Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


We just got at the resturant. I was seated by Zacky. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Love you." I said looking into his eyes. He smiled and looked down at me.

"You too sweetheart." He replied kissing the top of my head. I was really hoping tonight would go well. I mean...A nice dinner with my friends and boyfriend.

Boy....was I wrong. Everything was going perfectly fine, until our waitress came.

"Hi...I'm your waitress for the night what would you like to drink." She said in a preppy voice. She then looked up from her notebook and gulped. I didn't understand what was going on until I read her nametag..."Gena"

"Uh...Hi..." She said akwardly. Zacky looked down, and pulled his hands through his hair. Gena looked down at my pregnant belly and sneared. I rolled my eyes.

"I would like a Budlight." Jimmy said breaking the akward silence. Gena wrote it down in her notepad. Gena smirked.

"Zachary...would you like a Jack Daniels?" She smiled at him. He looked at me.

" Dr. Pepper would be fine, but uh, thanks anyway." She frowned and wrote that down.

"Coke for two." Brian said pointing to him and Matt. Gena wrote that down to.

"Uh...I'll have a Budweiser." Johnny said, as Gena continued to write in her notepad.

"Um...I'll have a Diet Dr. Pepper." I said polietly, trying not to lose my cool. She rolled her eyes, but wrote it down anyway.

"I'll be right with you." She said walking away.

"Well....That was akward...." Matt said. I shook my head and looked at Zack.

"Hun....what happened between you two?" I asked with curiousity burning in my eyes.

"She cheated on me numerous of times, and I got tired of her bitching all the time and being a slacker. All she wanted was my money and shit." I looked at him with sympathy.

I leaned in and gave him a long, passionate kiss, but it was broke up when I heard a cough. I pulled away and looked up to see Gena with our drinks. I smiled as she handed us our drinks. She gave me a death glare. Just for that, I gave Zacky another kiss right in front of her. Zacky just smirked. After handing all of us our drinks, Gena stomped away. Everyone at the table just laughed.

"Honestly...All of us never liked her." Johnny said, to which everyone else, but Zacky nodded.

"I thought you could of done a lot better when we first met her." Matt said.

"Yeah...I'm just glad that I have Katy now." Zacky smirked at me, and I gave him a kiss.
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Filler Much?? I kno, but at least I updated :D

Comments are well appreciated and keep me motivated to update!!