Status: AwEsOmEnEsS!i!i!

Long Journey Ahead


Go Twins!

I woke up this morning next to Zacky, but he was awake smiling at me.

"Hey beautiful" he said

"Huh?" I said barely awake.

Zacky chuckled lightly.

"Come on get up...I'm so excited to see the Twins play."

I gigled a little and got up.

"Something smells soooo good."

"It's me" Zacky laughed

"Ha sure...." I smirked

"Nah it's your mom's good cooking....If you want more bacon, you'll have to either steal some from me, or bribe more for some."

I acted like I was thinking.

"I think I'll just bribe you."

Zacky then smirked at my comment.

We headed downstairs for our awaiting delicous breakfast. It was reallllly good. My mom was a really good cook and Zacky agreed by stuffing his face with bacon and eggs. I just chuckled at thecsight.

After I was done eating I headed upstairs to shower. I stepped out of the shower and I heard the door open. I quickly grabbed a towel to cover myself was Zacky.

"Holy shit!! I'm sooo sorry." Zacky said covering his eyes. I wrapped the towel more around me.

"It's okay....Um....what do u need? You can open your eyes...I'm covered."

Zacky opened his eyes and I chuckled. I need to brush my teeth. I just laughed.

"Okay...well can you wait until I'm done getting dressed?"

"yeah...." Zacky left while blushing with embarrassement as I just laughed. I really didn't mind if he saw me naked. *wink wink*

A few moments later I was dressed with a Twins shirt on and some skinny jeans.

"Okay go and brush your teeth Mr. Curious Zackybabayyyyy"

Zacky just blushed and laughed at my comment.

Before long, me, my mom, and Zacky were at the baseball line of getting tickets. There was some dude trying to get money for tickets, playing guitar to earn money. Zacky looked over their just thinking.

"Curious? Like this morning?" I said to Zacky.

"Actually I am...come with me real quick?"

"I'd love too."

I walked with Zacky over to the guitarist.

" you think I can borrow your guitar for a sec?" Zacky asked. I was just amused.

"Yeah, sure dude."

The guy handed over the guitar to Zacky. Zacky started to play "Cyanide" by Metallica. Before long, a whole group of people were gathered around him. I was so excited. Everyone was cheering for him. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. The crowd started yelling "One more! One more!"

"Okay, you guys...." Zacky pulled me over towards him.

"What song should I play?" Zacky said looking at me

"Play some Pantera" I whispered into his ear.

Zacky nodded and scooted over. He patted the seat beside him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Have any of you heard of a band called Pantera?"

Most of the crowd went wild.

"Okay then...Pantera it is."

Zacky then broke out to "Walk" by Pantera....which everyone sang along to. Then Zacky gave the guitar back to the original guy, and the dude was commenting on his guitar skills. Then some girls started coming up to Zacky and were all over him.

He mouthed my name to him and signaled for me to come over there.

"Girls, girls, girls....this is my girlfriend....I know you all want me, but I'm happy and in love." I just gave a weird look and Zacky nudged me and mouthed "Play along"

"Yeah girls, I'm happily in love with Zacky." I didn't lie at all and I said it like I meant it,
which I did.

"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!!" Everyone chanted at us over and over again.

Zacky pulled me up against him and leaned down and gave me a very romantic and rough kiss. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. We broke apart and I nearly stumbled backwards, if it wasn't for Zacky's hands around my waist.

"There you guys let me and my girl get to watching baseball!" Me and Zacky rushed away from the crowd.

"Whew....thank know how I don't like to be around a huge crowd by myself."

"Uhh...yeah..." I said a little uncomfortable

We found my mom near the gate, waiting. We walked inside and found our seats in the stands. The Twins were playing against The Braves. It was funny to watch Zacky's reactions whenever there was a bad play against our team, I would just giggle every time. In the middle of the game, me and Zacky were getting hungry.

"Wanna go to concessions?" Zacky asked

"Yeah....Mom, we're gonna go to concessions real quick....want anything?"

"No sweetheart...he's $20" my mom replied

"Thanks mom"

Me and Zacky walked to the concession stand. There was a cute boy
standing there with pretty blue eyes. He looked about around my age.

"What would you like to eat?'' He asked politely, but I kinda noticed he was checking me out. I bit my lip and looked at Zacky. He apparently noticed the guy was checking me out and didn't seem to like it.

"Well, I'll have what you can't have, my lady right here, and a hotdog with a Dr. Pepper.''

I just couldn't help, but smile and blushe when he stood up for me. Was he.....jealous? Was this really happening? The concession stand guy looked shocked and taken back of what Zacky had said.

''I'll have a cheesebuger and a Mountain Dew.'' I said winking at the worker, who smiled when I did. Zacky looked even more frusterated and I just couldn't help it. I never saw this side of him and he really looked like he was gonna be the shit out of the dude. I just laughed and they both stared at me in confusion. The concession guy got me and Zacky's food, which we walked away, Zacky still looked frusterated.

All in all, the day was great. The Twins end up winning....the score being 24:18. It was a close game, but me and Zacky were happy that our team won. We were sitting in the car, riding back to the cabin.

"I'm gonna tell him a secret nobody knows, but myself tonight" is all I thought to myself
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Another update...YAY!! Don't u guys just love mehh?
Of course you do xP