Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


Okay, so change of plans....I'm gonna do a time lapse of a year later...

I sighed looking into the mirror. I covered up the bruises from the other night, putting on my cap and gown. It was gratuation day. I grabbed some of my make-up to try to hide the bruises, but Tara burst through the door.

"OH MY GOD!! KATY!?" Tara yelling in shocky, running towards me.

"What the HELL happened?" Tara asked a little furious, but concerned.

"Kotah..." Is all I said. Tara gasped and gave an evil glare.

Dakotah was my boyfriend....My first boyfriend since I knew Zacky..Tara convienced me that I should try to date...I did just to have her shut up about it, but it lead to this...these ugly bruises that were on my arms and face.

"How long has this been going on? What did he do to you...explain..." Tara asked in concern, rubbing circles around my back, as my tears fell.

"Tara....he gets drunk a lot....this has been going on since we first went out....He just hits me, that's all."

Tara gave me a sympathetic look. I have been with Dakotah for about 3 months.

"Well....You have to break it off, today....before we walk the line at the gratuation. I nodded.

"I can't wait to hear your speech." I smiled. Tara shrieked.

"I too....and you're coming up there with me..." I laughed.

"Okie dokie."

What I never mentioned was how smart Tara was. She was really intellegent and was elected Valadvictorian for the gratuation. I was really proud of her.

We headed off to the spot where we were gonna walk the line. We were greeted by both families, including my dad, step-mom, step-sister, and sister. I gave them all hugs, even Taylor. Me and Tara were really excited. I just sat there thinking and Tara sort of had an arguement about this day...


" know I'm excited to walk the line and to be there with you, I just wish...ugh...I just wish I could see HIM walk the line and be there for HIM!!" I pointed at Zacky's picture.


I tried to tell her how I felt. I at least wish Zee was here to support me, or for me to be there to support him. Gawd...I hated getting in fights with Tara....we would just get sooo mad at each other. I'm just glad we got over it......

*Back to where we the graduation*

Tara tapped my shoulder.

"You okay?" She asked. I sighed.

"No...I just don't want to bring it up, or we'll get into another fight." I frowned.

"Ohhhh....I'm sorry about that....I guess I was just jealous and accept the apology?" I smiled a little.

"Yeah, of course." I pulled Tara into a hug.

" have to go break it off with Kotah....remember?" I frowned.

"Of course, I remember..." I huffed looking down at my arms.

"Well...let's go..." Me and Tara got up and I walked up to Dakotah.

Ahhh...Dakotah. He was cute. He had Black hair with blonde streaks...He was taller than me and he had dimples. He was a sweet guy, but not when he was drunk....obviously.

"Hey you...." Dakotah said, his dimples poking out at me.

"Uh...hey...Can I talk to you for a bit?" I said a little un-surely.

"Yeah sure." Dakotah gave me a confused look.

"What do you want to talk about Katybug?" I hated that nickname and flinched when he said it.

"Look...I don't exactly know how to say're a really sweet guy, but I'm just not feeling the way I feel about you like I did when we first met....I wanna break up."

Dakotah frowned and looked at me.

"You sure....Is this truely what you want?" I nodded and Dakotah sighed.

"Okay....but...we're still friends, right?" I smiled.

"Of course."

We and Dakotah talked for awhile about random stuff. He truely was a genuine guy. Tara walked over here to greet us.

"Hey guys..." She said a little akwardly. I just smiled at her.

"Can I talk to Katy a bit?" Tara asked for Dakotah's permission.

"Yeah sure...." Tara led me somewhere else.

"'d it go?" Tara interviewed with enthusiasm and curiosity upon her face.

"It went suprisingly good....we're friends now..." I smiled.

"Well that's good....maybe you can track Zacky down." Tara said winking at me and nudging me in the gut.

"Okay...all the gratuates line up!!" The principal yelled.

We all lined up and walked the line to get our diplomas. It was a good day. If only I was with Zacky....ugh
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for all the time lapses, but it's needed :)
Any comments?