Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Sneaky Bastard


It was September 12th. The guys left for tour on July 1st. What sucked was that this stupid stomach flu was going around our work, and I think I caught it. Damn Illness! I'm quite suprised Tara hasn't caught it yet, but I guess her immune system is stronger than mine or something.

I was sitting on my knees while throwing up in the white toilet in front of me. Damn, I fucking hate being sick!! I threw up some more and Tara walked in the bathroom, her eyes full of concern.

"Hun...You realllllly need to go to the doctor. You haven't been doing better, and maybe they can help. I'm sure you'll feel better in no time if we go!!" Tara said optimistically.

"Tara...." I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I fucking HATE the doctor!!" I complained like a little kid, which Tara laughed at.

"Come on...I already scheduled an appointment, that's why I'm home early." Tara smiled, while I huffed.

"Damn you and scheduling things!" Tara just smiled and we headed out the door. I didn't care if I looked like shit. It was just the doctor's and I wasn't trying to impress anyone.

We were at the doctor's and me and Tara were sitting on one of those soft, squooshy chairs, reading magazines.

"Um....Mrs. Katy?" I looked up, closed my magazing and set it down on the little table that was placed in front of us.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking at the receptionist.

"Your doctor is ready." She smiled at me, pointing at the door for me and Tara to go in.

"Okay....So what's been going on?" The female doctor asked.

"Um....well I think I have the stomach flu. I've been throwing up and such." I frowned, looking down at my shoes.

"How long have you been throwing up?" She said writing something down in a yellow notepad. I just thought about it.

"Since the beginning of this month...which is probably 12 days." The doctor looked at me strange and wrote some more stuff down on the notepad.

"When is the last time you've had sex?"

I dreaded the question. I started to freak out. Shit. What if...What if...I...Was Pregnant? How would Zacky react? What will the band do? How will I care for it? How will I get money enough for the both of us? How will I support Tara?

The doctor waved her hand in front of me, bringing me back from my thoughts. I shook it off.

"Um...sorry....about....2 months ago...." I looked down and the doctor smiled.

"Well, we will have you take a pregnancy test just in case. If you're not pregnant, then you might have a more severe type of flu. Hold on one sec."

The doctor walked to one of the cabinents and pulled out one of those tests. She smiled and pointed to the bathroom. I was excited, but nervous as hell. I walked into the bathroom and peed on the stick. I walked back into the room and gave it to the doctor.

"Okay...all we have to do is wait a few minutes and then we'll know." The doctor said enthusiastically. Tara just looked at me excited.

"So....that's why you WERE so tired on the way home!" She smirked and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Uh...yeah..." I blushed. I just looked at my shoelaces thinking to myself. Mostly, thinking about Zacky and our childhood. All the good times we shared...ESPECIALLY then night we spent together, 2 months ago.

"Okay...." The doctor broke the silence.

"You are indeed pregnant Katy!" The doctor said with joy, jumping up and down with Tara.

I just blushed majorly and smiled.

Me and Tara walked out of the doctor's and headed back to our little apartment. I was so happy. All I had to do was tell Zacky. would he react? We just started to date!! Would he leave? Would this affect the band? How could I tell Zacky? I started to cry and Tara pulled up our driveway.

"Sweetie...what's wrong?" She said patting me on the back, looking concerned.

"Za-Za-Zacky! What will he think?!" I half-yelled letting more tears fall. Tara just laughed.

"Hun....I know Zacky will stick by your side. He loves you. Katy...You have NOTHING to worry about. Just calm down. We can call him or go see him play, if you want." I wiped away my tears. I loved having Tara here for me. She was such a great friend. She would always support me, even if what I did wasn't right, or something in that matter.

"Can we go see him....without him knowing? like sneek....We can talk to Jimmy to get us tickets and backstage passes..." I said and Tara squealed.

"That's a great idea!!" She smiled and I returned it.

"It's settled then....I'll call Jimbo right now."

Me and Tara stepped out of the car and we headed inside. I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed, pulling out my phone. I dialed Jimmy's number. It rang three times, and Jimmy picked up.

"Hello!!" He said out of breath. I chuckled.

"Hey's me...Katy." Jimmy laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Matt, Goddamn!! Hey I got a phone call." I heard Jimmy walking into a quieter area than he was before.

"Sorry...We just got back from soundcheck and Matt is being a dumbass....whatcha need sweetheart?" I laughed a bit and then let out a breath.

"Jimmy...When and where are you guys playing next?" I asked nervously.

"Uh...Michigan....Tomorrow night starting at eight, but the next day....what's wrong?" I nervously laughed....avoiding THAT subject.

"Oh okay...well me and Tara need backstage passes....but you CAN NOT tell anyone...ESPECIALLY Zacky!" I said in all seriousness.

"But..but...I thought you guys weren't gonna go on tour with us?" Jimmy sounded confused.

"We're not going on tour with you guys...but something kiiiiiiinda came up, and I reallllllly need to talk to Zee about person." I said, crossing my fingers that he wouldn't question me about it.

"Oh okay....well I'll send them your way. I already know your address and such." He declared.

"Okay. I guess we'll see you then! Dont' forget....You CAN NOT tell anyone. It's a secret, so shhhhh" I said. Jimmy laughed.

"Okay I know....just because I act like a little kid most of the time, doesn't mean I can't keep secrets. Love you kiddo....I guess I'll see ya....bye." Jimmy replied and I laughed.

"Okay bye..." I hung up the phone. This was gonna be very intersting.

I couldn't sleep much that night. I kept having nightmares of what Zacky would do after I told him. It literally scared the shit out of me. I was so nervous, but anxious.

I woke up and headed outside to check our mail. There was two backstage passes, and four plane tickets....2 to Michigan, and 2 back. Wow....Jimmy WAS a sneaky little bastard. I chuckled to myself and headed inside.

I headed into Tara's bedroom and shook her awake.

"Come on, we have a plane to catch. We're gonna see them play tonight...and I'm gonna tell Zacky" I smirked.

Tara quickly got up. We both got dressed and such. We had a mini little breakfast and headed off to the airport. The drive there was silent. I knew we were both anxious. I was soooo nervous. The time went by so fast we were boarding on the plane. I fell asleep on the plane and had another nightmares.

Tara shook me awake.

"Katy...we're in Michigan. Get your lazy pregnant ass up!" She smirked at me. I stretched and sat up. We checked the timing.


We had enough time to get to the area where they were playing. Perfect. They were already onstage.

Doug, the security guard, was one of my friends. He was a huge black guy, but he was a sweetheart. I know he would do anything for me, just like the guys.

"Katy!!" He said excitedly, pulling me into a small hug.

"Hey Doug! I missed you!" I said happy.

"Damn...what brings you here? I thought you guys weren't going on tour with the boys!" He questioned.

"Um...." I started.

"We're not....I really have to talk to Zacky, though." I looked down and blushed.

"Okay...well I still have to see your passes." He smirked.

"Okay..." Me and Tara flashed him our passes, and he led us backstage. We watched as close as we could, without any of them seeing us. Just in case they would look over to the side stage. I was soooo happy to see Zacky play. It always got me excited.

They played their last song, and I got really nervous. Me and Tara hid behind the couch, waiting for them to come back stage, that way we could suprise/scare them.

Sure enough, they came out, one by one, off the stage. Once they were all in the room, me and Tara started to count to three.

"One..." Tara said looking at me.

"Two..." I said smiling.

"Three..." We both whisper-shouted and jumped out.

The look on the guys's faces was priceless. Jimmy and Matt came running to us and hugging us tightly.

"Thanx Jimbo" I whispered and he smiled. He saw the nervous look in my face and his smiled dropped.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I need to talk to Zacky...I'll explain later." I kissed Jimmy's cheek and Zacky came running up to me.

"Oh my god!! Baby I missed you soooo much!" Zacky pulled me into a tight hug and I got nervous....mainly for the baby. I pushed Zacky back a bit.

"Woh...calm down tiger. You're gonna kill me..." I laughed nervously.

And our child....

"Sorry babe...I just missed you." Zacky leaned down and kissed me, to which I kissed back. I looked up at him nervously.

"Zee....the reason I came here was to talk to you about something...." I looked down and blushed.

"What's wrong?" He said looking into my eyes, searching for someting. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the VIP Room. It was really quiet in there with sound-proof walls. 'I wonder what they use this room for!' (hint sarcasm)

Me and Zacky sat on the couch and I took Zacky's hand in mine. I looked at him more nervous than ever.


"Wait...You're not breaking up with me are you?" He asked with a mixture of anger and sadness on his face.

"No...." I started to cry and quickly wiped the tears away.

"But...You might not want to be with me after I tell you." I said, trying to keep my cool as best as I could. Zacky looked at me and gave me a hint to continue on.

"I thought I had the flu...remember me telling you that over the phone?" Zacky gulped and nodded nervously.

"Well....I don't have the flu...." The tears started to fall more frequently.

"Do you have an STD or something?" Zacky asked concerned. I chuckled lightly.

"Zacky...I-I-I'm pregnant...." I looked down at the floor and I cried into my hands. Zacky pulled me into his arms.

"Baby....I would never leave you. I'm soooo happy right now!! I'm gonna be a daddy!!" He said excited, jumping up and down. I laughed and he wiped the rest of the tears away.

We headed out of the VIP Room and I told everyone. They were all excited, but worried about the rest of the tour.

"'s fine....You'll be back when I'm five months...finish the tour....everything will be fine." I paused.

"Oh...and me and Tara are gonna quit our jobs." I smirked.

"But...we aren't gonna finish up the tour with you guys...sorry" Tara broke in.

"Why the hell not?" Jimmy said pouting.

"Yeah why..." Zacky asked.

"I need to be there for you Katybabe..." Zacky smirked and I smirked back. Me and Tara looked at each other.

"We'll thank about it."
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