Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead

Friends Forever

today was the day that we were leaving and I was pumped....exept when I saw her. It made me sick to my stomach to see her...I think she was purposely tormenting me by saying goodbye to Zacky in front of me...She must read minds or something because she kept eyeing me and such.

"Umm...hi....Where's Zacky? I kinda need to say goodbye to him." She said in her snooty voice...I couldn't stand her, and I bet she knew it. I gave her a smug and fake smile.

"He'll be out in awhile...He's getting his bags" I had no choice, but to be nice to her.

Zacky came out with a few of his bags. He set them down on the ground near the back of the car. He then walked over to Heather and gave her a long kiss on the lips. I literally couldn't take this so I looked away looking for a distraction. Heather knew definately how I felt because she kept looking over to see if I was looking and smiled. I wanted to wipe that smile off her face so bad, but they pulled apart. Thank God.

Heather gave Zacky one last hug and my mom came outside.

"You guys ready to go? Oh hi Heather!!"

Ugh. My mom LOVED Heather...and she wanted us to be friends...yeah right.

"Ready mom....let's go" I said getting a little impatient. I was sooo ready to get ready away from that slut who is Zacky's girl. God.

"Hi" Heather said a little too cheerfully fake.

"Bye hun....I love you" Zacky said to Heather. That made my heart sink. I NEVER wanted to hear those words come out of his mouth, unless he was talking to me.

"Love you too Zachary." Heather said looking more at me than Zacky...did I mention I hated her?? Maybe I didn't...Oh well. (Haha-gotta love sarcasm! xD)

We headed off to a long journey to was gonna be a long drive, but at least I had Zacky. It would take like 10 hours to get there (I don't know what the real distance would be)

I was sooo excited about the trip that I didn't get much sleep last night. I was starting to feel my eyes get heavy. I guess Zacky saw how tired I was, because he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. Why does he have to torture me without knowing? I soon fell asleep and didn't wake up til our arrival. Before I woke up, I heard my mom laugh. I drifted my eyes opened and saw Zacky sleeping too, but with the funniest face expression. I chuckled lightly and I shook his lightly to awake him.

"Hey" I said as I saw him open his eyes. He then smiled and stretched.

"Hi" he replied with a smug look on his face.

We got out of the car and got our bags to carry to the cabin. The weather was very cold compared to So Cal. We hurried to get inside and we were all shivering.

"I'll make some hot cocoa for all of us, k?" My mom offered

"YAY" Me and Zacky replied in unison. Twin moment? Definately made for each other.

We heard the "ding" from the microwave and rushed to get our cocoa....that was hot.

It was soon time for bed and I lead Zacky up to our room....yes our room with our bags in our hands. We also had our own bed. There was only one. Plus it's cold, so I think there will be some cuddling ;)

" your bags down somewhere and I guess you can change to your jammers if u want." I let out a light chuckle. "The bathroom is lead through that door." I pointed. Zacky smiled at that. Okay. I'll go changed. While he changed in the bathroom I changed in our room...did u know it was OUR room?

Zacky soon came in and we got into the bed. I was just thinking about telling him, but of course I'm too chicken shit to do that. I just didn't know what to do. I know it would be sooo akward if I did. My thoughts interrupted when Zacky shuffled a bit and turned to face me.

"Whatcha thinking Katybabe?" I smiled lightly

"Umm...I was thinking about telling you, but I don't know."

Zacky just looked at me and gave me a signal to continue on. I gave a worried face. Should I tell him the truth?

"Umm...i just...I-"

"Hey, don't worry about it okay." Zacky smiled a little.

I let out a huge breath.

"Thanks." I then started to shiver. I was really cold. Zacky gave me a worried expression.

"Katy....are you cold? Or are you having a panic attack?"

"Oh sorry to worry you....I'm just cold." Zacky chuckled and pulled me into his arms. I layed my head on his chest.


"Uh, yeah"

"Will we be friends forever?"

"Of course...I will always remember you and keep you in my heart no matter what happens."

I smiled, and I fell asleep in my best friend's arms....the one that I secretly was in love with.
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So I'm gonna try my best to update SUSCRIBE AND COMMENT!! <3