Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


We walked into their house which I'm so familar with. I've never spent the night though, so this would be new. I didn't really know what to expect. I knew it would be akward, since I guess it's obvious that i like him.

Zacky led me up to his bedroom. I was screaming in my head. I was so nervous. Although we've been friends, there are secrets that I've kept from him. Not just from him, but from my family, and from my other friends. Can I trust Zacky? I think I can. I know I'm gonna tell him.

"Um, the bathroom is throught that door, you know. You can change in there if you want" Zacky said nervously. Wait, he was nervous? That just made my heart skip an extra beat.

I went into the bathroom and changed into my Guns N' Roses pants and Misfits shirt. They are my two favorite bands. Well, I brushed my hair and tried to look the best I could, even if I was about to go to bed. But not go to bed with anyone, this was Zacky.

I came out of the bathroom and Zacky was already changed. He had a Misfits shirt on and Joe Boxers on. I tried my best not to stare, but he looked so hot. Zacky crawled into bed and smiled at me.

"Come on. I don't bite" I then couldn't help it.

I just smirked and blushed as I walked over to the bed. I pulled the cover up and crawled right beside him. There was an akward silence, Until my phone went off. I got a text from my mom.

"Hey hun. Next week will be our vacation weekend. I have planned 2 go 2 Minnesota in that ole cabin we always go 2, but this year we're also gonna go to a Twins game. I kno you sed Zacky liked them, so maybe he can tag along. Love ya!"

I smirked and looked over at Zacky.

"What?!" Zacky exclaimed. I just laughed.

"I'll explain later. Hold on." I texted my mom back.

"I'll tell him 2morrow. love ya 2"

I quickly sent the text and turned my phone off. Zacky then turned and looked at me. We were face to face. I started to breath really heavy. So heavy, it was starting to happen. I gasped for air. All I remember is Zacky waving at me and yelling. He was shaking me. Trying to shake me back to existence.

Beep.....Beep.....Beep. I opened my eyes and saw a crying Zacky.

"Zack" is all I could get out.

"Katy! You're okay!" Zacky rushed over to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry" I said. Zacky just looked at me with sympethetic eyes.

"Sorry....for what? Having a panic attack. Katy it's okay. You know it's not the first time this has happened. You're okay" He gently stroked my hair. Yes. I have a history of panic attacks and Zacky has witnessed most of them. This was the worst one, though.

"Katy." Zacky softly said. "they're gonna let you out today. It's like 1:00 in the morning. Can you handle coming back home with me?" I looked at Zacky and smiled.

"Yes. I think I'll be fine." Zacky smiled back at me and his mom drove us back to their house.

We headed back up to the bedroom and crawled into bed. This time, Zacky scooted really close to me. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't worry I will protect you." My breathing was steady, but my heart was thumping hard against my chest.

"Just fall asleep. You'll be okay." I slowly shut my eyes and quickly drifted to sleep. Now I know I can tell Zacky my past secrets.