Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


"Okay, so there are a few rules...." Tara started to say, and I huffed.

"Rules?" I asked

"Yeah....stay by me the whole time, until I tell you that u can, okay?" I nodded, I wasn't gonna fight about it, plus I really didn't care much, although I was excited.

"Be prepared for a life changing experience." Tara said smirked and I just sighed.

"Yeah, like meeting people in a band is gonna change my fucked-up life" Tara just smirked again....she was definately up to something...and I wasn't quite sure what.

We entered the doors that we heard loud yelling from and something jumping. Tara opened the door excitedly. We first approached a man with blonde hair and black spots in them.

"Johnny" he said reaching out his hand to shake.

"I'm Tara and this is Katy....she's not a huge fan, so you'll have to tell her everything about yourself." Tara said with a wink.

"Oh, nice to meet you....I'm Johnny Christ and I play bass." He smiled at us.

"Um....can you sign my shirt for me?" I asked sheepishly.

"Sure thing...." I handed Johnny my Sharpie and he signed at my stomach and I giggled while he was my ticklish spot.

"Hey Katy....Let's go meet everyone else..." Oh okay, I frowned, I was enjoying talking to Johnny.

Tara led me to two people, one jumping up and down with black hair who was very tall and the other, also with black hair with a fedora on....They looked....familar?

"Hi....I'm Tara and this is Katy....she's not a huge fan so you'll have to tell her everything about yourselves." Tara said smiling and I just blushed.

"I'm Brian or Synyster Gates and I play lead guitar." The dude with the fedora said.

"And I'm Jimmmmy or The Rev!! I am a drummer-boy" The tall guy said hyped.

"What's your last name Katy?" Brian asked while squinted his eyes.

"Hiner....why?" I asked a little confused.

"Oh my's you!!" He then nudged Jimmy.

"'s Katy Hiner, our childhood friend!!" Brian said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh...." Jimmy said excitedly, tackling me in a huge bear hug.

"Um....guys....can I talk to you alone for a sec." Tara interupted quickly, a little worried.

"Uh....yeah sure..." Tara huddled them together telling them something important. I just stood there confused and waiting for them to be done talking.

When Brian said that Katy was one of his childhood friends, I got extremely worried. I didn't want him telling Katy that Zacky was in this band....I wanted her to find out herself. I quickly interupted by asking them to talk. We huddled up. I felt like I was a football captain...xD

" guys, she doesn't know that Zacky is in the band....I want her to find out by herself that he is, or I want Zacky to realize it by himself...So promise you won't mention he's in the band...." The guys nodded their heads and I signaled for Katy to come back over here.

Tara signaled for me to go back over there so I did.

"So...old friends, it will be so kind of you to sign my beloved shirt." Jimmy and Brian laughed. I was at least happy that I got to see them...maybe they'll know where Zacky is and all that.

Brian and Zacky took their turn to sign my shirt, which of course I giggled.

" numbers...that way we can chat?" I smiled. I was really enjoying myself

"Of Course!!" They yelled in unison. They both put in each of their numbers. It was time for me to ask the "Golden Question"

"So....How's you guys know?" Brian and Jimmy looked at each other and smirked. Apparently Brian knew I liked Zacky back then without me knowing that he did.

"He's single...." Brian started.

"Yeah doing very well." Jimmy said. I wasn't gonna push the subject.

"Alright, well we're gonna talk to Matt and then the other guitarist." Tara said with a wink to Brian and Jimmy and they smiled. Apparently, everyone knew something I didn't. I was really confused and anxious at the same time.

I of course can reconize Matt, because Tara has pictures of him on our walls and such...She was obsessed with him, and overjoyed when we made it over to him.

"Hi...I'm Tara and this is my friend Katy...she's not a big fan so you'll have to tell her your name and such." Matt just smirked.

"I'm Matt....I sing..." He smiled and his dimpled poked out.

", can u sign my shirt?" I asked. He nodded, took the sharpie and signed his name. As he was doing so I whispered in his ear.

"My friend really likes you." Matt looked up at me and smirked.

"Well....Matt, we'll talk to you in a bit....Katy has one more person to meet." Matt looked down at my shirt

"Oh Za-"

"Come on!" Tara said interupting him and dragging me away. What the fuck?!

She headed over to a little kitchen area. There was a muscular man, with piercing green eyes, taking a swig of Jack Daniels.

"Katy....I need to talk to him first....k?" I nodded and she walked over to him. Something weird was really going on.

Whew!! Matt nearly ruined the suprise. I walked over to Zacky.

"Hi....I'm Tara...I called yesterday." Zacky smiled.

"Oh that's uh...what was that about your friend that you were saying on the phone?" Zacky said taking another drink.

"Well....I can't tell you who she is, but you do know her." I said with a smirk. I left and walked over to Katy.

"Go talk to him...I'm gonna go chat with Matt." I left Katy there standing, she looked so confused and I just chuckled and nodded to myself.

I was really confused, but shrugged it off. I walked over to the man. He was very gorgeous.

"Hi..." I said shyly. God, I wish Tara did leave me.

"Oh, hi!! " He said enthusiastically.

"Your friend says that I know you, but she wouldn't tell me who you were." I slightly laughed, ignoring the subject.

"Can you sign my shirt for me?" I asked nervously.

"Uh, Yeah, Sure." The guy...studdered?

I handed him my sharpie and he signed his name in some cursive writing.

Zacky Vengeance

I looked down at the writing and gulped. I looked at him, into his eyes.

"No...Fucking way..." I said outloud, not meaning to. I covered my mouth with shock all over my face. He just looked confused. I just stood there.

"Um...what?" He looked at me confused.

"Za-Za-Zacky?" I asked and he nodded slowly more confused.

"Baker?" I asked. He nodded again. My eyes just grew wider. I just stood there standing.

Oh my god! What should I do? Hug he'll just think I'm weird and kick me out or something. Just...Play it cool...or at least try.

My shocked face turned into the hugest smile I've had in many of years. I reached my hand out to him.

"Katy...Katy Hiner." Zacky's eyes grew wide.

"Oh my fucking god!!" He said with a huge smile, pulling me into his arms. It felt so good to be in his arms again. We just stood there hugging, with happy tears flowing down both eyes, and then Zacky pulled away. He reached for his wallet in his pocket and pulled out $100 with a smirk on his face. He tried handing it to me.

"What's this for?" I asked confused.

"The bet....remember...and I'm famous." He smirked again. I shook my head no.

" worked hard for that money, and you're keeping it." Zacky frowned, but put it back in his wallet.

"How can I repay you?" He asked.

"Lots of sex??" I said with a smirk and he laughed.

"How about this....You can come over to my house and we can hang out like good ole times!! My childhood house...I bought it from my parents and I live in it now." I just smiled.

"Okay...." Zacky grabbed my hand and we walked over to Brian and Jimmy, and of course, they were smirking.

"Hi..." I said to them, happier than ever. They just looked at each other, back at us, and smiled.

"Hey...." They said back.

"Um...I need to talk to Tara real quick" I said.

I pulled Zacky along. I giggled when I saw Tara making out with Matt. She quickly pulled away from him and smirked at me and Zacky. I smirked back.

I knew that everything was gonna be okay with Zacky, Brian, and Jimmy back into my life, Tara already there in my life, and of course my two new friends Matt and Johnny that were now in my life.
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You happy there's no more depression?