Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Officially Given Up this is where the story gets REALLY intersting!! xD
And there is a MAJOR time lapse...7 years *gasps*
7 Years Later
So it's been a long time since I graduated....and 7 years since I had a boyfriend. I officially gave up on guys, I just couldn't handle it anymore. I felt like everything in my life was getting worse. I even went through, no still going through, a depression....I started since after graduation day. I guess I've always depressed, since I left Zacky in California, but it certainly didn't help my panic attacks.

A little and a lot has changed between this long period of time. Instead of Tara have red highlights, she now had electric blue covering them. I could tell that she hated seeing me like this, but I honestly couldn't help it. I wold cry myself to sleep every night, going through the box of Zacky's stuff.

My panic attacks have gotten really doesn't mix to well with depression. I've been on a lot of anti-depressants, but it's never helped. I've been to the hospital so many times. I've just gave up on life....on everything. Tara always tried to cheer me up, but it never worked. There was only one thing that could get me out of my depressed state....being with Zacky...or at least talking to him face to face.

On a good note, ever since high school, Tara and I moved in with each other, buying our own little apartment. She didn't want to leave me, especially the state I was in. I do have a job, and been working my ass off for a promotion...that's just more stress to add. *huffs*

Tara was up to something....I could tell in her eyes. There was some conspiracy in her mind, but I didn't want to bother to ask.

"Katy..." Tara's soft voice broke through my thoughts of Zacky. I sighed.

"Uh..yeah." I looked hopefully at her.

"Can I look through that box....of Zacky's stuff." I nodded at her.

"Yeah....I have to use the whatever you want with it..." I got up and ran to the bathroom to do my business.

I just couldn't stand seeing Katy like this anymore....I had to contact Zacky someway...somehow and I know for a fact that she has his number in there....hopefully, he never changed it, or Katy would never be happy ever again.

I went over to the box and searched through it. I found the number. I smiled at it.

"Katy....I'm gonna make a personal phone call....I'll be outside." I shouted.

"K." Katy replied.

I ran outside to make the phone was the only hope I had to make Katy happy. The phone rang three times, before a voice picked up, weirdly the voice was....familar?

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi...this is Tara I-"

"Look....if you're some crazy fan, I don't mean to be rude, but me and the guys are going to soundcheck for tonight's show, k?"

"Fan?....I was calling for you to talk to my friend." I replied a little confused.

"Is your friend a fan?..." He asked.

"Of what?" I asked...I had no clue what was going on.

"Avenged Sevenfold....I'm Zacky Vengeance...." I gasped. I heard him huff.

"So you are a fan?..." He asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't know this was YOU!!" I tried to say not freaking out....Katy knew Zacky before he was famous...and I talked to him once before he was

"Then what did you call for?" He asked. I let out a sigh.

"I'm going to one of your shows tomorrow and I have backstage passes...My friend really needs to talk to you....when you see her, hopefully you'll know who she is." I replied, not wanting to give anything away.

"Well okay...I guess I'll see you and your important friend tomorrow then, eh?" Zacky said chuckling a bit.

"Okay....well go to soundcheck...bye Zacky Baker...." I hung up and squealed really loud and jumping up and down in excitement. What a coinceidence?

I walked back inside so excited.....

I got out of the bathroom and sat on the couch, just looking down at my shoes, thinking. That's all I did these days, besides work. I hardly talked anymore.

Tara came running throught the door excited.

"Oh my god, Katy!!!" I laughed at her....I haven't laughed in sooo long.

"Okay....tomorrow, we're going to an Avenged Sevenfold concert and I got backstage passes....and I have no other friends, so you're forced to go" Tara said in a rush, jumping up and down. I laughed again.

I've heard some of Avenged's stuff, but I pretty much gave up on just made me think of Zacky even more....knowing he loved to play guitar.....I knew that Tara was gonna be stubborn about this so I just gave in.

"Okay....." I said.

The day went on and it was time for bed. I cried myself to sleep, but little did I know this was the last time I would.

I was sleeping peacefully, until Tara came up to me and hit me with a pillow.

"Get up sleepy head!!" Tara yelled, while hitting me across the head with her black pillow that was shaped like a deathbat...yes she was that obsessed xD

I just grunted.

"What time is it?" I asked getting up.

"It's like, 2:00....we need to get dressed...remember it's a two-hour drive." My eyes literally popped out of my socket.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"Huntington Beach." Tara said with a smirk.

We got ourselves looking beautiful and such, Tara more excited than me to see the guys play at 8:00 tonight. We got our bags and such, and packed money, credit cards, and such. We finally got into the car and headed out. We left around 4:00.

*2 Hours Later*
We arrived to the little town, I was so familar with. The one that I had to leave Zacky. It was filled with good memories, but they just made me depressed. It was 6:00 and we would be at the concert in about and hour, but first, we had to head to the little motel that we were gonna stay in for the night.

We got to the motel and headed up to our room after checking into our room. We put our stuff in there and re-did our make-up, hair and such. Tara tossed me a white shirt with a black deathbat on it. I laughed looking down at it. I was a little excited, but I didn't want to admit it.

After 15 minutes, we headed off to the venue. There were soooo many people already, lined-up, outside. We got in the back of the line.

"Don't we have backstage passes or something?" I asked and Tara just smirked.

"I want to meet them AFTER the show...not before." I just huffed...I didn't want to wait in this long-ass line.

We finally got in....We somehow managed to make it to the front before the band came out. We just waited a few minutes and two people came out.

"Hello Huntington!!! Of course you know us as the Berry's" One of the guys said.

"Yeah...and I'm bet you're ready for Avenged to rock your fucking socks off!!" The other said.

"'s AVENGED SEVENFOLD!!!!" They shouted in unison.

Five dudes, note: VERY ATTRACTIVE five dudes, walked onto the stage.

"The lead singer is hot." Tara whispered to me and I chuckled...of course, she had his pictures all over our walls in our apartment.

"Hello...Huntington how ya doing tonnnnight!!" The lead singer said.

"This is my home-fucking town and we will rock the SHIT out of it!!" He continued on and Tara jumped up and down with excitement. This would be a very intersting night. The band broke out into their first song.

Honestly, they were good...REALLY good. They were funny too, and made jokes and even fun of each other at times. They were very entertaining. I was really excited to meet them backstage.

The guys broke out into their last song....and finished it.

"You guys have been mother-fucking great tonight!!" The singer said with enthusiasm.

"Can't wait to see y'all next time!!" and with that they left the stage.

Tara took my hand and pushed me through the leaving crowd. We headed to some dark doors. There were bodyguards and people trying to get in. We showed the bodyguards our backstage passes. We headed through double-doors.

Little did I know....this is what changed my life....forever.
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Still Love mehh?