put them on the wall. I jumped on my bed and started to cry. I felt something vibrate in my pocket. I opened it up and it read "Zacky".

I quickly wiped my eyes and opened up the phone.

"Hi!!" I tried to say cheerfully, but Zacky knows me like the back of his hand, he knows when I'm faking emotions.

"Katy....stop faking....what's wrong?" Zacky said demanding, but concerned.

"I miss you...and...and everything, everyone. Arizona sucks!! How am I suppose to live without you, Jimmy, and Brian? How Zee? How?!" I yelled as more tears came rushing down my face.

"'s okay, Katybabe....You will meet new friends, and...and I will try to make a trip out there or something...okay? Everything will be fine" Zacky said in a calming voice.

"Zacky....What will happen if I have a panic attack and no one is here?" I know I sounded worried.

"You'll meet friends, and they'll know what to'll be fine, I promise"

"Okay...well I got to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye" I said


I hung up the phone. I had school tomorrow....JUST FUCKING GREAT!

I fell asleep, I guess from crying. My mom shook me awake, telling me I had to go to school. Ugh.

I got black skinny jeans, a red jersey-shirt that Zacky gave me that had "Friend of Baker #7" on the back. I grabbed my iPod and my mom drove me and my sister to school. I sat in the car the whole time, without saying a word as Taylor blabbed on about how excited she was to meet new people, etc.

My mom walked us into the school. I just huffed as my mom talked to the principal to get me and Taylor's schedules. I got mine, gave my mom a hug and headed off to try to find my classes.

Walker: English
Causey: World History
1st Period Lunch
Seifert: Life Science
Clark: Algebra I

I end up finding my first class without a problem.

"Uh...hi...I'm Katy Hiner....the new student." I blushed in embarrassment. Everyone was staring at me. I was just like Zacky when it came to that. I didn't mind if there was at least one person I knew with me, when I was in a big crowd.

"Okay, take a seat in the middle row, first seat." I just nodded

I looked over to my right.

"Hi!! I'm Tara." She had short dark brown hair, with candy apple red chunks, that is just long enough to lay in her face. Her eyes were almond shaped, that are were hazel-ish. I noticed something kinda weird about her though. One eye was green-ish hazel and the other was more brown-ish hazel. She had a heart shaped face, and healthy pale skin. She also had a very slender and toned body.

"Hi." I said back. I couldn't help but also notice her "Pantera" shirt.

" like Pantera?" I asked.

"Yeah." She shook her head excitedly. "I saw them in concert a few years back...they were amazing." I smiled and nodded. I knew we were gonna be friends.
I had Tara in all of my classes, luckily. We talked about different bands, music, etc. Then the question of why I was here came up.

I shrugged.

"Well my mom forced me to come here....I had friends back in Huntington Beach, California...I was even in love with my best friend." I blushed, turned around and showed her the back of my shirt. She just smirked. I told her all of the experiences I had with Zacky, Jimmy, Brian, and I even mentioned that bitch Heather....remember her? I told her about the signs, my panic attacks, me and Zacky's Minnesota trip.
She told me that she's been here her whole life, but she's kind of an outsider, because of what type of music she listens to, how she dresses, and such. She mentioned she always tried to be nice to everyone, but some people brushed her off. What Bitches!
I was now a little excited. My mom picked me and Taylor up off of school.

"So....How was it?!" My asked enthusiastically.

"Everyone loves me." Typical Taylor.

"I made a friend named Tara...." My mom smiled.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about Katy..."

I have to worry about not ever revealing my love for Zacky

When I got home, I ran up to my room and dialed Zacky's number. It rung three times, until Zacky finally picked up.

"Hello?" Zacky asked

"Hey it's Katy....I met a friend at school." I said excitedly.

"It's not a boyfriend is it....cause then I'm gonna have to come down there and straighten things out....remember I can hit three homeruns in one night." I just laughed.

"No....her name is Tara....I just know we're gonna get along. Oh My God, she LOOOVES Pantera!! She even saw them in concert a few years back." I tried to keep my enthusiasm (sp?) in, but I couldn't help it.

"Well that's good....everyone misses you." I sighed.

"You know I miss everyone there...oh and I wore your shirt today." I smirked.

"Oh...that baseball one?" I laughed...I borrowed so many of his shirts...

"Sey senior....that one." Me and Zacky both laughed.

"Well I got to go...I miss you!!" Zacky said in a singy voice.


"You left out the other K" I just laughed at Zacky's comeback.

"Lol, well bye."


I think I was gonna love it here....besides Zacky not being with me....
♠ ♠ ♠
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