Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Zacky's House...

Okay so I'm sorry I made you guys wait for this chapter....I wanted to wait for more views and such, and I had to think this chapter through. I hope I can get more comments from you silent readers!! Don't be shy...xD

I waved goodbye to everyone as Zacky held my hand to take me to his house.

"Um...Tara...I'm taking my car." Tara nodded and smirked.

"Okay...have fun." She smiled at me and I blushed.

"Backatcha!!" I yelled walking with Zacky to lead him outside to the parking lot.

He looked at me and gave me a breathtaking smile and I just looked down and blushed like I did when we were kids. He always had that affect on me.

The ride to his house was silent at first, until we arrived at his place.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Of course" I smiled at him.

We got out of the car and Zacky opened the door for me. We walked to the front porch, and Zacky grabbed his key, unlocking the door.

I gasped, looking how different it was from when I last saw it.

"You like?" Zacky asked.

"Of course." I smiled back. Now that I realize it, I haven't smiled so much in one day since gratuation.

"Well let's go upstairs and watch a movie, eh?" Zee asked.

"Sure Zackybaby." I winked and I made him....blush?

Zacky led me up to his still looked the same, but things were arranged a little differently.

"Shit!" I cursed and Zacky looked at me confused.

"What's wrong Katybabe?" Zacky smirked, but then looked concerned.

"Oh....I forgot that I didn't have any clothes." Zacky laughed.

"Like good ole times, you can borrow some of my boxers and a shirt." Zacky winked which I felt my cheeks burn to a red. I grabbed a Guns N' Roses tee, and some red, plaid boxers, quickly running into the bathroom, changing.

I walked out of the bathroom and Zacky was eyeing me up and down. I put my hands on my hips in a pose.

"Like what you see?" I said energetic and Zacky laughed.

"Definately." He smirked and I blushed.

"What shall we watch, my princess?" Zacky asked, trying not to laugh.

"Would Barney be good, Sir Zachary?" Zacky laughed.

"Sorry, I had to give it back to my little cousin, and she probably gave it away, since she's all grown up now, so no luck there." I did a fake frown and Zacky laughed. God, I missed his laugh, eyes, smile, just everything about him.

"Notebook?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

He put the movie in as I climbed in the bed. Zacky walked over, pulled the sheets up and climbed in next to me.

"I missed you so much." I said in a whisper. Zacky looked down at me and smiled.

"Backatcha kiddo." Zacky playfully punched me.

I scooted closer to him, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I layed my head on his chest, taking in his scent, which I missed sooo very much. We just layed like that for a while, enjoying our favorite movie. That was until, I broke the silence.

"Zee?" I asked, taking my head off his chest, looking up at him.

"Yeah..." He said looking down at me gazing into my grayish eyes.

"Remember the last time we watched this, when Heather broke your heart?" I asked.

"Of course I remember...I was gonna tell you something the next day, but you told me you were moving...." Zacky trailed off, looking kinda sad.

"What were you gonna say?" I looked up, curiosity all over my face. Zacky sighed.

"Remember after we made the famous bet...I was about to tell you something and your mom called you in?" I layed there thinking about it for a moment.

"I will never forget that day, it was so awful...and yeah, I remember...what were u gonna say?" I asked.

"Well...." Zacky paused thinking of the right words.

"I was gonna say that I started to have feeling for you....more than a friend." My heartbeart started to beat even faster.

"Really?" Zacky nodded, blushing a bit.

"You know how I told you that I would tell you something when the time was right?" Zacky looked at me a little excited.

"Yes...." I sighed deeply.

"I was gonna tell you, that ever since I met you, I thought you were gorgeous, and that I fell soooo in love with you." I told him looking into his eyes.

"Seriously?" Zacky asked really happy, a huge grin on his beautiful face.

I nodded slowly. Zacky smirked.

"I still feel the same." I said blushing.

"Remember the kiss I gave you at the Twins game?" I blushed and Zacky asked.

"Yeah...What about it?" I asked.

"It was amazing, don't yout think?" Zacky asked. I put my finger under my chin, pretending like I was thinking.

"Umm....I remember that it was amazing, but I think I need some more reminding." I said with a smirk in a confident tone.

Zacky smirked, but leaned in, our lips meeting. The kiss was sweet and simple at first. When we pulled away, we were looking each other deep into the eyes.

I leaned in and kissed him again, but this time, it was rough, filled with passion. I felt Zacky's tounge trace across my lips and I decided to be a tease. Zacky tickled me, causing me to open my mouth. He slipped his tongue inside my mouth. We were making out and really getting into it. We pulled apart and Zacky was looking at me, gazing his stare into my eyes.

"I love you and always will." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you too." I replied pulling Zacky down for more.

Zacky was soon on top of me and we were making out-again.

Zacky slid his hand under my-well, his, shirt. He slid it off of me. Eyeing my body with googly eyes, which I giggled at. I pulled his shirt over his head, looking at his body the same way he did to mine. I traced his tatoos with my fingers.

"Wow...all tatooed up, huh?" I asked with a smirk. Zacky chuckled.

He slid my bra off of me and undid my pants. I undid his pants.

We eventually had all of our clothes off.

"I love you." I whispered to him.

"I love you too...sooo much, you don't even know, babe. Are you sure you want to do this, hun?" I moaned.

"Yes I do..." I said gazing up into his eyes. Zacky smiled slightly.

"Zack..." I trailed off.

"Uh...Yeah babe...what's wrong?" He said looked at me confused.

"Um...nothing's's just." I let out a huge breath.

"What babe..."

"Zacky....You'd be my first..." I bit my lip and blushed in embarassment.

"Oh baby...don't worry about it..." Zacky leaned forward to whisper something.

"I'll be gentle..." He whispered as it lead shivers down my spine. I gulped and I nodded.

Zacky kissed me on the forehead and I swallowed hard.

Zacky collapsed beside me after what we did. Suprisingly, the movie was still playing, but near the end. I was wrapped up in Zacky's arms, both of us sweaty.

"I love you." Zacky said looking into my eyes.

"I love you too....You don't know how miserable I was without you." Zacky moved some of my hair out of my face.

"How miserable?" Zacky said with concern all over his face. I let out a sigh.

"Ever since I left, I was depressed, kinda still am. I would cry myself to sleep. Tara got tired of me being like this, but she supported me and tried to cheer me up, but honestly, you were the only think that could." I smiled, wiping away a tear.

" wonder why she was so desperate to call me yesterday." Zacky chuckled.

"Wait...she called you?" I said with shocked eyes.

"Yeah...she wanted to talk to Zacky Baker, but she found out that I was Mr. Vengeance and she said that she would see me at the show, and that she had a friend that really needed to talk to me...I never realized it would be you." He chuckled and I laughed along with him. We put our eyes on the screen, watching the movie.

"Katybabe." Zacky said. I turned to meet his gaze,and he leaned in for a kiss, and I gladly accepted.

"Yes, hun?" I asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled widely.

"Of course." I said, the happiest I've ever been. We continued to watch the movie.

"Will you go turn the movie off?" I asked crying at the ending, when the old couple die in each other's arms. Zacky chuckled, knowing how sensitive I was.

"Yeah." Zacky got up, not minding putting on any clothes, and turned the movie off. He walked back and climbed back into bed with me.

I instantly fell asleep, against Zacky's chest, happy with my life.

I woke up to the bright sun shining through Zacky's window. I looked up at Zacky, rubbing my eyes. Zacky was sleeping peacefully, his chest moving up and down. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. Zacky's eyes fluttered open, and he smiled down at me.

"Hey..." I said smiling.

"Hey beautiful." Zacky said kissing my forehead.

"Zee..." I started in a questioning tone

"Yeah babe?" He said looking down at me.

"Promise me that you'll be by my side forever." I said looking at him worried and scared.

"In your heart babe, It's impossible to be by you if I'm on tour." I frowned.

"Unless...." Zacky started to say and I looked at him hopefully.

"You want to come along tour with us?" Zacky asked and I sighed.

"God I wish....but I have a job that I'm working my ass off for a promotion." I said sadly.

" can come live with me, I'm sure Tara won't mind." I just layed there thinking.

"I think it's too soon, plus I need to keep this job, because it helps Tara out and such." Zacky sighed.

"Okay....I love you." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too....When are you heading back and how long is the rest of the tour."

"Hun...I'm leaving tomorrow and it'll be five months."

I sighed.

"God I'm gonna miss you" I scooted closer to Zacky and kissed him on the lips.

"Breakfast?" He asked and I nodded enthusiastically. We put our clothes on and headed downstairs.

"You'll still have to bribe me for bacon." Zacky said with a smirk. I did a fake pout, crossing my arms across my chest.

"I thought I did plenty of that last night." Me and Zacky laughed.

"Fine....." Zacky rolled his eyes, laughing.

We ate our breafast together for the first time in many years.