Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Goodbyes and Interviews

Today was the day Zacky was leaving, and I just got to see him again. Ugh...I was really gonna miss him.

"Promise me you'll try to call as much as you can?" Zacky leaned down and kissed me.

"Of course, babe. I will. You know I love." Zacky moved some hair out of my eyes.

We were standing outside of his house, waiting for the guys and their large-ass bus to pull up and take my precious Zacky away.

"I love you too, God, I'm gonna miss you so much." I said wrapping my arms around Zacky's stomach and leaning my head on his chest. It was, in a way, a hug, which Zacky hugged back.

"I'm gonna miss you too hun." Zacky whispered while rubbing circles into my back. That's when the bus pulled up.

All the guys came out and greeted me with excitement.

"Hey hookaaa!!" Jimmy said pulling me into a tight hug, which of course I laughed while hugging him back.

"Okay, Pimp, get away" I said lightly pushing Jimmy back. He gave me a fake pout, which I laughed at.

Everyone else gave me hugs and what-not. Tara gave Matt a long kiss, and I did the same with Zacky. I'm pretty sure Matt offered Tara to go on tour, but she used the same excuse, since we both have the same job.

The men got onto the bus and gave us sympathetic smiles.

Me and Tara got into my car and headed back to Arizona. Which, Tara drove, and I fell asleep.

Tara shook me awake.

"Hmm?" I said looking around. I was in the car...well DUH where else would I be.

"We're home Katy...I'm guessing you had a long night last night?" Tara said with a smirk and I looked down and blushed.

We unpacked everything and I headed up to my bed. I just wanted to sleep, but my phone started to vibrate...It was Zacky.

"Hey are ya? Everything here is good, but I miss you! Are u in Arizona yet? Txt me back, so i kno ur safe. Luv ya"

I smiled back and texting back

"Yea, we just made it in...luv u 2...I'm going 2 bed...txt me 2morrow...nite"

My phone vibrated a few seconds after.

"K. Nite...I'll b dreamin of u ;]"

I laughed at that and drifted into a nice slumber. I was so happy Zacky was back in my life. It almost did seem real....almost.

I woke up the text morning. It was quiet throughout the house. I went to look for Tara, but suprisingly she wasn't anywhere to be found. I went up to the counter and she had a note there waiting for me.

Went to the store, because we really need
groceries, plus I need some other stuff....
Call if you need anything,
Tara :]"

I let out a breath and looked at the time. 1:00....I was suprised, usually I didn't sleep in that late. I shrugged it off and put on the televison. Fuse was on, and something caught my interest.

"Hello everyone!! I am Scotty from FusedTV and we're here to interview the one and only, AVENGED SEVENFOLD!!"

I saw all the guys sitting down on some couch, and I decided to text Zacky to see if he would respond.

"You look really sexy on FuseTV xP"

I turned back to the screen to see if his phone would vibrate and if Zacky would answer.

"So...How is tour going to be different this year?!" The Scotty dude said with enthusiasm. Right after he asked that, Zacky's phone vibrated and I giggled to myself. Zacky quickly looked up to the camera and smirked, texting something.

Zacky sent it while Matt and Brian answered the question.

"It will have some kick-ass solos, crowd involvement and so much more, but we can't give anything away!"

Just then my phone vibrated.

Really now? it okay if i talk about u in this interview?"

I smiled.

"Sure, but nothing to personally, k?"

"Oh, i see keeping secrets huh? What about you personally lives, if that's okay to ask." The Scotty guy said to them.

Just then Zacky got the text.

"Yeah. I have a beautiful girlfriend. We've known each other since the 6th grade, but she moved and we reunited not too long ago. I really love her." Zacky smirked. Then he waved at the camera.

"Hey babe."

I chuckled and texted him.


"Really now? So...what about then Gena? I know the fans are dying to know?

Gena? Who's Gena? I never heard of a "Gena" before? Did Zacky date a girl named Gena? He never said anything about this Gena.

Zacky looked sympathetically at the camera. He let out a huff.

"Well...." Zacky started off.

"Things weren't working out for us. She obviously moved on, so I let her go, and I moved on....I'm soooo much happier now, and I hope she is too."

"Oh....well at least you're both happy...What about the rest of ya?" Scotty asked.

Just then my phone vibrated.

"Sorry I never told you. She cheated on my about a month ago. I love you and that's all that matters. I hope you're not mad at me for not telling. Forgive me? *inserts puppy dog pouty face, that I know you can't resist*"

I laughed and texted back, as Matt was answering the question.

"I'm actually dating one of Zacky's girlfriend's friends. She's a sweetheart and I love her."

"It's okay Zackybaby....I forgive I can't resist that puppy dog face. Thanx for coming clean...luv u"

"Awww well that's sooo adorable. Well....everyone that's Avenged Sevenfold for ya! Make sure you go see them play on their tour!" Scotty announced, shaking all the guys hands. I soon got another text.

"I luv u 2...ttyl...I have meet and greets and sound-check."

Just then, Tara walked into our apartment with a bunch of groceries. I hugged her and told her what happend. She blushed when I told her what Matt said.

I was extremely glad everyone was happy, and ESPECIALLY happy that this Gena girl, moved on from Zacky.