Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Two Months

I did want to finish the tour with Zacky and bring Tara along with me, but I just couldn't. I had to think about Zacky before myself. I know I might sound like a dumbass, but I don't want him to lose focus on his tour, and take care of me. I didn't even had a baby bump yet, and Zacky would be back in time for when I have an appointment for the gender. It was gonna be hard without Zacky, but I just had to stay home.

"Love you" I said looking into Zacky's eyes. He put his hands gently on my stomach.

"I love you and our baby." I smiled OUR baby. I gave him a long, passionate kiss.

"Okay kids, break it up." Tara said. I smiled at Zacky.

"See you in three months" I said flashing one last smile, and stealing one more kiss from Zacky.

"Bye." He said simply, but with sadness.

As I was walking away Zacky shouted something.

"WAIT!!" Zacky ran to up to me.

"When is your next appointment, maybe I can make it." I smiled.

"Hun...don't worry about it. You'll be back in time for the gender." Zacky's eyes lit up.

"I will?" He questioned, a little out of breath. I nodded.

"K. Um...Love you, babe." He said, giving me one last kiss.

"You too. See ya." I kissed back.

Back From Michigan (In Arizona)
"Being pregnant sucks" You mumbled out to Tara. She just patted you on the back.

"I'm sooooooo glad I'm not you right now." She chuckled. I gave her an evil look.

"You will end up like me if you are in a private room with Matt all the time" I gave her a wink and she blushed.

"Okay...You got me there....but still....I'm not the moody, lazy, and fat lady" She gave me a smirk to which I laughed.

"Yeah, but you have to take car of the moody, lazy, and fat lady when her man isn't around" I gave her a wink and she gave me a fake pout.

"Damn you!! Why do you have to be right!!??" I chuckled.

"I just have to" I smiled.

1 Month Later
"Bring me some fucking chocolate ice cream!!" I shouted, laying lazily on my bed.

"Damn laziness!!" Tara said seconds later while throwing the ice cream carton at me.

"Bitch" I muttered to myself, but Tara caught on to.

"You're sooo right. I'm Beautiful, Intellegent That Causes Hard-ons!!" Tara chuckled. I covered my face with a pillow.

"Ewwww! Nastiness!!! I didn't want to know about you and Matt!!" I shouted, sounding disgusted. To which, Tara laughed.

Just then your phone vibrated.

"2 months....."

I smiled at the text that Zacky sent me.

"Yeah...& then u'll have 2 deal with my bitchinessssss xD"

I laughed at myself, as Tara left the room. I then grabbed the spoon that Tara brought me, and started to dish out, that my horomones were bugging me to eat.

"I guess I'll have 2 have a longer tour then ;}" I laughed at Zacky's funny smiley face.

"I'll still b bitchy wen u come back ;}' "

I dished out some more of the ice cream, and then Zacky replied.

"I guess I'm never coming home, then xP' "

"You know you can't resist" I replied, which I imagined Zacky laughing at.

"Damn...You got me there...Hey well I have 2 go. I have a radio interview here in Chicago. Love you Katybabe :]"

"Love you too....can't wait 2 c u in 2 months"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating...been busy....I love u all! Thanx for the comments!